
Chap 1 Waking Up

First thing I remembered was this overwhelming headache and abruptly jolted me awake. Holding my head with both my arms, I looked around. As my vision became clearer, I realized I am in a jungle, with giant trees, insects flying around, ang the smell of rotting flesh.

"What happened?"

"Where am I?"

I scan my surroundings and saw 2 dead bodies, 1 female and 1 male, not too far from me. "What the . .". My eyes widen due to shock but I realized that that was the least of my worries as I heard a growl behind a stump of tree about 20 feet from me. I sat there frozen and terrified. It looks like something was eating something as i heard the tearing of flesh and cracking of bones.

It took me a moment to realize I am somewhat safe as it didn't know that I'm still alive. I thought I could make a run for it but decided otherwise as the sound I could create could potentially grab the things attention and bring it to me. I carefully stand up, the lowered my body a little and scanned my around for something to protect myself.

I saw a sword, a shield and a spear. As the spear was nearest to me. I picked it up and slowly backed up without taking my eyes off the stump from which the growl was coming from. The spear was about 5 or 6 feet long, with a long pointy metal end and a crescent metal blade on the side. I looked for some defects on it and saw none. It was still in a very good condition.

As I slowly put my foot back, I accidentally stepped on a dry branch which scared the sh*t out of me.

The growling stopped and so is the time around me.

'Holy sh*t', I thought to myself. My heart pounded on my chest and adrenaline started to envelope my body.

Suddenly a beast the size of a car emerged from behind the stump and looked at me. It has deep black body, lean muscles and short tail. It has a distinct diamond shape white fur on its forehead which was amplified due to its colour. It has some weird spikes on its back, which was possibly bones sticking out. The claws were about 3 inches long which dig through the stump like meat. Those mesmerizing golden eyes makes me want gaze at it forever. It showed its 5 inches long canine teeth which were still dyed red, giving it a totally deathly vide. I thought it would be nice to have a pet like this.

Getting over those useless thoughts, I assumed defensive stance and pointed the spear at it, and put my right leg back. Somehow, the spear felt really familiar and easy to wield. Like I was raised with a spear. I took a deep breath and focused.

I looked at the beast intently, not allowing any of its movement escape my vision.

It ran to me and pounced. It was quick. Without thinking, I took a big stride to the side and swung the spear. It grazed the beast on the side. With its attention on me, it landed weirdly on the ground and stumbled. Getting up, it looked much more ferocious than before. I thought maybe its getting serious. It roared and ran around, maybe hoping to get behind me.

Seeing this I ran the opposite direction without letting it out of my vision. It suddenly ran straight for me. My eyes widened. I took a step forward. As it neared me it jumped to me. I slid down hoping to dodge its claws. And pointed my spear up and sliced a good part of its belly but didn't pierced through. My eyes still fixating on it. As it land, it winced and stared at me. Fear took over me.

I turned around as fast as I can and sprinted. I dare not look back.

The beast roared and pounced toward me.

I ran because my life actually depended on it. Evaded some shrubs and roots gracefully. I could not afford to slip or fall at this rate. Once I felt that the thing was near my back, my instinct kicked in. I jumped forward, and swung the spear so hard it actually pierced the air creating a very high 'swish' sound. As I turned around I watched the thing. I actually made it hesitate about pouncing on me.

'Great' I thought. Then after a few steps, I repeated my actions, only this time as I jumped sideways using a tree trunk. I watched it again. Its eyes clearly looked at me with shock. I smiled.

After just a few meters, I felt like i was stepping into the air. Next thing I realized was I was falling down a crevice in the ground.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", probably the loudest shout of my life.

After crashing to the walls a few times, I landed on a wet, moss covered ground with a loud 'thud'.

That actually didn't bring me to state of unconsciousness as the adrenaline in my system surged up. I got up, bracing my aching back, picked up the spear and looked up. It was about 30 feet of fall. And I saw the eyes of the beast still locked on me. I feel my body trembled out of fear.

We gazed each other intently. I won't look away because i thought that if I look away, it will jump down grab my neck with its bloody mouth.

After like an eternity. It blinked and turned around. Maybe realizing that I am not an easy picking. I was still looking up wondering maybe its just waiting for me to look away then jump down.

After a few seconds, I looked down and then the pain in my back rushed to me and made me kneel. 'F*CK', although the hole did save my life, I still cursed it for the pain it gave me.

I sat up and examined myself. A few scratches on my right arm, a small slash wound on my left shoulder, a big bruise on my back and a few on my body, wounds on my thighs and an aching ankle. Luckily all my wounds are not that serious, otherwise my fall should've been the end of me.

As I try to remember how I got here, I realized that I cant recall my name, where I am from, where is this place and what happened.


Then it occurred to me. "I cant remember anything?" I muttered to myself. As I try to remember anything, the freaking headache suddenly came to me again, whish caused me to hold my head and lie to the ground. Squirming in pain for almost 5 mins, the pain gradually left.

Thinking about how to regain my memories, I try to find something in my body that could reveal who I am. I have this small pouch on my side but all it had was pills and what looks to be a bread, flattened and wet. Then I saw something wrapped in a dirty cloth. I opened it and saw a peculiar coin.

It is made of gold, though not that shiny. With serrated sides and smooth back. The front looked like a spear and a sword crossing each other. Surrounding it was 4 towers with what looks like bow and arrows on top.

'hmm, this looks important' I thought.

Maybe this could help me remember who I was. Or where I came from.

Feeling thirsty after all that happened, I drank in this little stream as I scanned my surroundings and saw a small hole to the right. "For the water in this hole to not rise up to the surface, it must be flowing somewhere." I examined the hole. It was over 2 feet wide and my eyes widened, I could see a faint light at the end.

My hopes sky rocketed.

'I could fit here', I thought to myself.

I grabbed the spear and crawled inside the hole. It was about an hour of crawling that I saw that I was nearing the end of the hole. I smiled and sped up.

As I was crawling in the tunnel, I was actually going down slightly. Which was good news for me because if ever me destination was to be a very high cliff, I would probably be scared out of my wits as I am terrified with heights.

At the end of the tunnel was actually the side of a tall cliff. Fortunately for me the exit was on the lower part of the cliff. I looked down and estimated it to be at least 15 meters high. Not that high but not exactly low either. But what choice do I have? Would I rather go back and face the beast? Or find my way down to the ground from here?

The cliff was not exactly perpendicular to the ground. Which good news for me, as long as I am careful, I should be able to climb down with minor difficulties.

I figured, if I can be at least a few meters from the ground, I can actually jump down as there was no visible rocks below. Saves me the time.

I faced the damn cliff. Strapped the spear on my back. Looked for something to step down to and hook my finger to. I slowly descend, treading carefully for minute variations on the wall. Found one. I tried to put half my weight into it. Seems okay.

Then as I transition my full weight over, my feet slipped.

'SH*T' I thought. As my heart was racing, I steadied my body and waded for some foothold.

I struggled to hold unto the side of the cliff. It took me a few minutes to put my foot unto something. 'Phew'.

Luckily, both my hands have something to grab on to, and I can carry my own load.

After almost 15 mins of slowly climbing down. I looked down and realized that at this height, if I jumped down, I think I can survive. Feeling a bit tired, I found a landing spot. I threw the spear down, making sure that it will be few step away form my landing spot. I closed my eye and took a deep breath. Then I pushed the cliff away, simultaneously twisting my body around. Put my feet forward and balanced myself through waving my arms. As my feet touched the ground, I slightly lifted my injured ankle to avoid it getting worst putting almost all my weight on my other foot, immediately I leaned forward and rolled to the ground to minimize the impact of my fall. The rolls momentum sent me tumbling a few times. I came to a halt, stood right up and limped, and held my aching back. The roll pressed my back to the ground thus jolting me awake of my injuries. Honestly glad that it didn't worsen my injuries a lot or caused another. I took a deep breath and exhaled my lungs out.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be" Smiling to myself for my actions. The feeling of freedom is really amazing. I then surveyed the surroundings looked at the serene blue sky and said to myself,

"What now?"

This novel is created as a way to pass time.

Chinggaycreators' thoughts