
Bart Simpson: Attorney at law

Seventeen years in the future Bart Simpson, now a successful attorney in East Springfield. He has everything, and is happy. That is going to be a challenge when some woman re-enter his life Bart Simpson X Alex Whitney I found this story on FanFiction.net and I wanted to share the story with everyone. I know there is not any Simpson fanfic on webnovel so I decided to show you the story that I like. The Author for this FanFiction.NET is called Quick-n-Popular

TimNinja2002 · TV
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20 Chs

Chapter 7: Warnings

Lisa Simpson decided half an hour ago to go looking for Alex. The Reunion had ended a while before and Alex was nowhere to be seen in the car. She wasn't really worried; she was told that Alex had been walking with Bart, which was what Lisa was hoping for. She told Bart she actually liked the idea of the two of them and that he should try some Alcha-non meetings to show Alex that he was going to change, not only for himself but for her as well. Walking down the pier, she finally found them. Sitting at the end of the dock, side by side, watching the moon cast its silvery shadow across Springfield's polluted waterfront.

Lisa smiled.

So, everything is turning out well, for a change.

Lisa sat down on a bench, deciding to wait a little longer until announcing her presence.

Watching her brother and Alex, however, made her feel a little envious. Wishing that she had someone.

Her dire thoughts were interrupted when she saw a cab pull up, near the docks and the window roll down. She couldn't see the face, but it was apparent, whoever it was, was watching her brother and Alex.

Lisa was thinking of walking up to it and seeing who had much interest in the two but the window rolled up and the taxi quickly departed.

Chapter Seven: Warnings

Bart Simpson awoke the next day with restored vigor. The night before had been perfect. Not only was he able to tell Alex how he felt about her but it turned out that those feeling were reciprocated. Getting dressed, he felt, though, that there was something else he needed to do, something imperative.

He was startled as his phone rang. He answered it.


The other voice was muffled. "Hello, Bart Simpson."

Bart sat down at the table and pulled out a pen and paper to record this conversation so he could talk about it with the police later.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"That's not important. I know who you are, Bart. I know who you were with at the waterfront. Stay away from her. This is your only warning."

Before Bart could reply the caller hung up.

Alex was at breakfast microwaving a veggie-burrito when the phone rang.

"Hello, Simpson's residence," Alex answered.

She heard breathing on the other end but no voice.

"Hello?" She tried again.

"Hello, Alex Whitney."

Alex was taken aback by the muffled voice.

"Who is this?"

"That's not important. You listen and you listen well, stay away from Bart Simpson. If you don't, well, use your imagination on what might happen."

Alex glared, "Hey, I don't like being threatened. Back off."

She then slammed the phone on its holder.

Lisa came into the kitchen, adjusting her bathrobe, and yawning.

"What's all the noise, Alex?"

Alex sighed, "Some crank call warning me to stay away from your brother."

Lisa's eyes went wide. "What?"

Alex laughed, "I've had the same bogus, trying-to-scare-the-crap-out-of-you, kind of situations back in L.A. Believe me, Lise, it's nothing to worry about."

Lisa didn't look totally convinced. From the person in the cab spying on Alex and Bart last night to this phone call, Lisa was worried.

"Maybe we should call Police Chief Lou about this."

Alex shook her head, "Lisa, it's not worth it. I mean, c'mon, this is probably some jerk from the Reunion who's pulling a prank on us. You remember those crank calls we got when we were in High School."

Lisa sighed in agreement.

The two of them never discussed the topic again that afternoon.

The two had spent the morning and the early part of the afternoon at Alex's new building cleaning out the place. Alex had already hired some seamstresses and some low-maintenance workers but there was something else she needed.

"A name. This place needs a name. Something catchy, yet, sophisticated."

Lisa and Alex had taken a break from working and were getting coffee at Moe's.

"How about 'Alex Whitney's Catwalk'?"

Alex shook her head, "No, nothing with my name on it."

The two looked at their coffee while thinking.

Alex started humming, softly.

"What's that?" Lisa asked.

Alex smiled, "When I was with your brother on the pier, he was humming "Through Glass" by Stone Sour. It's kind of silly but it's stuck in my mind."

Lisa smiled, "I guess you two really hit it off last night."

Alex nodded, "I know he's your brother, and my feelings about what he did in the past notwithstanding; I have to tell you, Lise, he's perfect. I really haven't felt this way before about a guy. Not even Jeramy, Douglas, Evan, or any of the other guys I've dated in the past could compete with your brother."

Lisa shook her head in awe. "Wow."

"I know. The fact he feels the same about me is even more incredible. I really don't know how this happened. I just expected to come back to Springfield and open a dress shop."

Neither did Lisa.

Bart was sitting at Café de Jimbo's when Gina finally arrived. He had debated about still meeting with Gina after he had that night with Alex. Wrestling with the pros and cons of him meeting his ex today, Bart finally settled on the fact that Gina was a big part of his life, one that he'd like to have in it still.

The two had ordered their meals and were talking about the various things that were happening, and all was going well until Gina asked Bart something he had hoped she wouldn't.

"So, are you seeing anybody?"

Bart sighed and nodded.

Gina grinned, she had always liked it when she could make him nervous.


Bart put down his napkin and leaned back in his chair.

"I know you're going to make fun of me when I tell you."

Gina smirked, "I would never do that. C'mon, tell me who it is."

Bart leaned forward and in a low tone said, "Alex Whitney."

Gina's eyes went wide, "Fashion Queen? Wow, Bart, I never would have guessed."

For some reason, maybe it was just Bart, but it looked to him as though Gina wasn't really all that surprised. More likely that she wanted him to announce it so she could dispel some disbelief on her part. Bart ignored it, for now, and in turn, gave her a mischievous grin.

"How about you? Anyone rocking your world, right now?"

Gina shook her head, "No. I've decided to hold off dating anyone until I can get my anger in check. My therapist says I'm doing great but that last one said the same thing and, well, you know what happened."

Bart gloomily nodded. This part of the conversation was one he was hoping to avoid. Rehashing the past, especially his with Gina was something Bart was trying to avoid more and more.

The two went on to more, happier, topics when their orders came.

Maggie Simpson went to the Springfield Y.M.C.A to pick up her check and was about to leave when she overheard a certain person.

"With Fashion Queen? Are you sure, Jessica?"

Maggie could hear Sherri and Terri asking her in disbelief.

Jessica nodded, "Who is this woman, anyway?"

Sherri had a grin that spread across her face, "She's a fashion-obsessed little wimp that was friends with Bart's sister Lisa. They were the ones we had the pleasure of making life hell for back in High School."

Jessica thought for a moment and then asked, "What's she doing back in Springfield?"

Terri shrugged, "I heard from my dad that she bought an office building and was planning on turning it into a dress shop, but no one really knows. A lot of people heard she went to Los Angeles to work for some big Hollywood studio. It's kind of weird her showing up back the same day you do, huh?"

Jessica turned away, "Maybe not. All I know is that miss Fashion Queen is going to have to fight if she thinks she'll be able to take Bart Simpson away from me; and I know I'm not prepared to let him go."

Sherri giggled, "Gee, Jessica, what are you going to do?"

Jessica gave a malicious grin, "Oh, nothing much. Just a small warning."

Later that evening Bart was out walking with Alex inside her new building.

"Wow, Alex, I can't believe you got this for such a great price. I guess I'm going to have to double my efforts in Laura's paternity case, just to make it up for her."

Alex grinned, "I guess you might have to, I was more surprised than you were seeing how great of structure this building's in, considering of all the recent fires that have been happening in this part of town since the last twenty years."

Bart nodded.

The two walked to the top of the building and went to a door that was off to the right. Going through the door revealed that it was the head office and behind the moldy desk was a window that overlooked the town.

Bart and Alex walked to it and peered out at the city scope. All of the buildings in the area either had their red lights shining above the building, to warn off low-flying planes. Or their windows were lit with people who were still working late.

Bart sighed a happy sigh, "This town is always alive no matter what time of day."

Alex started at Bart in wonder. This man was so different than the one he was seventeen years ago when she had first met him. Lisa had told her that the late Frank Gelwood was the person who changed Bart Simpson forever. Well, maybe not forever. Bart still had the boyish chagrin that still made him Bart Simpson.

Alex felt him take her hand into his and squeeze gently.

She smiled. Coming back to Springfield has been the best choice she's made in a long time.

Bart suddenly took a look at his watch and then he stiffened.

"Aw, crap! I was supposed to meet Milhouse back at the apartment half an hour ago. Alex, I'm sorry, but I need to jet. Can I meet you tomorrow for breakfast?"

Alex nodded.

Bart was about to leave, but turned back and gave Alex a deep kiss.

Alex blushed but pushed him away, laughing.

"Go, you need to get there."

Bart smiled and left.

Milhouse Van Houten had gotten to Bart's apartment forty minutes ago and when he did he blacked out. Now, waking in what appeared to be Bart's closet, Milhouse found himself tied up and gagged. He couldn't move but he noticed there was a crack in the doorway of the closet. He watched as Bart entered his apartment, and the door was opened.

"Yo, Milhouse. You in here?" He called.

Fearing for his friend's safety, Milhouse desperately called out muffled warnings. But, to no avail.

Bart walked into the kitchen and laid his keys on the table only to jerk around.

"Who are you, how'd you get in!" Bart said, to someone Milhouse couldn't see.

"I gave you a warning Bart Simpson. You should have heeded it."

Milhouse watched in horror as the second man came behind Bart and hit him on the head with a tire iron.

Bart's last word was "D'oh!" as he landed on the floor.

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