
A Coffee's Tale

Nil sat enveloped in silence, his coffee cup cradled gently in his hands, his thoughts wandering far beyond the confines of the dimly lit café. Kao watched him from across the table, captivated. Stray locks of Nil's dark hair teased his eyebrows, stubbornly defying his occasional attempts to smooth them away. His thick eyelashes framed eyes that darted everywhere but towards Kao. In the soft café light, Nil's golden skin seemed to glow, and each time he took a sip of coffee, his Adam's apple bobbed distinctly. Nil might not have been considered the most striking man in the world to a casual observer, but to Kao, at that moment, he was incomparably perfect.

Nil remained silent, lost in his own world. Breaking the quiet that had settled between them, Kao leaned forward slightly and asked softly, "Why are you so quiet?"

Nil, meeting Stranger's gaze, offered a heartfelt response, "Thank you, Stranger."

Kao, puzzled, questioned, "For what?"

Nil's eyes conveyed a sense of gratitude as he replied, "For your help. Without your guidance, entering the bustling city of Bangkok would have been an impossible feat for me."

Kao continued to hold Nil's gaze, his eyes revealing a depth of emotion.

With a gentle, unexpected gesture, Kao reached out, delicately brushing the foam from Nil's lips with his own hand. Their eyes locked, and a palpable tension hung in the air. Nil, feeling a bit flustered by the intimacy of the moment, attempted to dispel the awkwardness with a teasing comment, "Stranger, in the morning, you didn't want to lay eyes on me, and now here we are, sharing coffee at the same table. Please don't tell me you'll be sending me the bill for the damage to your clothing," he quipped.

Kao unfazed by Nil's remark, remarked with a hint of amusement, "Don't you think you talk a lot? In my dictionary, it's called 'blabber.'"

Niloy, taking the comment in stride, replied with a lighthearted tone, "You may call me a blabber, but I take it as a compliment. I believe you speak and smile so rarely. Choosing to remain apart from the world, isolated from happiness and love, must be much more challenging than being a blabber. At least in my day-to-day life, I can express myself."

Kao contemplated Nil's words, his gaze unwavering.

Nil continued, "You're just an amazing person."

Kao remained silent, prompting Nil to clarify, "No, I'm not suggesting you. I'm trying to convey that you're my Stranger—well, not exactly mine, but you're the one who helped me in an unfamiliar country, in an unknown city''

''I can feel your emotions, but why do you never allow others to experience the same? It's as though you've built a wall around yourself, preventing you from truly seeing the world. I encourage you to break those barriers and experience the beauty of the world. You'll find countless reasons to smile and realize that many people love you and care for you."

Kao, his gaze fixed on Nil, remained profoundly moved by the unexpected conversation.

Nil, mischievously pinching Kao's hand, quipped, "It's not just a figment of your imagination."

Kao, taken aback by Nil's sudden playfulness, let out an "Ouch!"

Nil smiled and reiterated, "It's not an illusion."

In the worker's room, Mary observed the exchange between Nil and Kao, her heart touched by the unfolding connection.

Techno gently suggested to Mary that she should get some sleep, but she remained in the room, merely listening to the ongoing conversation and remarked with a wistful tone, "How romantic they are!"

Meanwhile, Lava happened to pass by the cafe and noticed the familiar sight of Kao's car. Intrigued, she parked her own car and stepped out to take a discreet peek inside, her curiosity getting the better of her.

As she gazed across the room, her eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and unease. The sight before her was a peculiar one, for she had never witnessed Kao, her beloved, so utterly content in the company of another. There he was, seated at a cozy cafe table, sharing laughter and coffee with the waiter. A sense of wrongness gnawed at her heart gnawed like a creature of jealousy. Unwilling to bear the torment any longer, she discreetly departed from the scene.

Meanwhile, Nil, who had been silently observing the unfolding drama, finally broke the silence. "I've finished...my coffee," he uttered, his voice trembling with a hint of apprehension.

Kao inquired, "So what?"

A shiver ran down Nil's spine as he replied, "I think...you should leave now."

Kao glanced at his wristwatch and exclaimed, "Oh, it's nearly 3:00 am. I really ought to be on my way; it's late."

"Goodnight," Nil murmured, his departure halted by a sudden remembrance. He paused, a flicker of resolve crossing his features. "Wait just a moment," he pleaded before hurrying inside. Kao watched the empty path, bathed in the waning light until Nil reappeared. Clutched in his grasp was a bouquet of daisies, their petals once vibrant, now tinged with the sorrow of neglect, wrapped in silver that caught the dying light.

Nil's expression was somber as he approached, his heart heavy yet his voice carrying the unmistakable weight of respect and gratitude. "I went to your office earlier, wanting to thank you," he began, his voice a low, troubled timbre. "But your assistant said you weren't there. I waited for hours, hoping you might return."

He hesitated, the bouquet seeming heavier in his hands. "These flowers were costly; I bought them with the little I've saved from customer tips. But now, see how they've withered," he sighed, the silver paper crinkling under his gentle squeeze. "They're of no use anymore."

Kao's lashes remained perfectly in place, a rare occurrence that somehow felt fitting for the moment. Nil stood before him, undeniably handsome as he clutched the bouquet, their petals nearly spent but held with a reverence that gave them an unspoken grace.

Nil's voice broke the night's quiet, earnest, and slightly hesitant. "You don't need to take this flower; it's almost spent. I just wanted to show my gratitude for all your help. I'll repay you soon, and tomorrow, I'll bring you fresh blooms."

The sincerity in Nil's gesture and the raw honesty in his voice moved Kao profoundly. With a gentle touch, he took the wilting daisy from Nil's hand, his voice soft and laden with emotion. "It's still beautiful."

His gaze lingered on the flower, its faded petals now a symbol of a moment so tender and genuine. "There's no need for new ones," he added quietly.

Kao felt a swell of emotions rising within him, emotions he knew he must keep in check. Fearing he might succumb to the impulse to embrace Nil, he managed only to whisper, "Goodnight," before turning and walking away, the simple daisy clutched like a precious treasure in his hand.

Kao swiftly made his way to the waiting car outside, muttering to himself staring at the flowers,

"Kao Neptune, what's wrong with you," he mused, the bewilderment evident in his voice. He climbed into the car and drove away.

In the quiet solitude of his thoughts, Nil's heart bore the weight of a gnawing unease, whispering to him, "What's wrong with him today? Why is his demeanor so peculiar?"

With a heavy sigh, he carried the two cups to the sink, allowing the soothing water to cleanse them of their secrets. The night beckoned, and Nil's mind was burdened with a multitude of questions that danced like shadows in the periphery of his consciousness. Mary, too, yearned to probe the mysteries that lingered in the air, but Nil remained resolute in his silence. He shrouded his thoughts, denying her the opportunity to inquire about the enigmatic events of the evening.