

I watched as the beautiful, delicate and pure white rose with so much innocence fell down from my hair on the ground and how he cruelly smashed his foot onto it and shattered in into pieces that badly that it can never join, never repair, NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN. He loved her, but in the most fucked up way. He unintentionally smashed her, shattered her, broke her piece by piece. He NEVER knew that HE WAS BREAKING HER. A cliché school love story where Adik Malhotra, a playboy in the school dates a ordinary girl, keya madhavan. But little did she know that he was playing with her. After 8 years Adik has become a great business man with lot of fame and money. But he has a evil side which no one knows about. Keya has pursued her dream of becoming archaeologist and has been honoured in prestigious universities. She had totally forgot about the incident 8 years ago, but someone is still regretting on it. Until an encounter in plane.................... keya's whole life changed. Will they ever have the happy ending?

Foxy_00 · Urban
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4 Chs

For Readers

Hello my lovely readers !!!

This is my first story for all of my audience.

Before you read:


*It has mature, sexual content and violence, so readers who feel uncomfortable can stop reading it.

*Constructive comments will be appreciated.

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*And please try to cooperate with my grammatical mistake.

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