
A Journey of Love to Acceptance

Dawn broke, and Nil awoke with a sense of purpose, preparing for the day's veneration. He emerged from his morning shower adorned in a pristine white suit, an emblem of reverence and solemnity.

Meanwhile, Kao was in a hurry, keen on escorting Nil to the studio. However, a sudden twist came as Achara expressed her desire to join them. Kao, perplexed by her request, questioned its necessity. "Don't you need to go? It's just a veneration," he remarked.

But Achara, with her unyielding determination, managed to sway Kao's stance. He relented, albeit reluctantly, urging her, "Hurry up...we have to pick up Nil."

Curiosity got the better of Achara as she inquired, "Who's Nil?" To which, Kao responded cryptically, "No one."

As they embarked on their journey to the cafe, an unexpected sight awaited them. To Kao's dismay, Than had already arrived, ready to pick up Nil. A pang of jealousy and anger coursed through Kao as he observed this unforeseen arrival.

As Achara observed the unfolding events, a sense of unease gnawed at her. There was something fishy about the situation, a subtle undercurrent of tension that didn't escape her notice. She couldn't help but wonder what was transpiring beneath the surface.

Meanwhile, Kao drove to the studio with his sister in tow, the weight of unspoken emotions hanging heavily in the air. They arrived at their destination, where a crowd had already gathered. Media representatives swarmed the scene, eager to capture every moment of the event. In the midst of it all, Kao and Achara couldn't escape the prying lenses of the press, who seized the opportunity to photograph Kao with his sister.

Suddenly, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Than's car made a power-packed entrance, drawing the attention of everyone present. With an air of grace, Than emerged from the vehicle, setting the stage for a grand entrance. He opened the car door for Nil, extending his hand as an inviting gesture.

Nil, in response, took Than's hand, and they stepped out together, their presence exuding an aura of harmony and togetherness. The onlookers couldn't help but marvel at the sight, with words of admiration filling the air. "Such a beautiful couple they are!" the bystanders exclaimed.

As Nil and Than captured the spotlight, Kao watched from the sidelines, his heart seething with a simmering jealousy that threatened to consume him.

Achara, astutely aware of the underlying tension, couldn't help but voice her concern to her brother.

"Brother, are you alright?" she inquired, her voice filled with sisterly concern.

Kao, attempting to mask the storm of emotions within him, replied with a forced nonchalance, "I'm fine..."

But Achara, with a sense of purpose, expressed her desire to leave for a brief moment, making her intentions clear. "There is some time left for veneration. Brother, please excuse me. I am going to meet with P.Nil."

Kao, caught off guard, couldn't conceal his surprise. "Ahh. Stay with me, don't go to see such a busy man," he urged a hint of desperation in his voice.

Achara, however, was resolute. She gently said, "Only for a few minutes, excuse me," before stepping away.

Kao watched her depart, a sense of longing in his heart. "Acharaaa... comeeee backkk..." he called out, but his words were met with the inexorable distance that had grown between them.

Achara sought to meet with Nil, but upon her arrival, she found him engrossed in conversation with Than. She had to think on her feet and quickly devised an excuse to extricate herself from Than's company.

As Achara and Nil exchanged pleasantries, the air between them seemed to thaw with each syllable. Achara, with a gentle smile, initiated the conversation with a warm greeting, "Sa-wa-dee, kha. Are you Nil, right?"

Nil, momentarily taken aback by her friendly approach, composed himself and replied with a courteous nod, "Sa-wa-dee, Karub. Indeed, I am Nil. And you must be Achara."

A hint of surprise flickered across Achara's features as she furrowed her brow slightly, "Do you know me?"

With a polite tone, Nil affirmed, "I've seen pictures of you with Kao sir."

Nil's words seemed to awaken something within him as if a dormant awareness had been stirred. "Your brother," he continued, his voice taking on a reflective quality, "is a truly remarkable individual. Beneath his reserved exterior lies a reservoir of emotion, often concealed from those around him. But within him, love is abundant, carefully guarded yet undeniably present."

Achara, feeling a connection with Nil, expressed her understanding of her brother's complex nature. "I thought I was the only one who truly comprehends him. Yet, you seem to understand him even better than his own sister."

Nil, in a humble and gentle tone, sought to downplay his role. "No, Achara, it's not like that. I was just..."

Achara, however, unveiled a deeper layer of her brother's history, shedding light on the origins of his reserved demeanor. "There's a reason behind this, P. Nil. His childhood was far from normal. He lost his mom and then his dad, which was an incredibly challenging experience. Yet, he perseveres, taking care of himself and us, even to this day."

Nil, reflecting on the conversation he had with Achara and the newfound knowledge of Kao's difficult past, felt a pang of remorse and guilt. His gaze drifted towards Kao, engrossed in conversation with Director Kim. In Nil's eyes, a poignant blend of love and admiration swirled, like gentle currents beneath a serene surface.

Achara, noticing Nil's distracted state, inquired, "P. Nil, where are you lost?"

Nil quickly replied, "Nowhere."

Achara went on to reveal more about her brother's character, describing him as a transient presence. "My brother is like the wind; he never stays at home for long. In a month, he spends only about seven days with us. But now it's been four weeks, and he's still here. He's made only a few friends in his surroundings."

Nil, his gaze returning to Kao, couldn't help but feel a surge of strong unknown feelings for him. He wondered aloud, "But Achara, why are you telling me this?"

Achara's response was straightforward. "Because it's your right to know."

Nil, still puzzled, questioned, "My right to know what?"

However, their conversation was abruptly interrupted when Kim called them to participate in the veneration. Achara joined her brother, standing beside him, while Kao watched, curious about the earlier discussion.

Intrigued, Kao turned to Achara and inquired, "What were you talking to him about for so long?"

Achara seized the moment to encourage her brother, saying, "You should propose to him before it's too late."

Kao, taken aback by her words, asked with astonishment, "Did you know that?"

Achara expressed her love and understanding, stating, "Brother, I love you, and I can see the love in your eyes for Nil. I believe Nil cares about you deeply, so don't let him slip away. Hold onto him in your life."

Kao, grappling with his own identity as a gay man and the idea of pursuing a romantic relationship with Nil, questioned with hesitation, "Aren't you ashamed of your brother, knowing that I'm gay?"

Achara responded with unwavering support, "Never..."

Overcome with emotion, Kao hugged his sister tightly, and Achara, with tears in her eyes, added, "Because I couldn't realize it before, and you had to bear all of this alone. I am so sorry, Brother. You're my hero, and you always will be."

With the veneration coming to a peaceful conclusion, and preparations for the upcoming shoot beginning the next day, the atmosphere had settled. Most people had departed, leaving Achara and Kao at a quiet café. Achara, ever the supportive sister, leaned in and addressed her brother with a determined tone, "You have to propose to him today, Brother."

Kao, hesitant and contemplative, voiced his reservations, "But don't you think it would be too early? I haven't even come to terms with my own feelings. And..."

Achara, with a knowing smile, interjected, "Brother, calm down. Let me ask you one question. How long have you been in Bangkok with us?"

Kao considered for a moment before replying, "Maybe for about five weeks."

Achara's smile grew wider as she pointed out, "See, you've been here for five weeks. Do you really need any more proof? Don't hide your feelings, Brother. And I know P. Nil also has feelings for you."

Kao remained quiet, his thoughts racing.

Achara, not willing to let her brother's emotions go unaddressed, took his hand gently and encouraged him, "Brother, go on."

Kao, looking into Achara's understanding eyes, finally spoke, "Thank you."

Achara's gratitude extended beyond words, and she reminded her brother of a past request. "Thank you won't be enough. Do you remember when I asked about the campaign, but you didn't let me go? Please, Brother, permit me to join my friends in the campaign."

Kao hesitated for a moment but then relented, "I will think about it."

Achara, ever the persuasive sister, pressed on, "But, Brother, please."

Finally, Stranger gave in, saying, "Okay, okay. You can go."

Achara couldn't contain her joy and hugged her brother tightly. "You're the best brother in the world."