
Baki: Martial System

A child with a burning love for martial arts is reincarnated into the Baki-verse to live out his dream of being the strongest creature alive.

The_HonorableGhost · Anime & Comics
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118 Chs

The Gift

[10 minutes later]

Mr. Oliva had just finished his explanation to me about Diana's special medical condition, which I was unaware of until now, as well as his relationship with her.

'And I thought I had some nice training.' It was an interesting development, realizing that a childhood friend of mine followed the same path as me for different reasons.

'To think something like that is possible though, it must have required extensive medical knowledge and countless hours of research.'

Once again, my respect for this mountain of a man sitting next to me rose in my heart, recognizing the depth of his scholarly mind rather than just the strength behind his muscles.

It was a revolutionary solution to the condition, a medical breakthrough that was devised with the combined effort of Master Shinogi and Mr. Oliva, fueled by the love he has for his wife.

Unfortunately for the man, despite all of his effort, he was unable to cure the patient he had initially derived the 'solution' for; her condition was far too severe for it to work anymore. However, his efforts did help someone; they saved a little girl's life from falling into ruin.

Extreme muscle contraction, it was again a form of extreme muscle control that could only be 'replicated' through extensive training under a qualified master of the 'art.'

'But pushing it to this degree, that's nuts. It must have required extreme training as well as countless medical 'interventions' to regulate her condition. Thus, enabling her to 'contract' her body to its 'normal' size, making it possible to move freely despite her condition.

'So that 'steam' burning off through her 'transformation' must have been the calories literally burning off rapidly due to her 'technique.'

Her body required extreme amounts of energy to hold itself back, her muscles physically 'locked in' and kept in check, requiring her to maintain a very high-calorie diet just to supply the necessary nutrients to her body.

'She must have burned off her last reserves of energy when 'transforming' back to her small self earlier after 'expanding' back to her true size due to the shock of my act.'

I felt even more disgusted with myself for having played such a petty trick on the little girl, causing her to end up in her current state. It would have been so much easier to placate my anger on someone else, but the fault lay with me.

Diana's Master and Doctor continued to coddle me, seeing my currently distraught state. "Come on kid, don't be sad, I'm sure she's alright; she just needs some IVs."

Still, I continued ignoring the man, lost in my thoughts until Doctor Shinogi exited the examination room, prompting me to raise my head at the man hoping for good news.

"She's alright and she's fully woken up. She just needed some fluids."

'Great!' I thought in my head, trying to rush past the doctor to enter the room. However, I was stopped in my tracks by having both of my arms grabbed by the men standing by my sides.

"What?" I asked, freeing my wrists from the men.

"You can't enter the room; it's the patient's request."

"What!" I was confused by Master Shinogi's actions, who now stood squarely in front of the door, as if blocking my path.

However, just as I was about to go on my own little adventure to rescue the princess from her castle, I was stopped by Mr. Oliva's explanation of the doctor's actions.

"Kid, you have to understand," the man said with both of his hands on my shoulders, locking me in place, "how would you feel if one of your family members wanted to see you in the hospital after you were injured in a fight?"

"What are you talking about Mr. Oliva, I would of course want them there for support! Don't you think I understand how lonel-"

"No!" the man screamed in my face, cutting off my yells.

"Not as a brother, or even as a son, what would you feel like as a warrior having your loved ones see you in your currently broken state?"

Of course, I knew the answer to his question; it was known by any and all martial artists worth their weight.


"That's right kid," the man responded as if having read my mind, "she's put so much effort into becoming this strong for those she cares about. How do you think she would feel as a martial artist to see all of her effort lead to no use?"

"To see the one she cares about have to sit by her bedside despite her strength?" the man exclaimed, releasing me from his hold.

"I won't let you trample on my student's resolve like this young man." He spoke in a serious but quiet tone.

I stood in silence, mulling over his words repeatedly in my head, eventually coming to a conclusion that despite my displeasure, was right.

'He's right.'

Feeling at a loss, and as a fellow master of the martial arts, I chose to respect her wishes and left the hospital to continue my initial plan before it was disrupted.

I picked up the bag that I was still in possession of and left for my next location, eventually reaching a home that was less a "house" but more a dojo. I announced my presence and was led in by what I surmised was a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, currently training under the man I had requested to see.

I was led to a room and sat down on the tatami mat in the middle, awaiting the man's arrival.

"So young man," he entered the room surprisingly fast, despite having clearly just awoken from his sleep, "I heard that you have a gift for me."

"Yes, Master Kunimatsu," I spoke in a calm voice to the master and sensei of the Japan Martial Arts Association, "it's not much, but it should serve as a show of goodwill..."

I continued my words while putting on my gloves and taking out the poison hand with great care. "I hope that you like it-"

My words were cut off, however, as the man, despite his great age, jumped on his present like a kid on Christmas Eve.

"Hahaha, boy, you really know how to be a good guest bringing me such a gift." The man finally stopped 'analyzing' his new gift, telling me to follow him to another room.

I obliged, following the man under the many surprised gazes of the other 'residents'-rather students of the man from all around the world. We eventually entered a specific room doused in darkness, with only a single item housed within it.

Placed on a pedestal, as if a hunter was showing off his kill, was an arm detached at its shoulder. The same arm of the man currently standing next to me, having lost due to his past 'most talented' student's actions.

"Really kid, you don't know how long I've waited for this." The man spoke while reaching for an empty pedestal from below the table that was being used to display his arm.

"Now spit it out, what do you want? Judging by your strength, I'm sure you can learn the Way of the Void within a few weeks, but I'm not the only master of that style in Japan."

"I'm sure they would have been willing to teach you without you having to go through so much effort to procure this prize, so again kid."

"What do you want?"

I smiled at the man's directness. They were always like this, those old coots, getting straight to the point, too old to deal with all those unnecessary ploys or tricks.

"The scrolls."

I replied to the man in a quiet voice, matching the ambiance of the dark room.

"Both the Yin and the Yang, I want all 12 volumes of the Poison Hand."

The man stopped his movements and dropped his happy attitude at the weight of my request.

"Now, now young man, that's quite greedy of you. Giving me one hand in return for all 12 of the scrolls. I'm sure you know you can't train in the arts simultaneously," his next words hurting me deeply in my soul

"You don't possess the talent."

"I know," I replied with a bit of anger at both the man's words as well as the lack of the natural strength housed within my body, "But I want them all."

"So greedy, young man, so greedy," the man replied while shaking his head, "I might not be young anymore but I'm still greedy as well boy."

"What more do you have to offer me, boy?"

'Chee' I was a bit displeased at this development, underestimating the greed of the old man.

"If money isn't gonna work for your sole attention during my training,..." I continued thinking of a way to convince the old man to help me and teach me.

"How about a favor?"

[20 minutes later]

I was still walking through downtown Tokyo, not wanting to let the night end despite having stored the scrolls at my new residence. Ever since Xiao Li had left, I had decided to purchase a permanent property in Tokyo to reside in until the tournament.

'I'm feeling a little 'jumpy', I'd better find a place to release some of my pent-up frustrations or I might do something I regret.'

I continued holding myself back, despite desperately searching for a solution to my plight, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to get a good night's sleep.

Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore and made up my mind to see him today, despite wanting to save him for a special occasion.

'He must have healed up by now from his fight with Spec.' I continued making my way deeper downtown until I was standing outside a building with a luxurious front entrance, despite being in the 'dangerous' part of Tokyo.

I entered the building regardless, despite the hesitation of the 'lookouts' at the front entrance who were currently too afraid of my killing intent to stop me.

"Hey!" I was finally stopped by a relatively slim but tall man, with his blonde hair done in a 'fashionable' pompadour style.

'At least there's someone with a little bit of courage in this place. Really, I'm disappointed, I expected more from these guys.'

"What do you want?" the man confronted me as soon as I had stepped into the door, pointing his finger at me in anger.

I grabbed hold of his finger, threatening to break it with my next movement.

"I'm here for your boss."

Author's Note: The next chapter is not a "fight" with (Spoiler: Hanayama); I want to make that very clear to avoid disappointing fans. It's just a "greeting." Kuzan's next fight will be with Katsumi, and it will be a full fight without interruption. I'm just giving the reader's a little action here to keep them on their toes. The chapter after next will be the start of the real fight with Katsumi.

That's all folks!

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