
Stranger's Tender Care

As Than and Achara stepped into Nil's room – Kao and Nil, hands entwined, locked in a silent exchange. Achara, ever the playful spirit, couldn't resist a light-hearted remark.

"Hmm...hmm, I think we've stumbled upon an inconvenient moment."

Nil, feeling a tinge of awkwardness, quickly reassured, "No, Achara, you're right on time. I had a slight pain in my hand, so I asked him to lend his support."

Kao, with a chuckle, responded, "Yes, I was simply offering my assistance."

Than, displaying genuine concern, suggested, "If your hand hurts, P.Kao, let me hold it. You must be tired."

A flicker of jealousy crossed Kao's expression as he retorted, "No need, I can manage."

Achara, breaking into laughter, remarked, "You two are quite something. But honestly, I love seeing you together. By the way, I've brought breakfast, and Than brought flowers and fruits."

Kao, intrigued, asked, "Achara, is it Bangladeshi food?"