
Banished from the Hero's Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the

Sir_Smurf · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Restoring My Good Name

When I came to, I could feel myself lying down on a hard surface.

"You were totally out of it," a voice informed me.

Opening my eyes, I saw a strong-willed pair of sky-blue eyes peering down at my face.

"Ngh… Morning already?"

It felt like there was a haze clouding my head. I wondered if perhaps I'd slept a bit too


Ummm, where is this? I wondered. That's right, I recalled after a moment. Rit and I had

defeated a scissorhands demon and set up camp on the way back to the capital of


"Sheesh, why'd I have to end up sleeping in the same tent as you?" Rit pouted.

"I mean it's not like I intended for it to end up like this, but your party ran off, and the

demon lord's army is patrolling around these parts, so letting you go alone would be

dangerous, you know?" I said.

Rit had temporarily formed a party with us, and we were traveling together. That

didn't mean that Rit was on our side, however, which was why Ares had been against

her joining up. He was suspicious that she was planning to hinder us in some way.

After having it out with each other for a while, Ares finally gave in on the condition

that I would stay close to Rit at all times and keep an eye out for anything untoward.

When it became clear that meant that the two of us would be sharing a tent, Ruti was

annoyed, and I got an earful from Rit about it, too. It was a never-ending stream of

complaints from all sides.

I let out a long sigh.

Rit's pouting face clouded over when she heard that.

"…What are you sighing about?" she asked.

"Ah, that… I'm just a bit worn out from the consecutive battles. Maybe I should see

about renting a bath when we get to the capital, so I can take a night and just relax a


It was a lie. I was trying to bluff my way through the question. Rit didn't seem to buy

it as she continued to look at me with the same murky expression.

"Also, um, I didn't think Ares would be that stubborn about you joining. I suggested us

moving together because it would've been dangerous for you to go on your own. We

can make a stop at another town along the way if you want to split off. I'm sure there

will be some adventurers or guards there who'd join up with you. A detour like that

would take an extra night of camping, though. What would you prefer? I'm sure I could

get Theodora to switch and take over for me. She's more the standard stoic fighter

than I am, so she won't talk your ear off."

"I never said I hated being with you," Rit interjected, her cheeks looking a little red.

"Eh? Uh, I…"

I was at a loss for how to respond. I never would've expected that reaction from Rit.

"Your argument was perfectly reasonable. I'm an adventurer; I'm not going to whine

about having to share a tent with someone."

"I'm pretty sure you did complain about having to stay in the same tent as me…"

"That's… um…" Rit turned away. I could hear a quiet stammering as if she was trying

to figure out how best to respond.

"Anyway, I never said I hated being with you!… So you don't have to look like that."

"Like what?"

"It's not like I don't understand that I'm causing you a lot of unnecessary effort and

trouble, okay? I'm sorry."

"D-don't worry about it. Lately, Ares always has something to say about everything I

do. I'm used to it by now."

Rit's attitude had shifted out of nowhere.

"Hey, is something wrong? Am I making a weird face?" I asked.

"…You looked heartbroken."

"Ah. Well, it's been nonstop fights for a while now. It just sort of gets to me from time

to time. It's not like it's your fault," I assured.

"…I-if you need someone to lend an ear so you can vent a bit, I can listen." Rit's voice

sounded restless as she sat there still facing away from me. "It's not like I'm really in

your party; that makes me the perfect person to complain to. Plus, we've got some

time until the rest of them wake up."

The chirps of nocturnal insects could still be heard from beyond our tent. The morning

was still a way off. I was a little unsure, but I thought I could sense a hint of concern

for me in Rit's words. It was true that I was a bit worried about being able to keep up

in the coming fights, what with getting overtaken in terms of blessing level.

I'd stewed over the problem of my Guide blessing for a while now, and the only natural

conclusion seemed to be that my job was done. While I considered it often, I'd never

once hit upon anything I could provide to overcome the limitations of my role.

Truthfully, I wasn't sure if something like that even existed, but I had to keep trying. If

I didn't come up with something, I wouldn't be able to continue with Ruti on her


"…Yeah, I guess so. If you don't mind just nodding along a bit while I talk…," I admitted.


I probably just wanted someone to lean on for a bit. Rit turned back to face me and

quietly listened to what I had to say at first. As I kept going, however, she began taking

my side. Rit got indignant and annoyed when I told her of Ares's various complaints.

She even started to argue as though she were in my position.

"How do you put up with that?! Those things are all his fault!" Rit declared, as incensed

as if she herself had been wronged. Seeing her like that, I smiled… and…

That was where I woke up.

"A dream? That sure brings back memories."

It had been a memory of that night in the Loggervian forest.

"Rit was at my side back then, too," I whispered.

Our two beds had been pushed neatly together. Rit was sleeping close enough to me

that if I reached out my hand, I could caress her cute cheek. I gently touched her hand

that was sticking out of the light summer blanket.


When she called my name, I froze up. I was afraid I'd woken her, but she was still

asleep, a look of bliss on her face.

Is she dreaming about me?

She showed up in my dream, and I showed up in hers. That alone wasn't really all that

special, but my face started to heat up when I thought about it.

The reason I'd dreamed of Rit was likely because of what Storm had said earlier that

day after that commotion with Bighawk's flunkies.

"A double bed, eh? Starting to regret getting a single? All I want is for Miss Rit to have

the best bed possible. It hasn't been long, so if you want to switch for the double, I'll take

a trade-in at full value, and you can just pay the price difference."

Rit and I had slept together in a tent so small our shoulders were touching on that

Loggervian night. Now we were lying on two beds pushed together. If I reached out, I

could touch her, but we weren't close enough that we'd rub up unintentionally.

On top of that, Rit seemed to be a bit worried lately about our simple life together

coming to an end.

"I guess we should go get a double bed," I muttered.

Getting closer to Rit had to become more of a priority. I didn't want her fretting about

stuff like that anymore.

Taking care not to rouse her, I quietly made my plans for the day.

Come morning, Rit and I went by Stormthunder's furniture store. As I'd decided last

night, the plan was to purchase a double bed.

"What, here already?" Storm's gruff face broke into a grin tinged with exasperation. "I

was sure you were only going to stop by once things settled down."

"It'd be a shame to get so absorbed in all the trouble that I forgot about my wonderful

life with Rit here in Zoltan."

Us buying the double bed today was also meant to demonstrate my taking a more

proactive position. It was still a bit embarrassing, though, since Storm was an


"Oooooh, looks like things have been moving pretty fast since you first came in to get

a bed. You should have just gotten the double bed to begin with, ya wuss," Storm


"I'm getting the double bed now, aren't I? Let me clear my good name here," I shot back.

"Hey, Red! Which one should we get? I want one that looks nice and solid!"

Paying no heed to the two of us, Rit had started comparing the beds lined up before

her. She looked excited but also entirely serious about the task at hand.

"You've got quite the eye for quality, Miss Rit." Storm's gruff craftsman expression

transformed in the blink of an eye to a sparkling salesman smile as he hurried over to


"That one was made using Whitehorse wood. It comes from a tree that's said to only

grow in forests inhabited by unicorns! It has an elegant texture and just the faintest

natural scent to it. It's both stout and flexible, just like a unicorn's horn. It's a truly

exquisite material that even I rarely get a chance to work with."

Rit seemed to be enjoying herself as she listened to the sales pitch.

Wait, isn't that going to be super expensive?

"…Well, that's fine I guess," I muttered to myself.

Even if it was expensive, compared to what Rit had at her disposal, it was little more

than pocket change. What's more, I felt bad about the fact that my pride had kept Rit

from getting the bed that she'd wanted before. Rather than compromising this time, I

wanted her to pick her favorite. That way, there'd be no regrets.

"Come here, Red," Rit beckoned.

"Sure, just a second."

A grin spread across my face as I approached the new bed Rit stood beside. She wore

an equally excited smile.

After arranging for the delivery, we headed to the guard station on the north side of


"We're back, Al."

"Mr. Red!"

While Rit and I had been off picking out the new piece of furniture, we'd left Al with

the guards, as it seemed unsafe to leave the boy to himself.

Actually, that wasn't the only reason.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. There weren't any issues, were there?" I asked.

"No. I was a little scared, but the two who looked after me were nice, so it was fine."

The two guards behind Al waved.

"They don't live in Southmarsh, but apparently, they just moved here a few years ago.

That's why they don't hate Southmarsh as much as the other guards do," Al said with

a smile.

I made a point of remembering the faces of the two men who had so kindly watched

out for the half-elf boy. With a nod of thanks in their direction, Al and I left for home.

That night, it was just the one double bed and the two of us. One and two. The math

wouldn't work unless the two of us could fit in the one. We couldn't split the thing

apart anymore. After getting caught in spiraling thoughts like that for a moment, I

eventually decided to set them aside for the time being.

"Red," Rit called.

"U-uh, yeah?"

"Hurry up."

Rit was sitting quietly on the bed and gesturing for me to join her. She was wearing

her soft pajamas. The bandanna she usually wore around her neck had already been

removed. Her golden hair swayed as she patted the spot next to her.

"Okay, okay," I said.

Right, what's the point of this if I'm going to revert to being a wuss now? I cleared my

mind and joined Rit. The two of sat there, not lying down, just looking at each other.

"Khhh!" Rit was the one who gave first. She was assertive but had a shy side to her. Her

legs fidgeted as she turned bright red and grabbed her pillow to cover her face.

It just makes her look all the cuter! I thought.

"Should we go to sleep early?" Rit asked with a muffled voice.

"Yeah, I guess we should," I replied.

I blew out the candlestick. Now the room was only lit by what little moonlight came

through the window. Rit slowly removed the pillow covering her face. Her cheeks were

red, and she was looking up at me ever so slightly. Beautiful sky-blue eyes watched

me, trembling all the while.

"Look how red you are," Rit said with a giggle, looking beet red herself.

I responded by lying down on the bed. "Come on," I said, spreading my arms.

Rit's eyes went wide, and she covered her mouth with both hands, trying to hide her




Rit squeezed her eyes shut as she leaped into my arms. The two of us bounced a little

on the mattress from the force of her dive.

"Someone's heart is racing." Rit was lying with her chest pressed tightly to mine as a

grin spread across her face.

"My heart or yours?" I asked.

The answer was obvious—it was both of ours.

Rit rested her chin against my shoulder, and I slid my hands behind her back and gave

a little squeeze. Our chests thundered in sync with each other.

The way Rit's beautiful golden hair felt when I caressed it was amazing, almost like

silk. Rit's lips brushed against my neck. There was an endearing warmth that came

from her body as we lay entangled.

Rit's hands touching my back through my pajamas slid down to my waist and then

back up beneath my clothes. Her fingers brushed directly against my skin, causing me

to quiver raptly.


After hearing me call her name, Rit looked up at me. A hesitant exhale slipped from

between her lips.

"Red… I…"

I pressed my brow to hers as I reached for the buttons of her pajamas with both hands.

One popped open, revealing a slender collarbone. As the next came undone, Rit's wellendowed and beautiful breasts came into view. There was a bead of sweat trickling

perfectly down between them.

Rit removed my clothes as well, her fingers crawling across my chest as she undid the

fastenings of my shirt. Her hand was hot and just a little bit sweaty.

"Sorry, my hands must be rough from all the calluses… It's because I've been training

with swords ever since I was little…," Rit mumbled, looking down as though


I took Rit's right hand in my left and placed it on my cheek.

"I like your hands."

Rit looked up, her face flushed again. She caressed my cheek with her hand as her face

drew near. Our lips gently met.

With my right hand, I undid another button on Rit's pajamas, and her breasts popped

free with a slight bounce. Rit's body trembled with a start, her eyes narrowing

rapturously even as we continued to kiss.

With one hand, I began to reach out toward Rit's chest.


Suddenly, I sensed movement outside the room. Rit and I broke our kiss and

instinctively froze.

"I guess Al went to get some water to drink," I said with a hushed voice.

"Sounds like he's trying not to disturb us," Rit replied.

The two of us blushed and smiled as we continued staring into each other's eyes.

"Rit, maybe we shouldn't today…"

"Ugh, even though you're so cool, you're so hopeless," Rit said playfully.

She kissed me one more time, as if pecking at me. Wrapping my arms around her, I

pulled Rit in close such that both of our bare chests were pressing against each other.

"Sorry, I only meant to flirt a little at first, but I got a bit carried away," Rit admitted.

"It was the same for me," I said back.

"I see. Eh-heh-heh… Should we go to sleep then?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Tomorrow seems like it's going to be pretty busy. Good night, Rit."

After kissing Rit's forehead, I reluctantly shifted away from her.

"Nfh… I'm going to burst from all of these feelings! Good night… I hope the trouble in

town ends soon." Rit smiled happily, took a deep breath, fixed her pajamas, and closed

her eyes.