
The Idiot Drunk Who's Strong

"Okay we have a new teacher assistant," said Aizawa, making the class wonder who it was.

"He is not a pro hero, but he is extremely strong, so don't disrespect him, also I have not met him either. Now lets pack for the field trip."

Mummers were going around the room, wondering on who the teacher assistant was, what he could look like, among other things.

"Hey is this 1-A?" said a drunk man in his early twenties that was still holding a bottle with a extremely drunk voice.

"Who are you?" said Aizawa "I'm a teacher assistant for 1-A, now is this 1-A?" the whole class was like

"This Is the new teacher!" Ban then said, seeming not drunk "Yeah I am the new teacher, my name is Ban, now listen up, we are going to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or as I call it, Universal studios Japan! Haha, I don't even know why we're going there!" seemingly going into his Drunk state again, Ban then dragged his feet out the door to the buses. Meanwhile, Aizawa was seriously thinking about quitting his teaching job, but deciding not to, in fear that Ban would take his job and make an extremely horrible class.

(at USJ)

"Wow that's the space hero thirteen!" said a excited person somewhere in the back

"Yes it's me, as you might know I am a rescue hero, but my quirk can easily be used to kill." the students faces become uncomfortable "My quirk allows to suck in anything and turn it to dust, great for cleaning up rubble, but also it could suck the people in that I am trying to rescue, making me have to be extremely carf-" "yeah, yeah, what are we doing, I honestly just got a job invitation for some reason, I had no job at the time so I came… but can we please move on." Ban interrupted Thirteen, "okay, fine, anyways we'll be doing mo-" the water fountain flickered, then villains appeared out of nowhere.

"Thirteen protect the stude-" Aizawa said and was interrupted "Hey Kurogiri!!! Long time no see!" Ban said and ran over to the dark mist man, seemingly not being attacked by the villains, even a few said "heyo Ban!" where Ban replied by saying "heyo [name]" to each of them

"So Kurogiri, what are you doing here today, last time I saw you, you were running a bar!" Ban said oblivious to anything, Toumra was reaching out to disintegrate Ban.

"Why are you here Ban, I thought you told me you had no job?" Kurogiri said, while making a portal to teleport Tourmra's hand away "oh yeah funny thing, I was just playing Dark Souls III, thanks for finding a seller for that, when I heard a doorbell! I don't even HAVE a doorbell, yeah so I opened the door, and there was this...Rat thing, and he told me to come teaching a bunch of high school students that were taking some course, I didn't bother to remember or process that information, and don't worry, I checked

If it was real after a few hours, it was! So this is my first day!" Ban said enthusiastically

Kurogiri just sighed and said "You know that you're teaching hero course students, right?" the look on Ban's face said he did not. "*sigh* we're attacking the USJ, so please go." Kurogiri was slightly annoyed

"But then i'll lose my job!" Ban yelled, actually not yet knowing if he was being paid or not.

"Fine, we'll pay double the amount they will pay you in a month." Kurogiri said, remembering once that Ban broke a man's arm while arm wrestling, without using his quirk while the other man had a very powerful endurance and strength quirk, All while seemingly not even trying.

Aizawa knew that if the villains were trying to pay him off they rather then attack him then they must know he was strong, or at least the mist guy knows.

"I'll double your pay raise," says Aizawa, "I'll triple the pay of that for a years salary" Ban was debating on whether he should side with the heros or villains and decided after his salary was raised by 15x his original one. "Okay I'll say… I will go with the hero's, because I have all the time in the world." Kurogiri actually paled, turning the mist to gray instead of black, Tourmra didn't know that was possible,he thought, 'but that means that that guy is powerful, Kurogiri has never paled, not even when sensei threatens him with death, I suppose that's because he has a little bit of reassurance that he is needed by sensei, but this man has nothing holding him back. I just hope no I can beat him.'

"Now, lets get this started."

Then Ban started beating the enemies up, most having at least five bones broken in a single hit. One poor man almost died after being head butted by Ban.

After all of the people who were still fighting Ban (none dared to try after the fifth person) Ban calmly said "Come on, that's all you have? Bring me your best."

Kurogiri, seeing that Tourmra was going to tell the nomu to attack, he said "wait, Tourmra patience, we will just be sacrificing our best weapon if we send the nomu against him, he's too strong." Tourmra, furious that the idea of that man, barely in his twenties (it appears anyways.) could best sensei's masterpiece, yelled at the nomu beside him "nomu! Kill the guy that was beating up our minions!" The nomu then charged Ban, despite Kurogiri's complaints, and Ban just looked at the nomu that was charging him, and non-heartedly slapped it in the face.


The nomu was now headless. (The nomu can't regenerate without it's brain. So it's dead)