
Baki: Martial System

A child with a burning love for martial arts is reincarnated into the Baki-verse to live out his dream of being the strongest creature alive.

The_HonorableGhost · Anime & Comics
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118 Chs

The Woman

I introduced Pickle to another 'friend', while he led us to his office to discuss some of my plans with the man. Pickle would only be here for a night, however even that required extensive planning to ensure nothing went wrong with the man's antics. 

Thankfully, Hanayama was able to get a pretty good grasp of Pickle's personality just by looking at him, same as me, and I was confident that he would be too tired after tonight to 'explore' the city, especially after where I'd promised to take him later.

'So much has changed since then.'

While Hanayama's men took Pickle to a 'certain' room, we instead sat down for business, having a lot to talk about considering what I had planned for the future.

'The last time I had come to this place was as a hot-headed brat, wanting to 'prove' my strength to the man sitting in front of me. And look at me now, a body that even he would grow jealous of.'

Still, it would do no good to brag, especially considering just how huge of a 'favour' I was about to ask the man in front of me.

"So Hanayama," I asked him while taking a sip of the cup of water he had so graciously provided me with, "mind sharing some experience?"

The man seemed confused about my request, not seeming to understand my purpose for this impromptu meeting.

Fortunately for him, it was nothing too serious.

"You see, I've been thinking about extending my reach deeper into the underworld."

I had realised 'our' or rather the family's weaknesses from the previous attack. I knew that I wouldn't be able to stand guard near them 24/7, and neither would Master Kaku. Thus, the more avenues for 'protection' I implemented the better.

"Mind helping a friend out?"

[5 hours later]

It was a short discussion, especially when considering it would be the 'family's' trusted subordinates who would be dealing with more of the nuances of the proposal, while the two of us just set down some 'boundaries' between the two of us.

The Rosen family had never dirtied their hands with the criminal underworld, discounting my Aunt and Uncle of course, and I wasn't planning to drag the family's good name through the mud for absolutely no reason.

Thus, I had taken my hands off the family business entirely, instead shifting all accounts to my sister and Aunt's names. I technically, for a legal standpoint, wasn't even a Rosen family member anymore. It would cause the family and their associates too much trouble, especially considering what I was planning to do. 

Instead, the agreement was strictly between the Yakuza and myself, as they would serve as my 'backer', presenting a strong deterrent to any criminal force that would want to attack my family. 

I had 'signed' an agreement with China in much the same light, as they presented not only a deterrent to the other nations from trying to 'steal' a piece of me, but they also saved me a lot of trouble from having to 'prove' my strength to anyone not already aware.

That was the exact reason I had waited so long to fight that monster in the Raitai tournament, to showcase my 'worth' to them. I knew my value well, especially when Yujiro had always done so much of the hard work 'convincing' them of what damage and devastation a single member of the 'Hanma family' could bring.

Despite how much it dragged my parent's reputation through the mud, I had simply no other choice than to mislead everyone into believing that I was a son of that demon. Not only did it present a perfectly logical explanation for the demon on my back, it also made 'scaring' the world leaders into fulfilling my future demands that much easier.

In return for the republic's support, I simply had to maintain my 'friendship' with them, my mere existence and abilities serving as a powerful deterrent to that 'great' nation.

Currently, I had yet to have had so much as a phone conversation with the President of the nation I was so greatly 'supporting', however Master Kaku and the ministers of martial arts had served as a great liaison to establish a good start to our relationship.

It was one of the first things I planned to do after 'mastering' my current 'transformation state', as we had a whole lot to talk about. I had no plans on ruling the nation or anything like that, however I would be a stain on the Rosen family's name if I didn't give them this chance to grow even larger.

The family's financial resources alone made it unnecessary to sign 'deals' for wealth, thus all I needed was to gain enough leverage to ensure my family's safety in the long run. 

I wanted everyone to reach a stalemate, where the world's very life hung in the balance, contingent on my family's safety. Then no one would be stupid enough to try and harm them again, not just because of my existence, but because they would have too much to lose regardless.

'I can finally understand why you never stepped into this 'world' of 'power' Baki, it's exhausting.'

Even this meeting with Hanayama was just for me to get 'acclimated' with the underworld, hopefully entering another 'stakeholder' that will ensure my family's safety even when I'm not around.

Of course, even that demon surely had ethical lines that he would not cross, and I was no different.

The Underworld was a sad but necessary reality of any nation, however we both agreed that the Underworld was a place for adults, and children had no part planning a 'role' in its operation.

I had no delusions of being a saint with the tiny amount of strength that I possessed, I had neither the time nor the energy to do so, however I also didn't find it in good taste to work with someone who didn't even share my basic ideals.

Fortunately, Hanamaya was the perfect person to be my 'spokesman' in this area, providing me with some 'legitimacy' and saving me from having to prove my worth yet again.

There was nothing in particular that I especially needed from them, other than of course some occasional 'help' for dealing with Pickle, and in turn there was nothing in particular that they needed from me other than my 'cooperation' in staying out of their way.

Just like I could 'blaze' through a nation's army, I could very well do the same to the many pillars of the Underworld that I was aware of. Having some form of 'understanding' with me would help those scum sleep soundly at night, knowing I wouldn't suddenly decide to play with them like my 'father' had done years ago.

It was tiring work, however it gave me enough time to rest and heal from the injuries that Pickle had inflicted onto my body. 

'I can feel it, my very cells adapting to the damage I've just taken.'

I knew that it was another intrinsic quality of the Hanma blood now flowing through my veins, the enhanced ability to adapt to the damage it had taken at a speed that no doubt shocked any scientist or researcher. Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to study it more to delve into its secrets, I had long given up trying to explain either the system or my abilities with science.

I just didn't care anymore.

Doing all of this, earning the fame and fear of powerful nations all across the world, flaunting my strength and 'scaring' them with it.

'It's so boring.'

'I could finally see why that demon was so excited when he first 'found' who I truly was. Being this bored is a fate I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.'

Other people might consider it a good problem to have, but only those who had the strength and drive to reach that title, of the 'world's strongest man', knew just how dreadful it would be to no longer have a goal to strive for.

In cases like these, the journey truly is better than the destination. Fortunately for me, I was nowhere near reaching the top of my new summit.

'But first, it's better to take it one step at a time.'

I finished the arrangements with Hanamaya, giving the necessary contacts to his subordinates to discuss future details with mine who I had 'stolen' from the family when I had left. 





Name: Kuzan Rosan

Age: 16 years

Title: [Martial Master]

Strength: 999/1000+ (Locked)

Stamina: 999/1000+ (Locked)

Intelligence: 99/100+ (Locked)

Dexterity: 999/1000+ (Locked)

Will-Power: 999/1000+ (Locked)

Perception: 999/1000+ (Locked)

Skills: [All-Seeing Eye (890/1000)] [Warrior's Dominion (master)] [Null Embrace (master)] [Phantom Veil (696/1000)] [Shadowstep (master)] [Trans-species Anatomy Mastery (756/1000)] [Poison Mastery (master)] [Martial Language (master)] [Goutaijutsu (master)] [Hand Pocket (master)] [Mirror Mimicry (master)] [Ultra Instinct (master)] [Hokuha (master)] [Aiki (master)] [Shadow Boxing (master)] [Drill (master)] [Buddha's Realm Within the Palm (intermediate)] [Surge (intermediate)]

Techniques: [Karate (master)] [Kick Boxing (master)] [Boxing (master)] [Judo (master)] [Muay Thai (master)] [Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (master)] [Wrestling (master)] [Chinese Kenpo (master)] [Xiaoli (master)] [Byaku-Rinji Kung-Fu (master)] [Iai Kenpo (master)] [Way of the Void (master)] [Martial Weapon Mastery (master)] [Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (678/1000)] [Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist (368/1000)]

Genes Synced: (2/3) [Primordial Homosapien] [Evolved Homosapien (Demonic Path)]

Transformation States: [Demonic Beast (uninitialized)]

System Note (1): Host is still under critical emotion stress, unable to control his transformation state due to skew of system stats.

System Note (2): It is recommended for the host to increase the potential of his soul through Gene Synthesis to increase his intelligence stat, thus regaining full control over their body.

System Note (3): Limit of natural evolution reached. Criteria for system upgrade met. Proceed to suitable habitat to evolve.


'It's time for me to start acting like an adult.'

There was only one person that I could 'trust' in helping me overcome this hurdle, and I had to be on my best behaviour if I wanted her to take me under her tutelage.

She was indispensable in mastering my true strength and in guiding my journey moving forward, and it would do no good to keep her waiting any longer...

Thus, I rushed out of that building as soon as the deal was finalised, not wanting to wait a second longer in meeting this woman, as she was perhaps the only one left who could present a 'real' danger to my life.

'I'm sure the old man was more than a bit confused when I 'requested' her presence in exchange for fulfilling his request to watch the battle.' I thought while passing through the gates to enter his residence.

'However, she's probably the most precious thing in the world to me at this moment.'

Her worth far exceeded the danger meeting her could lead to, especially when considering how much I had to gain from this simple greeting.

I could see her, standing there in the middle of that familiar room, giving a piece of her mind to the old man who could do nothing but take in her words of criticism with a smile on his face.

I slid open the door, wanting to see her beautiful face for myself, wanting to earn some of her 'guidance' for myself as well.

She stood shocked in place once our eyes met, her gaze seeming to dig deeper into me than even that of the Ogre's, as if able to see into my very soul.

"Miss Sabuko Tokugawa," I spoke her name with respect, while at the same time bowing my head down in consideration for her strength, perhaps surpassing even that of my own.

"It's an honour to finally meet you."

I stayed there, continuing to bow until told otherwise, still as a statue until she finally figured out how to 'deal' with me.

And after the scariest few minutes of my life, she spoke, as if finally giving me the opportunity to explain myself...


She spoke, still clearly shocked by mere presence alone, however not for the reason that I had come to expect.

She continued to speak, saying each of her next few words with deep conviction, as if stating a fact while glaring deeply into my eyes.

"You're not supposed to exist."

Dun, dun, dun (please comment, I love reading them)

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