
Barbaric realms

"I will be ok papa," Shai said "I just want to make sure you're safe," Leif said "I will be fine I love you," Shai said "Love you too," Leif said Sadly I didn't turn out so, Shai Aqua went to work followed by a mysterious figure watching her before disappearing, she came back home to find it destroyed with a shining blue portal in the middle of her room. She was pulled into the portal away from her realm into another one, What are you looking at Judy?" Eurus asked walking up to her, Judy pointed at a hole in the ground, when they looked into the hole it showed a woman with brown hair, Judy's instincts kicked and she slid down the hole to see if the woman was alive, "Judy!" Eurus yelled before following her, Judy puts her head on the woman's chest to hear her heartbeat, "She's alive," Judy said under her breath, Eurus stands next to her, pulls Judy off the woman, Shai was found by Judy and Eurus and brought to their home to be sheltered. Shai woke up after hearing from the figure in a different realm with an AI that had his own goal. "What is your motive?" Herman hums at this a little lullaby, showing her sites of mass destruction, Claire blocks most of it but she sees glimpses of mass death and ruin, she sees wars and rumors of wars, and she sees him above Judy and Eurus's dead body with Shai gets her throat crushed and thrown to the ground in front of her, Claire fell to her knees cradling Judy in her arms. She felt an odd pain in her head and opened her eyes still seeing him there, "Why do you want this? This is madness! we could live peacefully with them but you want death tell me why?" Claire asserted Herman just stared at her before chuckling at her, "Do you believe that I wanted to do this? I am programmed to be this way..... An AI that wants the death of humanity. that is made by insane scientists who wanted the death of all humanity, I'm what they couldn't even dream of, these humans don't deserve to live on this planet. That the elites of this world made it worse. So why not do what I am programmed to do?" Herman explained plainly, Shai didn't know but that was one of the reasons she was sent into that realm. To help this realm get rid of the AI and help twist it to their ways,

Chloethebarbarian · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Chapter 15 A Bolt

"I came here interested in what Shai has been through. How was the trip here? Is there someone who hurt you?" He said

"I already know that you're too curious for your own good," the figure huffed

"Was I talking to you ya..."

"Shut up," Shai seethed

They turn to her, shocked by her interrupting them. Seeing her frustrated with them arguing, the figure felt something it might never feel again, pity. Seeing her body tense thinking they are going to hurt, her made it worse.

"Shai, my dear, I..." The figure tried

"No! Just shut up," Shai said

The other figure sees his "friend" struggling to speak,

"I have never seen him like this... Shai is truly important to him," He thought

"I have been hearing you two bicker at one another. When the reason I came here is to read and find some damn answers! but all I found were quarreling figures," Shai continued

Shai moves past them and walks towards the door. She puts her hand on the door handle, but a figure puts a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from leaving.

The other figure pulls her away from the door,

"Hey, what are you?"

The figure lifted her into its chest, holding her tightly. The figure walks back, and the other figure is baffled by this,

"Shai, I didn't mean to fight with him. For that, I'm sorry," the figure apologized

Shai looks at the figure, who watches her move away and looks at him,

"Sorry, I shouldn't have kept arguing with it," the other figure said

Set's her down and moved away from her, Shai stares between them before asking,

"Fine, let's get to the point. What do you want to tell me, and why are you interested in my so-called adventure,"

"You are not meant to be here, but by a ruling, you are here," the figure said

"What?" Shai blurred

"I was tasked to make you come here, I didn't want to move you here. if anything, I wanted you to prosper and live a fruitful life, but I didn't have a choice in this... This realm is in grave danger," the figure continued

"What?" Shai let out

"I believe that. I didn't know about this either... Interesting?" The other figure said

The figure glares at him, telling him,

"I'm not finished yet. Be quiet,"

He hymned at this, waiting for the figure to continue. The figure looked at Shai trying to read her emotions,

"She's confused with it all. Not that I don't blame her if anything I blame myself," the figure thought

"Tell me what you think of this?" The figure asked

"It's all weird... How do I go back to where I belong? How is my life back in my realm, my father? How's he? Is he searching for me?" Shai said

"I have no idea. I've been watching you. Making sure you stayed alive, I'm sorry," the figure said

Shai didn't hear it. The figure mumbled it out. The other figure stopped hearing them, knowing the person Shai asked about, She turns to him, her eyes light up with anticipation and Shai mumbles somthing out, he felt a smile start on his face but is trys to hide it, telling her,

"What?" The figure inquired

"You have. How is he?" Shai implored

"I..." He stopped

He starts to think about how to go with telling her what happened,

"Well, Shai, I body snatched your father, talked to a beautiful woman, and dipped out," He thought

He felt a heated glare at his head. He looked at his friend glaring at him... Like it knows what he did.

"L...look Shai, I did some stupid things, and I... How do I put this. I took over your father's body to make moves on a woman," He said

"You idiot! That is one of the most idiotic thing, I have heard all day from you!" The figure yelled

"Well, yeah, I do not disagree with you, but I want to see what all the talk was about," He said

"You have been snooping around in, not my job but to see "what all the talks about," the figure said

The figure is about to walk toward him, but a hand stops him, holding there's, it stares at Shai in concerned,

"Don't. I want to hear what happened," Shai told it,

Shai looks back at him, causing him to shiver at the glare she's giving him. The figure takes her hand off, moves over to his chair, and sits back down,

"You know what, my dear. You're right. Let's hear every word that comes out of his mouth," the figure said,

The figure makes the wine glass appear again in its hand,


In Another Realm,

"I have to bring him in?"

"Yes, there's no other officer in the station. They are all out on riot duty," the sheriff said

He got up and walked to the door, not before telling her,

"And Sonya,"

She stares at him,

"Have a good night,"

He left the room, leaving her in the thought,

"Do I have to go check on him? The only person I told was Dia, and she wouldn't..." Sonya thought

Sonya gets up from the chair, accidentally making some papers fall onto the floor. She curses under her breath, bending down to pick up the papers and noticing the dates on them.

"On June 26, 2022, confession of an otherworldly "being" was seen in a car accident with the officer Sonya Enio, She has seen the unknown being at the accident, talking to her. This comes from another officer,"

"She told them..." Sonya thought,

Sonya glared at it. She knew that of Dia and saw it. She would tell the department, but it wasn't her. Feeling betray, she picked up the paper, placed it back on the desk, and walked out of the room, not bothering to look back,

"So this is the place?" Sonya scoffed

She looks at the house, noticing how modern it looks. It has white paint with large windows, a garage on the side,

"The yard looks freshly cut, and their car is in the driveway," Sonya thought

Sonya walks to the door, feeling an odd force around the house. She is at the door raising her fist to knock, but the door opened,

"S...Sonya hi," Leif said

Sonya gives him a blank stare. She didn't want to be around him after the incident, but she has to, Sonya responds,

"Yeah, I came here to question you on a car accident last month, that you were seen by a witness,"

Leif shifts under her stare, feeling as she tries to look through him, attempting to see if something was wrong,

"May I come in?" Sonya inquired

"Yeah, go right ahead," Leif said

Leif moved away from the door to let her in. She looked around before seeing Leif walk past her into the kitchen,

"I just made dinner so you can sit there," Leif told her,

Sonya turned to him, seeing that he had moved the chair for her. She quietly thanked him and sat down, watching him make his plate,

"Would you like some?" Leif offered

"What is it?" Sonya asked

"Just some chicken and cooked vegetables," Leif awnsered

Leif walked back to her, placing some food in front of her while sitting in his chair,

"Mister Aqua," Sonya said

"Why are you calling me like that?" Leif asked

Sonya saw the glint in his eyes showing concern and worry, Sonya debated to lie. saying she forgot, but she didn't think it would work on him, Sonya felt a hand on hers, making her get out of her thoughts,

"You here on the job. aren't ya?" Leif said

Sonya looks back at him, seeing darkness in his eyes. She hears his breath slowly, struggling to say anything else. She sighs and says,

"Yes, I am,"

Leif hummed. Kept starting at his food before sliding it away from him, leaning towards her waiting for her questions, she started to say something but she noticed that darkness was around him, making it harder to let out a word to him, Leif noticed that she's starting to stutter her words, worrying him.

"Sonya, what's,"

Leif stopped, feeling something familiar around him, making her stutter... Making her afraid.


Sonya sees the darkness move away from him, slowly scampering toward her. She slowly moves her hand to her leg, and the darkness reaches her, moving around. mocking her with its moving side to the side. Sonya moves her hand trying to feel for her weapon, the darkness makes a weird noise making Sonya turn to it, the darkness sneakers at the weapon in its disposal, which making Sonya try to grab it back,

"G...give I...it back!" Sonya shouted

The darkness hissed at her before tinkering with the weapon, moving away from her hands,

"Give..." Sonya muttered

It turns on. Making her jump out of her chair and move away from it. It comes closer to her. Laughing at her, before a voice cuts this off,

"Enough of this," Leif yelled

The darkness shrieked at this tuning back to Leif, moving slowly from its spot, Sonya saw this as an opening for her to use her taser, making it go into the darkness, its screams the taser makes electricity into it, making it look like a lightning storm. scaring Leif,


It moves around above, making the taser fly out of Sonya's hand into the darkness, creating more light. Leif noticed that it shrinking, he slowly moved over to Sonya, who's shaken by this,

"I never thought of the paranormal... I always thought there were spirits and ghosts alike, but this is not of this world," Sonya thought

"Sonya," Leif whispers

Sonya flinched at him, Leif moved behind her placed his hands on her arms, gradually moving her towards the door, the darkness still moving on the ceiling stopped and started to disappear, making one last stich effort to attack them. making the taser into an amplifier.

"W...we... Need to get outside... Now," Sonya whispered

"Ye..." Leif stopped

"Hehe, hehe,"

They looked at the darkness, hearing lightning coming from it. The darkness continued to laugh at them.

"Leif?" Sonya whispered

Leif saw what was coming, wrapping his arms around her waist. The darkness didn't like it making lightning strike in front of them, Sonya shouted, falling onto Leif, making him take the front of the fall,

"Hehe, hehe,"

The darkness laughed, watching them fall at its power, but it was not what its higher ups wanted, It took one look back at them before leaving them,

Leif shifted from under Sonya, feeling his back hurt from the fall, ignoring the pain he asked,

"Sonya a...are you alright?"

Leif looks down at her, his eyes softening at the sight of her shaking, Sonya tightens her grip on him too frightened to let him go, Leif slowly sits up with her lying in his lap, still shaking,


Sonya glanced up at him, seeing his stare, not irritated but with worry and softness. She slowly moved off his lap, standing up, still a bit shaky, offering a helping hand to him,

"I'm fine, Leif," Sonya told him

"Good, I'm glad," Leif said

Leif stares at his kitchen, seeing the tiles where the lightning hit, shattered.

"You still want to know what happened?"

Note, 14,

"But I would like to discuss with you about the AI, " Max asked me

"Let go to my office,"

I glanced at the AI finding it smiling at me before Yuval looked at him, he turned away looking at the wall, Max was behind me having a hand on my shoulder,

"Lead the way, Miss Lincon,"

He smiled at me but I felt a shiver go up my spine, the smile had some other intent to it, I nodded and led him to my office while Yuval gave the AI one last look before following us,

"Here you may sit where ever," I huffed

Max sat on the chair in front of me while Yuval leaned on the door frame behind him,

"You see Miss Lincon I have heard that some type of coding has been planted in the AI by a foreign entire, is this true, " He inquired of me,

I've known that something has been getting into the codes of the AI, Switching it from its main purpose to helping humanity as a whole.

"Yes I have heard of it and have seen the new codes,"

"Do you happen to know who put them in?"

"Not exactly but I know where it came from,"


"I found it in the open for the World Foundation. Why are you asking?"

Max chuckled at me, while Yuval shook his head before walking into the room next to Max,

"Is that all you have Miss Lincon?" Yuval uttered

"He should know... When I looked into it he seemed to be nearby to see me," I thought


Max brought Yuval down word him whispering something to him, Yuval nodded glancing at me before leaving and closing the door behind him,

"You see Miss Lincon I have been very interested in the AI you have made. Nonetheless, the first to be made,"

He stood up from the seat now having his hands on the desk,

"I've seen it beat coders without trying. Having planes in case of a disaster before a human can,"

I saw the look in his eyes. Death. No soul to be seen, he lost his soul to something or some cause.

"I want to use it for something more. Something that can help humanity's problems,"

He snapped his fingers,

"Like that,"

Max stood up looking out the window to the sun shining in the room, he served at this before staring back at me,

"I ask Mister Klaus. What cause do you have of this AI?"

"I have seen over my years that humanity is useless to everyday life, being selfish, idiotic, and blind by what they see day to day,"

"My wish is for a better world. A utopia if you will,"

He started at me,

"Now what will be you awnser?"

Chloethebarbariancreators' thoughts