
Chapter 1 > Cut

Dear, diary.1

Life was unfair. It was all I could think of before I met him. Being a teenager was the hardest for me, seeing people at my age enjoy being one, I envied them. But then He came and showed me how being a teenager was the best part of a person's life. 

Chapter 1

Staring at the window, I can't help but to think.. When will we go home?! I'm so bored…

"Omg! HIH Volume 3 is out in the comic store!!" Mara's loud voice ringed on the whole classroom, I stood up and smiled.

This is what I've been waiting for! I must be the first one to get it!

Even though we still have one class left, I ran away with my bag. Ignoring everyone who's stopping me, not even the guard.

I ran as fast as I could just to get to the bookstore! I saved up all my money just so I could buy this book, just to complete my collection. I can't let anyone steal this from me!

Panting, I arrived in front of the bookstore, no one's here yet. Nice! I gladly opened the door with a big smile on my face.

"Mister! Mr.chu?" I looked around at the bookstore. Eh? No one's here yet? Not even the owner?

"Hello? Mr.chu.." I looked around and He wasn't in the counter "Geez… where is He?" I said as I started to walk through the book shelves, I looked at the back and all the places that I could.

Not seeing Him anywhere I assume that He must be in the staff room so I made my way there, I'm a regular here so Mr.chu and I sort of became best friends. He even told me to be comfortable here and just go to the staff room if I can't see him.

"Right he's there" I continued walking towards the staff room. "Mr.chu..I'm here for the new launch of HIH.." I said as I opened the door to the staff room.

"Mr.."  I eventually stopped when I didn't see Mr.chu! Instead I saw a man in His 20's (I guess.)

He seemed shocked to see me and I was schocked too!

"H-hi?" I nervously greeted Him

The shocked look eventually passed and He looked serious now, Gosh an I in trouble?

"Kid, what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here.." He looked at me from head to toe.

"I'm here for..for the HIH volume 3." I replied

He looked suspicious about me, and just nodded.

"That doesn't explain why you're here at the STAFF ROOM" He really highlighted the word STAFF ROOM.

I'm really nervous right now that He looks like he's about to beat my ass out!

"Uhh.. I'm close with the owner, so I thought Mr.chu will be here." I explained.

When He heard that I was close with Mr.chu the suspicious look in His face disappeared.

"Well, He's not here. And.." He looked at his wrist watch to probably check the time "A student like you shouldn't be here at this time. Have you cut classes?" 

I smiled nervously and think of a reason..

Think… think Nalyn… early out! That's it!

"No. It's early out!  All of the students LIKE ME have got an early out for some reasons.."  I smiled nervously, I must look really dumb right now!

"Nice one child, but if everyone of you had an early out, the store would be really full by now. Yet it's just you" he laughed

Grr, I'm such a bad liar.

"Okay fine, but I swear! I did not cut classes" I lied again

"Because you ran away?" He sarcastically asked. 

Damn it! How did he know? 

"Okay, fine.. can I just have the copy?" I surrendered

"It's 200$ are you sure you have the money?" He said

"Of course.." I smiled

"Get out of here first, child." He laughed

Dang it! Why is He calling me a chils I'm not 15!

"Stop calling me a child! I'm barely 18.." I protested 

"Yeah, and I'm barely 23 so you're a child to me." He laughed sarcastically 

What a great way to introduce himself.

"And also with that height.. you're good enough to pass as my child." I swear! He had the biggest smile on His face. What a jerk!

I rolled my eyes and got out of the staff room and waited at the counter until He came.

"Next time don't cut classes just to buy these books.." He said while he's packing the book

"Yeah.. by the way are you new here? It's my first time seeing you here" 

"Mm. Mr.chu is not feeling really well these days so He decided to hire a part timer since He's resting during the day." He explained.

Ah. That's why. I wonder how Mr.chu is now.

"Here, go home now and do your homeworks before reading this." He said while handing me the book

"Okay..thanks" I left the store as fast as I could! I was so embarrassed, maybe lying is not for me. But regardless aaaaaaa! I got the book! I swear I'm not gonna sleep tonight!

While walking home, I can't stop thinking about how Mr.chu is. He's really old that's why it's understandable.. I'm also thinking about what to do when I get to school tomorrow, I'll just say that it's an emergency.

And that guy, the barely 23 guy.. shouldn't He be in college right now? Enk why do I even care? Cause He's hot hih- Joke

Finally, When I got home, I got dressed and went straight to bed.. no time for eating, let the reading begin!


I woke up hard headed, I actually read almost the whole book! I had no time to even wash up so I just washed my face, brushed my teeth and changed, hmm I dont smell bad so it's fine.

I live alone, that's why I can do anything that I wanted. And it's also why I don't eat, I don't know how to cook hehe.

While I was fixing my bag, something just hit my door, and it's definitely a newspaper. I've already put a sign that don't throw newspaper at my door because I don't read one!

I just sighed and continued fixing my bag and once I am done, I left home and started walking.

"The air smells so good.." I whispered to myself

My neighborhood is actually very quiet, and very open that's why when someone is cooking, you can really smell the food and enjoy the smell, how I wish I could cook like that. Also, the streets are full of grasses, healthy grass to be exact. There are kids playing, those old mens playing chess and grannies chitchatting.

I smiled and looked at the kids playing, oh to be a kid again…ENK

Someone tapped my shoulder

"You're deep in thought."

I looked back and it was trina with her big chunk of bibimpap

"Hey!" I greeted her

"What were you thinking about, Nalyn?" She asked

"Nothing, I just lacked sleep"

"Oh yea for sure, I see it!" She laughed and wrapped her shoulder around me and we started walking again

"Seriously stop doing that, you're maming me look like a child!" I frowned

"Well, you are! I almost raised you." She smirked

"You're just 5 months older, stop being so silly." I laughed

"Off to school?" She asked while having a very big bite of Her bibimbap

"Hmm" I nod

"Have a bishuebwk of thsbekv" she's speaking gibberish again

"What?" I asked

She swallowed almost the whole bibimpap and talked

"Have this" she said and handed me another bibimpap, this girl always has bibimbap around her!

"Seriously, where do you even get this.. and don't you have classes?" I asked

"Later" She simply said "I heard you ran from school yesterday?" She asked

"Yeah, the book I was reading published a volume 3 that's why I must be the first one to get it." I explained

"You're lucky, that Jin covered up for you and said you had an emergency."

Really? Jin did that?

"That was going to be my reason when someone asks me, I'm glad he already did it" I laughed

"My stop is here," she said whilw pointing the convenient store. I bet she's buying more bibimbap "I'm gonna refill my bibimbap collection haha!" I was right.

"Okay, the bus stop's also here…"

We separated, Trina entered the convenient store and I got on the bus. I'm on my fourth year in high school, I don't plan on going to college after my senior year, I'm gonna pursue art, because that's what I was good at!

While at the bus, I pulled the book out of ny bad and read the book, ah.. I remembered the barely 23 guy.