

Some women want a man to hold them in the palm of their hands and only in their hearts. They want to be treated like a princess. Well, that's all well and good but me. I'm greedy. I want more, I want to have men. I want to...BAKE.A.CAKE.FOR.MY.DADDIES. I mean, it's what I want, I tell them what I want and…

Burn_after_reading · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 2 (before 2)

In school, there were four males. Each was different in their own unique way. They had wealth, looks and brains. For them, the school was a place to learn, nothing more, nothing less. Until she arrived. On the island, many families would intermix. Many races had arrived on the island which held around four hundred thousand. The wealthy would flock here from around the world to have children and move away once they are around forty or until their children are fully mature. For the four males, what made them famous is that they are twins. Two sets of twins became inseparable. One set of the twins had like brown hair with green eyes, while the other set had blue eyes and blond hair.

On the island they came from the top one percent, adding to the fact their parents were neighbours and moved in the same circles, so they had no choice but to befriend each other from young.

The day she appeared the rain had just finished falling, making the air cool and the sun less punishing. The four had found that gathering for morning assembly was boring and stared off in various directions. When she appeared on the stage in the pleated green skirt, white blouse and tie with her thick curly hair secured in a low bun, they could not help but openly stare.

she had brought a cake for the entire class saying she baked it alone. Having a taste they could not help but to close their eyes and enjoy the flavour with relish.

After they continued to watch her before befriending her and learning about her.

The four were engaged from young but each thought that perhaps they would have a chance with her until it had been announced she would marry the Li heir.

Attending the wedding years later, the four felt as though they were being tortured. A friend they wanted to become a lover of but can never truly have her. Until she died four years later, leaving each of them an egg.

Von, Nai, Wei, Qai heirs to the Gu and Zaher families, respectively.

Like the Li heir, they were forced to fall on their knees and cry, forced to fall on their knees and wonder why?

Why her?

Why so young?

'I know I have not been the best friend, but I am just asking. I know it may not be possible, but if one of you could please give my parents a grandchild. As their only daughter, I feel ashamed of my failure but I fear… I feared that I would be unable to bear carrying the child. So with all my hope and wishes, I leave this to you.'

"Why didn't she tell us?"

"She said that she is our friend, but it is just…" they bowed their heads, showing varying countenance on their faces.

A few months later seven children were born, a triplet, a twin and two single children. Twenty-three years later, all three died one after the other. Even twenty years later their deaths were unknown, but the children were reminded of the mother they had never met keeping her in their hearts.

On another planet not too far away five male children were born on the same day, none were related to each other. They grew up and somehow met each other at the age of two, getting along. When the small boys were five, they met a small girl of two with golden skin. Her hair was curly, with the prettiest eyes they had ever seen. The five children grew up until the age of twelve, until she suddenly disappeared, leaving them behind.