
Banished & Forgotten

The useless hero who was summoned along with his classmates Once treated like a shield until he became unnecessary, which turn him useless He was banished for being useless but killed for amusement He who was cursed, sealed and forsaken will rise again from the deeps of the Abyss But will he get revenge on those who cursed, sealed, used and killed him or will he do as he please in this new world of magic Only time will tell Let the once useless hero decide their fates

Negate_DY · Fantasy
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7 Chs

"Hero" No More


"Disgusting vermin"

"Good-for-nothing useless hero"

"You were barely good enough to be our, the "real" heroes, support"

"What did we expect from a classless"

"Well he was good as a poison resistance shield with his <Support Resistance Skill>"

A group of people was spitting out insults at someone. 

"Only for a while. Even those gods don't think much of him, he can't level up, skills can't improve, which are E rank at best"

"Haha pathetic"

"Now let's finish this… Right…Qendrim?"

"Ha ha ugh, just you bastards wait, I'll kill every last one of you even those so called sh*tty gods" said Qendrim with bruises, cuts, stabs and blood all over his body

"Too bad you can't even if you could, you're nothing but trash" 

"Raidler, enough talk, end it before the others notice we're all gone"

"You worry too much" replied Raidler

"It was the King's order afterall" replied Raidler

"Yeah but some of them would b*tch about this"

"Doesn't matter, the King made sure no one except us knew of this plus who will care for someone who was just banished from the Kingdom of Ferlon" 

"You're right Kaver, then I'll get rid of him" replied Raidler as he pulled out a blue shortsword as he walked toward Qendrim with a grin

"Who would have thought that the once most handsome school loner would end up in such a pathetic state.. It's quite comical don't you think "Mr.Prince"" said Raidler 

"Cough… Cough… Shut up bastard… you better kill me now because if not I'll hunt every last one of you down and drown you in your own blood do you hear me Kaver, Raidler'' said Qendrim as he was barely keeping himself from losing consciousness

"Surprise you knew our name with you being a loner and all" said Kaver sarcastically 

"Hehe would you look at that he knows our names.. Well… it doesn't matter"  with a slight laugh Raidler proceeded to stab Qendrim through his chest 

"Ugh.. cough" Qendrim who couldn't move in a little was stabbed as he coughed up large amounts of blood as he fell to his knees in front of the eight people that was mixed with the palace guards mostly with about four of his "classmates"

"He's still alive even though there was a sword through his chest" said a palace guard

"He's still a hero regardless but he won't last long now" said another guard

"Just you…all... wait" said Qendrim as his vision went black without life while still on his knees with his head down

"Seems he's dead" said a guard

"Finally useless bastard" replied Raidler as he kicked Qendrim's body

"Raidler stop messing around and get rid of the body" said Kaver

"Yeah yeah"

Saying that, Raidler kicked his body again but with more strength towards the cliff that led to what is called the Abyss Of Poison.

"Even though you can't hear me anymore, it was fun wiping that condescending look off your face…" he was about to kick him over the cliff when he saw the smile on Qendrim's face

"This f*cking bastard" saying that as his mood was spoiled by that smile

He proceeded to kick the body into the air over the wide deep miles long abyss and as it was falling he used fire magic to burn it as it fell. He used a good amount of mana because of how pissed he was. Watching as the burning body of his former classmate descended into darkness made him grin with excitement.


"Let's go since someone decided to put on a fire show" said Kaver

"Whatever" replied a grinning Raidler

Leaving the area no one seemed to notice the eyes staring at them.

"Your majesty, it has been done" said one of the people into what looks like a communication device 

"Good now things will be a lot simpler with "that"" said King Ardest

"Your orders your majesty" 

"Spread rumors about "that" and about the useless hero that died by a demon after his banishment" replied King Ardest

"Yes your majesty" said the person as his group disappeared to complete their tasks

"You served as a great piece… banished hero" said the King with a grin

At the bottom of the abyss, a deeply burnt, cut up, pierced body was floating in a lake of pure concentrated poison. Eyes with no signs of life and a decaying body but something miraculous was happening. The body was slowly mending itself but at a slow pace since it was continuously getting poisoned.

The body belongs to Qendrim, who should be dead. The reason for him being called a useless hero is because when the classroom filled with twenty-eight students was suddenly summoned to the world of Maradon. In this world swords and magic are real and as well as species other than humans. But he was an unfavorable hero who the gods didn't bless.

He was only good for being a mule of sorts. He was a handsome, brown skin long hair and around fifteen years old, at the time, in his second year of high school. But he was also known as the "eternal loner", the "handsome prince" or the "neutral one". He was always alone which was a choice since he had the looks to be popular everywhere he went and his face and attitude gave off a feeling of not caring or wanting to intervene in anything.

Once here it all changed as he was given only three skills and lower than average stats. The skills were only beginner level or in this world F rank. And on top of that he couldn't level up both his skills or stats couldn't level up. This made him the laughing stock of the heroes as they had higher stats and more skills plus they had what is called unique skills and their own divine/innate weapons.

The divine weapons will grow alongside them but Qendrim didn't obtained one which causes even more ridicule. They're only a few people who didn't follow along with the other heroes and those in the castle that summoned them, with the King of Ferlon, King Ardnest being one of those who ridiculed him.

Since he couldn't do practically anything he was just a burden really but they decided to use him as a support but not any support, a classless support since he didn't have a class either which was as worse as not being able to level anything up.

He was only able to use the skill <Support Resistance> which let him boost others resistance for about ten minutes since his mana wasn't as high as the others. The other two skills were <Appraisal> and <Resistance> which all heroes had but his support skill boosted their resistance more for a short while.

It didn't take long for him to become completely useless as a support and hero. That was because unlike him the others could level up and with the unique passive skill <Growth x2>  they didn't need him for his support skill anymore. 

That left him useless and a burden again. And after weeks of being abused emotionally, and physically (at times), King Ardnest declared his banishment since they were presented to the people in the Royal Capital on the second day of arrival. The King went with that and the reason was because he was an incomptent blessless hero that the gods didn't care for. 

That night of his departure was his last that was setup by the King and some of the heroes. What they didn't know was that he was cursed and had a seal placed on him which caused him to never be able to level up anything, gain a class or his own divine weapon. It's too late now as his lifeless body just floats in the middle of the lake.

During the first week of his body being in the abyss, it slightly twitched as his body began mending and regenerated itself a little faster. And for that week rumors spread of his banishment and death at the hands of demons which garnered mixed reactions about him and how a demon got past the border. 

That caused some panic but was quickly resolved by a statement from the King as they already killed all the demons who got through the border unnoticed. Some citizens buyed it, some didn't believe a single word but no one voiced their displeasure or be sentenced to prison or worse death by the King on the notion of treason. Which was quite unreasonable. Things heated up more with the demons as the Demon King was born but nothing truly has happened yet, only small-scale battles. 

They like to think the Demon King isn't strong enough yet or he isn't worried about the human race as a whole either way it was also a good thing for the heroes as they didn't' have to face it yet. So far they have been in many battles and both won and lost some but none have died as of now. In this time they have all grown stronger and some are a little more mature than before as they are now at least 17 years old.

The time when the news of Qendrim's death struck a lot of them in a way that some held grudges, some didn't care, some couldn't believe it and some who knew the truth. And the ones who knew the truth were considered the face and strongest of the heroes and loved by the masses. This went on for another year and a half.

Within that year of battles and growth, Qendrim's body finished mending itself at great speeds as well as his regeneration. The fifth month of it being suspended in the lake was when the eyes that were lifeless began to move again but it seemed to move without a soul. But one at a closer look could faintly see a slight smirk on his face.

In the abyss, there were all kinds of poisonous monsters, plants, and insects that had high levels. And the zombie-like Qendrim lived there while fighting, eating and drinking everything in there while being unconscious the whole time. His body "subconsciously" did everything itself and it also grew stronger even though it should have been impossible. 

He even gained a skill that lets him absorb anything <Absorption>, but all of this was happening without him being there which no one could know if he's soul was there or not. It wasn't until another year had passed that he finally gained consciousness again and during that time his level has gone up alot as things changed after coming back to life.

"Wh-Where am I.. What happened..Didn't I die" asked Qendrim to no one 

He looked at himself and saw the cuts and stab wounds were gone which puzzled him but his face didn't show it. He then looked around to see where he was but he had no clue which he didn't like. He saw that he was close to a lake and went towards it but once there he's face expression didn't change one bit even though it was a lake filled with poison. 

For some reason he felt at ease even though he was surrounded by poisonous things. 

"So you have finally awakened" said a voice that sounded like his

"Who's there?" said Qendrim even though he's face still hadn't shown any emotion in a cold voice

"Who am I?... You should know who I am Qendrim Karter" said the voice that was laughing 

He thought for a while then an idea came to him as to who this voice belonged to that sounded like him but was deeper and alot less restrained 

"Are you perhaps.." he said but was finished by the voice

"Yes I'm you or more accurately your other personality" said the voice

"Haaa I figured that to be the case.. Then answer me this.. Where are we, how long has it been and how am I still alive?" asked Qendrim

"You sure are quick to accept something like that aren't you" replied the voice

"That's because I was never one to care for such trivial things and it also doesn't help that I'm more mad then confused from what happened to me….. Enough of that tell me already" he said to the voice

"I see… to answer your questions… We are in the Abyss of Unknowns or what this world thought was the Abyss of Poison… it has been two years since your death or our you could say… as for the last question check you status" said his other personality which would looked creepy to others if they saw him talking to himself like this

"Two years, how could I survive in a place like this for more than two minutes?... So this place isn't the Abyss of Poison but why did you call it Unknowns" asked Qendrim 

"Because while I was the one making sure we don't die, even though I didn't need to do anything, I came across other parts that didn't have poison and were better for living but this place seem quieter" said his other personality 

"But where did the Unknowns come from" he asked

"That was what the skill <Appraisal> showed " replied the voice

"That skill shouldn't be… wait did you say it was shown like that but how, before it showed poison" he said again with the same emotionless face and cold voice

"Didn't I already say to check your status.. Are you sure we're the same person" said the voice 


