
The Idiot Drunk Who's Intimidating

Chapter 4

(A/N: Ban does not give up his Immortality for Elaine, instead Elaine survived all of what happend by the soul magic, I have not watched S4 of the anime yet and I don't read the manga [I only know about Ban giving up his Immortality because I looked up Ban's character on the wiki. Ban is also Immune to demons eating his soul, he simple can't die ever)

Aizawa and Ban continued to chat where Aizawa asked about historical events and Ban corrected how they went down. After an hour Ban decided to go home to try and beat DarkSouls III for the ninth time. Once Ban got to his house and went inside he started to remember how Meliodas died…


"Hey captain," Ban said while drinking his 1% alcohol beer, trying to get off his alcohol addiction. "Yes Ban?" said his best friend, Meliodas "I was wondering, since the demon race is at peace now, what are we here for? Other than some small things around the kingdom there isn't much that we are suited to do.���

Ban said, Thinking of what he will do for his Immortal life. "Hmm how about-"


And Ban blacked out, just after seeing Meliodas being impaled by a lance…


Ban woke up with a gasp, sat up and saw what he feared…

Everyone was dead, Elaine, Meliodas, Elizabith, Hawk, Gowther, King, Merlin, Diane, even Esconor in his Sun form and it was midday when he heard the Crash. Everybody was dead, except him.

Later he found out that all magic users and non-humans were killed, except himself, because he was immortal, and immortals, immortals never die. Ban tried to kill himself many times, but all that happened was that his healing increased drastically, if he was in a bath of lava and it would take five months to melt his muscle. So he stopped and turned to alcohol, drinking away his problems, took a thousand years to even speak to another human being, mostly just crying over anything that related or reminded him of the sins, Elaine, Elizabeth and Hawk (#extremedepresion)

Flashback End

Gasping up Ban felt tear stains on his cheeks, 'damn another flashback… who knows how long I've been out' Ban thought, they sometimes lasted months. He decided to drink all of his beer, ale, and anything alcoholic.

After downing all his supplies he went outside to find a wrecked city and one of the guys from five years ago that one of them managed to actually blow off his chest (All might still got his wound from All for One, and All might was hired after Ban was not showing up, Eraser head felt bad for reminding him of the guy he was friends with) "oh heyo bud, been a while, who's the other guy" Ban said oblivious that the other guy was the same guy from before. "It's-it's you!" said All for One, quite scared of the blue-haired guy.

"Look, I think I missed my paycheck of one day," Ban said, completely drunk while leaning on All for One's shoulder, and All for One was sacred of what would happen if he pushed him off, after all, this man was the person that almost killed him in a single punch to the face. Izuku and the other people watching were thinking 'isn't that the one guy who was with us at the USJ?' Which they were correct, he was with them at the USJ. "huh? What happened to your face?" Ban said, seemingly just now noticing how All for One looks

"Uh, you punched it in…" said All For one, slightly concerned if he was going to attack him, also making All might remember where he saw the blue haired man, he beat All for one in one punch.

"Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?" Ban said, remembering a meme that he saw two hundred years ago, all while having it be true, he has fought a lot of people in the world, most of them had that fate.

Tomura then yelled at Ban "WAIT, you're the one who gave sensei his wounds!"

"I literally don't know, or maybe don't remember, who this man is, how could I possibly know that I gave him wounds? Huh? You look sorta… Familiar?" Ban said, completely forgetting who was there in the USJ attack

"I am the one that led the USJ attack!" Said Tomura

Ban said, looking visibly confused "Wait, wasn't there only Kurogiri and his spoiled kid or something, along with some of my drinking buds? And some idiot bird that was along for the ride of being broken by me." Tomura then yelled in anger, and reached his hand to disintegrate Ban's face "I AM NOT KUROGIRI'S SON! I'LL KILL YOU!" Ban said, as if everyone knows this, "Simply impossible." As Tomura's hand touched Ban's face, nothing happened. Instead, Ban grabbed Tomura's arm and threw him into a building, breaking half of his bones in the arm and knocking him out.

"ohhh, you are Kurogiri's spoiled kid, he's always told me that he wanted one, wait are you dead? You better not die otherwise I'll make Kurogiri mad at me." said Ban, realizing that Tomura was not awake, quite possibly dead (at least he thinks possibly dead)

"Uhh, hey ugly face guy, although I don't mean that as an insult. Leave. Now. Actually go with the police, I think that's what they want, I'll hunt you down if you escape" All might then see, in shock, All for One going calmly to the police, and being driven to tartanus. Leaving All might still have his identity still hidden from the public.