
Bahati- The Divine Alchemist's Tale

Have you ever wondered in your geeky heart what it would be like to transmigrate to another world? Yea, I know I did. I thought this would my chance to the live out the fantasy and maybe even get a few answers to the questions I have about my birth. Even the family I had been taken from back on earth is here too so maybe we can finally get a chance to reunite and move forward from a past I don’t completely remember. New world, possible new romantic relationships, a world system with classes and skills, and a chance to grow into the woman I always thought I could be. Yea maybe transmigrating isn’t such a bad thing. That’s what I thought until I was betrayed and sent away to learn to be grateful to my betters. I am alone in a world that is hostile to my kind and my rage will make those who betrayed me regret their actions. I will find my pride and I will build up those who the oppressors have mistreated for centuries. They can have their war and their play their games but we of Astrella will take back our home new and old from the hands of those who have tried to blind and bind us from the truth. We are who we make ourselves to be. We can grow and overcome any obstacles. They just ignited my drive to win and I will win this game even if I have to unite this country to do it. My people call me Bahati for they consider me to be the good fortune catalyst they have been prayering for. Only I think I’m just an alchemist who just wants a place to call home and will reshape Baozhai with their help to make this place a home we can all claim as such. The main characters will be in a reverse harem (Fmc and 3 male mates). All romantic focus will be on fmc. No mm in the fmc's harem. There is potential for there to be depictions of other romantic relationships of various combinations represented ( examples but not limited to mmmmm/ ff/ mmmff). I will do my best to let you know at the start of a chapter of any potential triggers. Enjoy the journey. I know I am (Cover isn't mine- got it from Pinterest.)

AliceElyse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Prayer Answered


After 7 hours of changing clothes, posing solo and together with Selina on different sets and trying to not show how tired and uncomfortable for various reasons I was; we were finally done with the entire session. The photographer invited us to a late lunch to discuss future collaborations which pleased Mom and Selina. 

Thankfully due to us having people waiting on us to finish changing back into our own clothes so they could pack up, Selina chose to keep her hands to herself this time unlike all the opportunities she found or created through out the day. 

After quickly getting changed back into our original clothes and saying our farewells to the staff we started walking across the park to the parking lot to where Dad was waiting for us. 

"Mom, I want some lemonade. There should still be some in the cooler bag you brought today right?" Selina asked as she scrolled on her new phone not even looking up. Her new phone which is technically the phone I bought with my allowance but because she cracked hers in a tantrum yesterday our parents made me switch with her. Luckily the phone still works just fine so I got lucky this time.

I wasn't paying attention to them beyond making sure I wasn't lagging too far behind. I was taking pictures of the scenery around us when suddenly my ear was being twisted by Mom. 

"Mom, stop it. You are hurting me." I whimpered in pain and almost ended up dropping my phone. 

"I was talking to you and you were not paying attention, Adele. You need to go back to the make up and wardrobe trailer to get the cooler bag." Mom chided me as she released my ear which I quickly cradled with one hand as tears ran down my face. 

"Hurry up and run back for it. We'll be waiting in the car. Selina can't stay out here in this heat waiting for you with her delicate nature." Mom said as she pushed me in the direction we just came from. I look at her then back towards where people were still taking things down and packing up. 

"Mom, I don't think I should go back alone. It doesn't feel safe." I blurt out as I look down at the ground knowing this is against the rules to not just obey but I don't feel comfortable as a kid walking alone in this park. 

'Please, don't get mad. Let's all walk back together. Anything could happen to me if I'm alone.'  I silently pray in my mind but the silence I hear from her tells me I just added onto today's punishment when we get home where there will be no witnesses. 

"Mom, just ask one of the workers to walk with her. That should solve her worries and we can go wait in the car. Wait, why not have Dad wait for her in the parking lot and bring her over to the restaurant. That way we can go ahead of them to speak with the photographer about those future jobs he mentioned." Selina stated proudly and my mother agrees with her idea. 

'Does Mom care nothing for me? She is leaving me with a stranger so she and Selina can go talk to the photographer instead of just walking back with me or waiting right here in the shade. Am I not her daughter too?' I questioned as Mom called over a nearby crew member.

"Ma'am, if it isn't too much trouble can you or someone else walk my daughter back to get her special cooler bag she left in the wardrobe trailer. Since Selina is feeling a bit weak, I'm going to go ahead and take her to the restaurant where we are meeting the lead photographer for lunch so she can get something on her stomach. Would you mind walking Adele to the parking lot as well where my husband will be waiting?" Mom proposed the request to the woman. I remember her being the hair stylist who worked with Selina today and I felt good vibes from her. 

"Please Ms. Julia, I'll be real quick so I won't hold you up if you could just walk with me there and then to the parking lot." I broke another rule by speaking but I wanted to get this task over and done with as soon as possible. I don't think I've ever wanted a day over with so badly before as I do right now.

Ms. Julia looked unsure for a moment before nodding her head in acceptance. She took my offered hand and guided me to the trailer. Looking over my shoulder I could see Mom and Selina walking off without even making sure I got to my destination at least. 

Upon arrival, I quickly searched the trailer for the cooler bag. I found it sitting in one of the chairs. 

'Objective one complete, now proceed to door to start Objective two' I giggle as I treat this task as if I'm in a game. 

I came out of the trailer only to find Ms. Julia missing and an unknown staff member on his phone to the left of the door leaning against the side of the trailer. I look around for her before glancing once more at the man. He tips his cap at me before going back to looking at his phone.

'I guess I'm on my own to get back then.' I sigh in resignation before I turn to the right and start walking to meet up with Dad. 

Between Dad and Mom I definitely prefer Dad. He is after all the main reason I get treated decently. There was one time 3 years ago when he yelled at Mom about her treatment of me. That day we had just moved into a new place and she tried giving me only a large closet for a room. She also told me she was only going to give me Selina's used things to replace the worn out things I could no longer use. Dad started shouting at her when he found me sitting in the closet crying on the comforter covered hardwood floor in the main hallway. 

"Avena, you can't treat her like that! It will ruin everything. The first person to see such obvious child abuse will take her away from us. Then how do you expect us to keep living this lavish lifestyle when Hartley finds out and cuts us off huh?" 

I came out of the closet and peeked into the kitchen. I barely leaned around the entrance. She looked so angry. She started to respond in kind when he continued his ranting. 

"Think woman! Think before you let your feelings cloud your mind. There are 5 bedrooms in this house. Letting her have one and a decent amount of new stuff to keep everything above board will save us from having problems later. Hartley is already up our asses enough don't give him any reason to keep a closer eye on us, okay." Mom looked to be in deep thought before she nodded her head in agreement. I saw her turn to come out of the kitchen so I quickly ran back to the closet and waited. She told me to take the room at the far end of the hallway upstairs then turned and went back into the kitchen humming. That is the only time I know of that Dad spoke up for me. 

Mom made him regret it too. I'm not sure what she did but I didn't see him for 3 days. By the time I did see him again he looked like he had been in a fight. When I asked him if he was okay, he just gave me a closed lip smile, patted my head then walked away into his office. 

My Dad is a gentle man that writes screenplays and comes from a wealthy family. He doesn't have to stay married to Mom. She does not seem to be the best Mom or wife to either of us. She is great at pretending though. I think dad once told us one holiday that Mom used to work as an actress and was in a few shows and movies. 

'I can't help wishing she would go back to acting so I could have the normal life I dream about. She goes back to acting. Dad and Selina can do whatever and I can get the stable normal life I want so badly away from them." I must have been so deeply in thought as I lugged the cooler bag that I didn't hear anyone come up behind me. 

Next thing I know my nose and mouth are covered with a cloth. I black out without another thought.