A tremor of fear gripped Nil as he clutched the sheets wrapped around him, his eyes scanning the desolate cabin. The eerie emptiness was punctuated only by the haunting cries of a distant fox. Chanting the name of Lord Krishna, he sought solace in the repetition of "Krishnaa... krishna..."
Abruptly, the room plunged into darkness as the electricity failed. Cold shivers ran down his spine, and his hands and feet quivered in the pitch-black void. Murmuring to himself, he anxiously uttered, "Where are you, Strangerrr? Please come soon, come soon!!"
In the oppressive silence, the only audible sound was the rhythm of his own breathing, a hushed symphony of "Shhh...hhh...shh..." Suddenly, he felt an approaching presence, a set of feet drawing near. Overwhelmed by fear, he swiftly discarded the sheet, fleeing from the bed and into the open.