

I followed Kami upstairs and to my floor, I could feel my anxiety going up when he stopped in front of Kiri's room. He sighed and made sure we were alone before turning to me.

"He doesn't know that I went to get you, it's bad man. Sero and I just don't know what to do anymore and he just shuts down when Mina tries to help." Kami was fidgeting and I could see he was nervous but he was being honest. "I'm not trying to put you on the spot and I won't put you in a situation that could hurt you with your boyfriends, I won't leave the room unless you tell me too. But please talk to him?"

"What's going on?" I asked more than a little concerned. It's been over a month since the mall and I thought he was doing better now that I made it clear that I didn't hate him.

"It's hard to explain, just see for yourself?" I nodded at his words and he knocked and opened the door.

"Kiri? I'm back, sorry it took so long. Sero how was it?" I followed Kami as he talked but remained quiet and stayed by the door to watch and listen to what the hell was going on.

"Dude," but Sero froze when he saw me walk in before trying to pretend he didn't. "Kiri is still crying." My eyes widened at his words and I almost started to walk into the room when I heard sobbing and froze.

"Bro! Just let me be a little bit sad, I deserve to hurt, I'm not hurting myself I'm just crying. Stop acting like the world is ending!" I heard Kiri's tears and I felt my fist clench, I wanted to hit something, but what?

"Dude, you can't cry all the time! You are allowed to heal, Bakugo forgave you. Listen to me, Bakugo FORGAVE you. If he can forgive you then you can forgive yourself," Sero glanced up at me and I could see that he felt guilty but it looks like this should have happened a long time ago, not now.

"Bro, you don't get it. I didn't just ruin our relationship, I broke his trust. Even Aizawa Sensei said so, what kind of friends don't have trust?" Kiri was still crying but I could also hear that he was honestly trying at the same time.

Fuck, I need to put my pride to the side for this. I pulled out my phone, still out of view of Kiri, and sent my boyfriends a message in our group chat telling them I was about to hug Kiri and why. I waited for their answer, I won't break their trust. I will wait until they agree, not before.

Bunny: Kitten we trust you. Do what you need to do for your friend.

Puppy: You can tell us about it later if you want but you don't have to. Like Bunny says we trust you.

Kitten: I love you two so much. I'm just in his room if you want to come over. I left it unlocked.

I put my phone away and walked out to see Kiri buried in his blankets and still crying but his head was buried so he didn't see me. I just walked over and sat on the bed before lifting up the sobbing mess of blankets and held him. It took a while before he opened his eyes and saw me, he had just cried holding onto me probably thinking I was one of the others.

The look of absolute shock and fear on his face when he opened his eyes though really hurt but I just sat there and waited. As much as he hurt me, I have to remember that his heart was broken from this too, maybe just as bad as mine was, he is only human and we all mess up. I should know that more than anyone. I let myself hug him to me, I let myself feel the pain but it just didn't hurt like it did before. Maybe I healed more than I thought I had?

I have Deku and Icyhot and they have worked so hard healing my broken soul, but that doesn't mean I don't miss my friend. My best friend.

Kiri started crying and hugged me to him and I let him. We spent several minutes like that, four guys in a room one crying in my arms as we were just sitting and supporting each other. I can't lie I feel like shit, how didn't I know this was going on? But on the other hand, I know that this isn't my fault and I shouldn't feel guilty over it. Kiri is my friend, and now I can actually forgive him. Completely.

I waited and when he seemed to calm down some I decided it was time to start talking. "So are you going to tell me how this happened or will me just letting you cry help?" I grinned a little when he looked up and I saw those big eyes of his. He was scared as if I was going to disappear if he did do or say anything. I chuckled a little before pulling him back to my shoulder where he relaxed again.

"Kiri, I forgive you." I felt him freeze up in my arms but decided that HE needed to hear what I had to say more than I needed to say it. A lot more. "I forgive you, you were my best friend and I won't lie you were a good boyfriend, at least at first. I liked being with you, I loved the way you smiled at me, the way you could make me laugh but things changed. I don't really know how or why but it did."

"It was slow, the change. You were so sweet and just kind all the time and I felt safe with you, I really did." I felt his body go rigid almost like he was using his quirk but he wasn't. "Then you started doing things I didn't really like, but I thought I was just being picky or over sensitive but now I know I wasn't. I should have talked to you more, maybe if I had we wouldn't have ended like that. Maybe we wouldn't have hurt nearly so badly." I could see that Sero and Kami were getting uncomfortable but they stayed where they were, true to Kami's word.

I looked down at Kiri who was looking up, his eyes big and watery but I didn't see fear any more, just that he was listening. I smiled and saw him relax into my hug while I still held him in my lap. I could also see that he was clearly taking everything I was saying to heart.

"Truth is I just don't love you, I don't want to hurt you but I need you to understand. I do not love you, I love them. But I want my friend back, you were so amazing as my friend, my best friend." I looked into his eyes and it was hard but I said it, "Can I have my best friend back?"

His eyes widened in shock but he untangled himself from the mess of blankets and threw his arms around my neck, "Please, dear All Might, yes please!" He started crying again but even I could tell that this time they were happy tears, it didn't take long but I felt more arms surround me and I relaxed. I know that it wasn't Sero or Kami, I know these arms all too well.

"Midobro! Todobro! I swear its not-!" Icyhot put a hand on Kiri's mouth stopping the word vomit that was about to come out and Deku giggled from his place next to me.

"Kirishima, we know. It is okay," Deku answered still smiling before resting his head on one of my shoulders, now that Kirishima was pressed against my chest Icyhot took my other shoulder before removing his hand from Kiri's mouth.

"We trust our boyfriend and we want him to be happy," Icyhot relaxed against me giving a small smile as he did. Sero and Kami looked absolutely terrified but they stayed silent, not really knowing how to respond or react to any of this.

"I'm so sorry," Kirishima cried before wrapping his arms around all three of us and he went back to just sobbing, but even I could see just how much better off he was than when I first walked in. 

It's going to take a while, this is not the end and it certainly isn't fixed or over but it's a start and maybe, just maybe he can start to actually heal now.