
Baki Into Bleach

Baki is Transported to the World of bleach.

DrWright · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Training Chad

Author's Note: Remember don't be lazy leave a review before you read this chapter (5 stars preferably!!). Anyway here's another chapter. Also when I've gotten to a pretty far stage in this fanfic (idk which chapter) I'll start another, comment on this paragraph giving me ideas. Thanks and Enjoy!

-End of Note

Baki and Urahara were traveling at high speed, jumping from building to building. Baki could now see a massive warehouse emerging in the distance. "Is that the building?" Baki asked. Urahara lifted his hand above his eye, creating shade from the sun for him to get a better look. "Yeah, that should be it," Urahara said. The two continued moving in silence until they reached the entrance of the warehouse. "Well, I've got to get back to Ichigo; go introduce yourself." Baki, feeling deceived, turned to Urahara and began, "Didn't you say you would introduce me?" Urahara scratched the back of his head before telling Baki that there had been a change of plans. As Baki was about to say something, Urahara ran off back to his shop, leaving Baki alone at the entrance of the warehouse.

Baki turned back towards the entrance and, without giving it another thought, pulled the door open, revealing Chad, Orihime, and a cat. The confusion was visible on the faces of Chad and Orihime. Baki was also thrown off by the presence of the two; however, he was quick to remember that Orihime had the power to see Hollows, and maybe Chad was the same. He still didn't understand what that had to do with training to get stronger to invade the Soul Society. Baki knew that there were too many mysteries in this world to ask about, so he just decided to accept that these were the two he'd be training.

He stepped into the warehouse and paused. "Where is Yoruichi?" Baki questioned. As Baki looked around, he noticed just how big the warehouse was. It was quite dark inside, only being lit by the spills of sunlight that came through the vents. "Baki, what are you doing here?" Orihime asked in her usual soft voice. Baki smiled and replied to Orihime, "I just came back from a long trip, and Urahara told me to come here to train you two."

After Baki finished what he said, a black cat jumped down from a box and walked towards him. Baki crouched down and began petting the cat. "Oh wow, that does feel quite good," the cat said while purring. Baki flinched at the fact a cat was talking. "Relax, I'm Yoruichi, the person you were looking for," the cat continued. Baki, by now, had slightly backed away from the cat.

Yoruichi began explaining the concept of Fullbringers to Baki and that Chad and Yoruichi are also Fullbringers. After a while of lecturing Baki, Yoruichi looked at him more intently and asked, "I heard from Urahara you went to the Soul Society; how did you get back?" Baki told Yoruichi the same story he told Urahara to avoid the lie becoming so blatant that it couldn't be ignored. Baki wasn't able to read the expressions of cats, so he was unaware that Yoruichi also didn't trust him. Yoruichi simply nodded after hearing Baki's explanation. She then turned to Chad and pointed at him with one of her paws. "You will be teaching him, and I will be teaching Orihime. Urahara must've chosen you for a reason, so use whatever methods you want."

Although Chad was hard to read, he seemed to be opposed to the idea that he would be taught by the man who had beaten him bloody. Baki didn't want to teach Chad; he'd rather teach the sweet and kind Orihime. However, he knew he had no choice since he was Yoruichi's assistant. Baki began walking towards one of the rooms within the warehouse and instructed Chad to follow along, to which he reluctantly did.

When they arrived in the room, Baki axe-kicked Chad, knocking him unconscious. Yoruichi and Orihime heard the thud, prompting them to rush towards the room. What they witnessed made them look at Baki with disgust; Chad's face was smashed into the ground and bloodied. "What do you think you're doing!" Yoruichi yelled at Baki. Baki responded, "You said I could use any methods I want, so that's what I'm doing." Yoruichi began emitting an immense amount of spiritual energy, causing everyone around to be on guard.

As the tension was building, it was cracked by the figure which previously lay on the floor. Chad got back to his feet, blood dripping from his face. Baki smiled at the resilience displayed by Chad; Baki knew not to put his full power into that kick. Yoruichi's reaction hinted to Baki that she still didn't fully trust him, making him more wary of her. "If he wants to stand a chance against the Soul Reapers, he needs to at least be able to see my attacks," Baki said while yawning.

Orihime wanted to protest, but she knew that if they wanted to save Rukia, they couldn't take things lightly; Baki was right. Orihime, now feeling more determined than before, convinced Yoruichi to let them be and continue her training. After the two had left, Baki tapped Chad, now fully upright, on the shoulder. "Are you ready to continue?" Baki asked. Before Chad could respond, Baki delivered a devastating punch to Chad's stomach, sending him through the wall back to where Orihime and Yoruichi were training.

Orihime gritted her teeth to do her best to ignore the harsh training Chad was enduring and focus on her own. Yoruichi was stunned by the sheer brutality displayed by Baki, leading her to suspect him some more. Baki dashed towards Chad, throwing him back into the room before jumping on top of him and delivering a series of blows, the sounds echoing in the wrecked room. Chad was completely unaware of the intense training regimen Baki was about to subject him to.