

World at peace, yet so many violence. No peace will achieve if no understanding will happen. Julius, named after the great conqueror, attempted to take his life. Julius is a man taught to be fierce and brave, taught to become a man worthy of his name. How to become worthy, he asked. How to be brave, he asked. His father answered. "To survive every battle fought." Julius is not worthy of his name, bullied for his entire school life, he lose his own battle.

HughBum · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Memory worth cherishing

Calmness, peace, life with no event that could stop me from living once again. Just like a promise between two different being.

At first I thought it was a mere scheme of the guardian who told me his plan. At first I thought it was all fun, I didn't knew he was truly dying.

A god, dying? Seems quite unrealistic, huh?

Well meeting a god in the first place is something out of a book, experiencing one will certainly make me quite far from the reality path.

His wishes are simple. Save this world from the upcoming disaster that will cause the entire living organism in this planet to go extinct.

I asked him why, he told me because I was the one destined to be reincarnated it this world. So it seems I really have no choice but to oblige.

I can't really change my new fate since I am a shameless person who take his own life for something trivial. Doing so again will probably alter my entire existence in this undying universe.

That would be painful, suffering only awaits me if I do that again.

Since I was tasked to prevent such thing from ruining my world, I was given a power befitting of someone who par against that disaster.

A power that exceed half of the Guardian's given to me as a gift and assurance. Not only that, I was also given another body near perfection.

A black hair, green eyes, taller than average height, and a beautiful face that can attract many figure if caught.

However, he didn't include the erasure of my memories. Meaning I have to suffer from the overwhelming past that cause my death.

The guardian has a pretty face, he's a male yet he's as beautiful as the woman I have met back in my world. He stood there without any sign of being a pathetic God, though I can see the pain within his smile.

It must've been tough for him, to fight alone in this universe while protecting those he created.

Anyways, enough talking about him.

I was told by the chief to help him sow the field. It was the least I can do since I am but a guest in this village.

In this world, my name is Vien. A commoner who grow up in a village, west of the kingdom of Ibra. I grew up peacefully and no major incident actually occur unlike how the guardian told me.

Because of that, I still got time to prepare myself and test to see if I can truly achieve a rival power against this superbeing that will cause the annihilation of this entire world's population.

Even if I fail here, I just need to work harder, and harder.

Now, to sow!


It was a hard work, but the price of it is satisfactory. I was invited for a dinner in the chief's home which I truly desire ever since I arrive at this place.

Yes, he have a daughter, but their food is surprisingly delicious compare to the food in my past. It was something I didn't know I would like, and so everyday I ask for something like a work and dream that a day like this would come.

And I am not mistaken, it was not a dream after all.

In front of me is a plate full of chicken barbecue, it was marinated to the extent before they cooked it. The side dish is a the rice and egg which is also quite rare in this area since they barely have livestock.

I was ecstatic the moment the flowing liquid enter my mouth from the chicken. I bite, and it's flavory taste match its delicate smell. A heavenly cuisine!

I didn't even notice it, but the people around me starts to giggle when they see how I enjoy the food.

"You're making an exaggerated face there, mister Vien. Perhaps you want more?"

"A queen, no an angel descended from heaven to bring me salvation. Truly, you are the perfect person to become my wife"

"Uhm... Mister Vien, your thought is leaking."

It was the chief who made me realize the growing embarrassment I have shown them. What an unorderly manner I just did!

"Apologies, mister Porze. It was just truly delicious, those words of mine are but a metaphorical figures. But if you want, we can share her in one bed."

I smile, wickedly.

Then suddenly, the man laugh hysterically.

"Buahaha! You truly are amazing when it comes to your joke, mister Vien! This is why I like it when you come here! My home has nothing but laughter ever since you came to this village!

Now, mister Vien. I have a favor, marry my daughter and become the chief of this village. If you do, you will not only eat such delicious food once, but forever!"


The one who complain is Grecia, a beautiful, young version of her mom.

"Truly, what a marvelous offer. I accept!"

"Mister Vien! You two, please stop this instance!"

In response to the growing anger of Grecia, the two of us only laugh wholeheartedly. It was the last night before I depart to the capital and we just created something worth of memory.


The next day, I have already prepared the things I will need to depart. The clothes, ration of food, and a great number of items that can benefit me from selling it. In front of me is the chief in a low mood, and at his back is the two lady of his house.

"Do you really need to depart, mister Vien? I have offered you a great deal, you just need to stay here."

He was serious to his offer, that's what in my mind. I smile, gently. The worst feeling of all is when departing, I've experience it all several times and I can't get used to it.

"The time will come where I will return to this place, perhaps to rest. I can't guarantee my return but I will be sure not to forget the offer you told me."

The talks are normal, or rather more emotional. But the two in the back has a hint of laughter broking down from their faces.

It was a nice feeling to know they cared for me despite only a week of being with them. I will surely cherish this memories so I cannot forget about them.

"Well then, mister Porze, Missus Helen, Miss Grecia. A goodbye would be sad, so I will see you again later."

"Yes, see you again mister vien."

"Bye, Vien. I hope you get what you seek. The world is big so enjoy it."

"I surely will. Well then."

"Godspeed, mister Vien. The world is ours to conquer, so get on it!"

I smile from his phrases, this wicked oldman must've known a thing or two. But... The fact that he chose to live a humble life like this.

"Yes, gladly."

The time of my adventure has come and no one can tell who will meet me and who will leave me. But for now, I will give myself a good experience.