
First suspect.

Haley left the mansion without a word to her father or Captian Neon. She knew that they would be no need. Captian Neon was a a good friend to her father who will do anything for his sake because he was part of his success.

The only thing she could do right now was to get ahead of them in finding out who did that to her. The fact the person left her alive meant she could not afford for him or her as the case may be to be rewarded with death. The feeling if also being saved for now from that marriage was also a thankful thing for her but she knew it would not be long before talks for another date would commence. It would be only then she would admit to saying she is still traumatize and would need sometime to recover before she thinks of another date. She smiled to herself as that idea came up in her head.

" why do you have a smile on your face? Do you have a solution to our case already? " Klinsmann asked curiously as he kept his eyes on the road driving them to the station.

"For a case I barely no anything about? Brief me on the little you know about this case? She demanded as she didnt want to tell him about her father and Captain Neon.

"The case is a usual one for us. Only thing is that it happened at the same time with when you were being captured. It was said that the minister's daughter was preparing to come to your marriage but she was later found dead in her room. She was killed with a silent gun hence the noise was not heard by anyone. "

" A federal minister's daughter security should always have men around her. How did this happen without any of them having a knowledge of this? Haley asked with a raised brow as she already have a feeling it must have been an inside work..

" Yes that's what I said too. So we looked into all the guards. One of them suddenly went missing after she was killed. That is the suspect we presently have a lead on. " He replied with a smile happy with himself that he thought exactly like her.

Suddenly his phone rang again. One glance at the caller and Haley knew it was one of their men working in the station so she picked the call instead while putting it on loud speaker since he was driving

"Yes Brain this is deputy inspector Haley. Talk to me" she demanded

She noticed the excitment on the other end of the phone when she introduced herself. He could tell he was both shocked and happy to her voice.

" we have the suspect in out custody already. The runway personal guard is here " he stated with happiness still in his voice.

There was always this excitment when they feel they are close to closing a case and an high profile case at that..

"Copy that we should be there in two minutes. No one should dare interrogate him till we come " she ordered.

"Yes maam" he replied befor ending the call.

" This case is becoming too easy for my liking" Haley blurted out after dropping the phone. She was having this feeling that everything was happening too fast and things at the moment were too good to opened and e .

" Everything is turning out well and you think it is too easy? Come of it Haley not every case should be difficult. Some killers can be stupid too" Klinsmann said trying to make her see reasons why she should not have a bad feeling.

Just as she said in two minutes they were at the station and she didn't waste time as she headed to her team to get the latest information. Klinsmann being more reserved didn't even border to keeps up with her pace. He was busy trying to think of somethings too.

"Where is he? What do we know about him? She asked as she burst into the room where they were all sitted. She could notice a look of confusion on his face.

" We have nothing on him. The name he works with is nowhere on the internet. His picture is not on any data platform. He just keeps saying he is innocent. " one of the data analysis guys replied her with fear in his eyes because he knew answers like that will only make her spark up. He was a timid looking young man.

And he wasn't wrong Haley immediately went mad with rage.

"How will you say an individual could not be traced on the internet. If you need to hack into classified systems then di that. I want an information on that man as soon as possible she barked.

Everyone of the analysts in the room scattered off immediately to find what she needs.

"Now tell me what room did you keep him? She asked. Brain handed her the key immediately.

"Can I at least have a picture of him so I know who I am working into? She asked as she always did. She had this gift of reading peoole to some extent from their pictures.

A recent picture was given to her immediately by Brain. What she saw left her speechless for a while as even her heartbeat increased immediately.

"What is the matter? Brain asked on seeing the reaction on her face.

" This is Pedro" she half yelled to one in particular.

" You know him? Came a question immediately but she kept quiet.

She could not understand how the sweet boy Pedro whom she once dated could be the one in this position.