A sense of tension lingered in the air as Achara observed Than, her voice carrying a subtle edge.
"Than, that's my brother approaching the hospital," she murmured.
Techno and Mary maintained their gaze, awaiting Than's response.
"Then it's good," Than replied, his eyes betraying a hint of concern.
Achara rolled her eyes, voicing her worry about the journalists present.
"Many journalists are here. If they see my brother in this condition, who knows what they'll write."
Than, contemplating the situation, lowered his eyes and asked, "So what should we do? They won't budge without the full story."
Achara, struck by a sudden idea, shared her plan.
"Than and I will go to the roof, keeping an eye on my brother's car. We'll notify you and Mary as soon as the car enters the hospital premises."
Curiosity evident in her expression, Mary inquired, "Where will we be?"