
Barbarian Hentai Hero

Run for your lives the government is ran by lizard people and they want to turn you into pill factories. He found an app that changed his life and revealed that the conspiracy theories were true. Before he could warn his family he had to jump ship to a new land filled with elf waifus. Unfortunately he didn't have a fund system like some people had. HIs only gave challenges and rewarded pills. Vincent wants to get swoll and return to get revenge on the baby eating lizard people but first he needs to save the world of Lilium from the goblin manifest destiny.

Ultimatedaywriter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

CH1.4: Building A Better Bow

"I believe you would have been best served to wait for a healer to perform such a dangerous procedure. Are you aware of the dangers of blood loss?" She leaned in closer as the blood poured out of his leg. "I don't want to touch it; you will dirty me in the eyes of my people, but you are my savior. How could a chief's daughter abandon their savior who fought a goblin war party on their behalf?"

Clearly, it was by talking until he bled out and not doing anything. He held pressure on it, and the pills did their work. Already the wound clotted, and he was on his way to recovery. Vincent didn't miss how his elf companion watched him bleed with bored eyes.

He took a second green pill and felt his wound heal quicker.

"Ah, you had medicine; such forethought must belong to your leader. Did a tribe elder send you to search for me? Perhaps my father promised my hand to a young chief's son or the future chief of your tribe. Such a tribe that gives medicine to even its lowest members can't be weak."

Vincent stood up and tested his weight on his wounded leg. It was good enough. Then he smacked the elf on the ass. She gasped.

"Weak if goblins hunt you."

Her face turned red in anger, and she brushed a strand of black hair from her face.

"We have bronze weapons and armor for every warrior. Other tribes pay tribute to us and pay dearly for work from our smiths. No tribe in all of March is richer than the mountain wood tribe."

She had two pairs of bronze earrings in her pointed ears. It might have been the equivalent of wearing gold or diamonds. Her ass certainly felt soft and pampered.

"Weak," Vincent said.

He glanced up and saw storm clouds rolling in. The sunny day had already come to an end.

Then he felt his stomach rumble and knew he had to eat something. Blood loss and upgrading with pills had left him feeling atrophied.

They didn't travel far before black shapes in the distance told him they were near a herd of aurochs. With no fences or pastures, the wild cows roamed the grasslands, grazing away, minding their own business. Vincent made his way toward the herd.

"The bulls will gore us if we get too close. So no one hunts them in small numbers; only a fool would try."

Challenge 3 Time 6hrs

Complete Hunt a Wild Cow

Reward: 1 C Red pill

They were near a small forest of thick hardwoods, and he had a video saved on his phone. Vincent brought it up and quickly reviewed how to make a bow with only an ax. It looked doable even in the woods. Greenwood wouldn't work, but in what he assumed was the bronze age for the world of Lilium, there was plenty of fallen wood. He found a fairly dried-out log and went to work on it.

"What tool are you trying to create to slay a mountain of charging muscle and bone? I see no sling or collected rocks. There are mushrooms, berries, and clean spring water for those with the mind and eye to search. Follow me, and you will not go thirsty on my tribe's lands." He slipped and cut himself across his hand. That would be a death sentence in the wild without his fast recovery. "You would not risk so much with my help. All you need to do is help me return to my people."

"No," She grunted and turned away. Vincent accidentally cut too deep into the wood and tossed his 9th try away. There was plenty of wood.

Maybe if he chose archer, he would have had a challenge to make a bow. Unfortunately, that wasn't in the cards. He didn't mind bows were basically kings of the battlefield for most of human history. If he managed to build a decent one, that could help him.

"Message is there a shop," Vincent asked.

"You can exchange stylish points for items in the shop sold by other users. Arrows are down with the current surplus."

"I need a butthole pic," Vincent said.

The elf froze as he stood up. "At least let me know your name before you take my flower."

"No flower butthole pic," Vincent said.

The elf girl turned her head. "Trade for arrows." Vincent clarified.

She didn't understand his need to take pictures of her body to get stylish points and trade them for arrows on the open market. Some people were selfish like that.

"Windy need a pic for food," Vincent said in her musical language.

She tried to run, but he caught her easily. Despite her lithe body, Windy might have been slightly stronger than a normal man. After 5 red pills, he could uproot trees like pulling weeds in his tomato garden. It took barely any effort to undress her, and then the modeling began. She looked completely confused while he maneuvered her for the perfect photo. Of course, it helped that the creamy-skinned elf was an incredible model. Once he had her butthole and pussy facing the camera, he snapped a few photos and a video as he had her do a flip.

100 stylish points fell in before he finished the bow. When he opened the shop, they sold a carbon steel arrow with a broad razor tip for 5 stylish points. Vincent remembered when he was young, shooting them hurt.

He pulled the black wood bow away from the tree he used to mark its draw strength with some twine. It was perfect. The black wood felt like it wanted to become a bow after his 12th try; his latest bow practically made itself.

"You are a magician; no wonder those goblins are not your match. Show me more magic; make me an animal that loves to be ridden, a tent that can stand against any wind, and a box that keeps food from spoiling." It felt like Windy was fucking with him.

"Should I make a candle with no flame?" Her leaf-green eyes seemed to sparkle, and he tossed her a flashlight.

More stylish points rolled in until they stopped at 160. That was enough to purchase some varnish for the wood, something to wrap the handle in, and a string. Vincent was considerably stronger than before and purchased some practice arrows for 5 stylish points for 20. After that, he set a target and got used to his new weapon. Vincent decided to call the bow Black March after the color of the wood and the province it was made.

He pulled back what felt like a draw strength of 1000lbs and fired an arrow. Thwack! His arrow slammed into the stump he aimed for and yanked it halfway out of the ground.