
Bahati- The Divine Alchemist's Tale

Have you ever wondered in your geeky heart what it would be like to transmigrate to another world? Yea, I know I did. I thought this would my chance to the live out the fantasy and maybe even get a few answers to the questions I have about my birth. Even the family I had been taken from back on earth is here too so maybe we can finally get a chance to reunite and move forward from a past I don’t completely remember. New world, possible new romantic relationships, a world system with classes and skills, and a chance to grow into the woman I always thought I could be. Yea maybe transmigrating isn’t such a bad thing. That’s what I thought until I was betrayed and sent away to learn to be grateful to my betters. I am alone in a world that is hostile to my kind and my rage will make those who betrayed me regret their actions. I will find my pride and I will build up those who the oppressors have mistreated for centuries. They can have their war and their play their games but we of Astrella will take back our home new and old from the hands of those who have tried to blind and bind us from the truth. We are who we make ourselves to be. We can grow and overcome any obstacles. They just ignited my drive to win and I will win this game even if I have to unite this country to do it. My people call me Bahati for they consider me to be the good fortune catalyst they have been prayering for. Only I think I’m just an alchemist who just wants a place to call home and will reshape Baozhai with their help to make this place a home we can all claim as such. The main characters will be in a reverse harem (Fmc and 3 male mates). All romantic focus will be on fmc. No mm in the fmc's harem. There is potential for there to be depictions of other romantic relationships of various combinations represented ( examples but not limited to mmmmm/ ff/ mmmff). I will do my best to let you know at the start of a chapter of any potential triggers. Enjoy the journey. I know I am (Cover isn't mine- got it from Pinterest.)

AliceElyse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

Fresh Start

Adele (March 18th, 2015)

The next day, I was so excited to go visit Ms. Dana. I was already washed, brushed and dressed in clothes from the bag that was brought in with me by 9 am. 

Ms. Ginger was the on call nurse again and was highly amused with me as she helped me get ready. I know she told me she didn't know when Dr. Tharani would be coming for me but I wanted to be ready whenever he did come. 

'Better to be ready than to be rushing to get ready.'

 Another one of those strange thoughts that didn't really feel like one of my thoughts but I did agree with it so I just accepted as one of my smart thoughts as I've started to call these 'not my thoughts' thoughts.

I was watching tv with captions on and muted while I finished up my turkey sandwich when the door opened and in walked Dr. Tharani in blue jeans, a comic book t-shirt and black sneakers. I couldn't help but stare at him in wonder. 

Dr. Tharani grinned at me as he bashfully rubbed his bald head as I continued to stare. 

"Dear child, you are doing wonders for my ego. It's certainly nice to know this old man still looks good. See Naomi, you did good when you snatched me up." Dr. Tharani turned and spoke to someone I couldn't see because they were still in the hallway. Dr. Tharani's amber eyes seemed to twinkle with mischief as a beautiful woman whose skin looked like warm caramel, had hair the color of walnuts and eyes that looked like grey star bursts came into the room with an amused expression.

"I know James, I did marry you after all. I'm also aware of all the nurses who swooned as we walked past just now. I see now why you insist on not dressing too casual at work. Too many young fillies might think they can bag a stallion if you come to work dressed casually. I will reward you later for your good judgement." Naomi commented as she placed a kiss on Dr. Tharani's cheek. 

She then turned her attention to me and introduced herself. "Hello, I'm Naomi Tharani. I'm Dr. Tharani's wife. It is a pleasure to meet the patient, my husband has been talking about non-stop these past few days." 

She held out her hand to me, we shook hands before her eyes moved to a spot to the right of me. I turn my head to see what she was looking at and find to my surprise a boy about my age standing there. I almost fell over but Naomi catches me and sets me back up right. 

"Callum, how many times have I told you that you shouldn't sneak up on people like that." Naomi scolds the boy but he never takes his eyes off of me. 

"You and me are going to be best of friends and family starting today. Do you need to pack anything before we leave today?" Callum said as he placed his hand on top of mine and looked deep into my eyes. Callum was a beautiful boy who was a lovely mix of his parents. He had his mom's caramel skin tone but has his dad's amber eyes. His hair is an iridescent charcoal black that reminds me of my own hair. Where mine has a blue sheen and transitions to a flint blue; his just has a silver sheen to it. 

'Maybe if it was long as mine his hair would transition like mine.' I'm awed by the possibilities. 

'I've never seen anybody with hair similar to mine before. This close I can tell it is natural just like mine.' 

My eyes start to tear up at this fact and before I know it I'm sobbing. This startles Dr. Tharani and Naomi but Callum just climbs up on the bed settles against the pillows then holds me against his chest. I just sob into his chest as he rubs my back. I feel other hands patting my head and rubbing my back comfortingly. Eventually I do calm down but now I feel embarrassed so I just burrow in hiding against Callum's chest.

"Now now child, there is no reason to be embarrassed. Obviously that was a cry you needed to get out and you felt safe enough to do that. So this was a good thing. If you would like to share what brought on this release of emotions we are here and ready to listen. If you do not wish to share that is okay and a valid option. We will move on from this moment with clearer minds and hearts. So what would you like to do?" Naomi asked me from my left and I could tell she was the one who had been patting my head. 

I pulled myself out of Callum's arms and just sat in front of him before reaching out to hold his hand. He smiled gently and held my hand in return. 

"Guess I just felt not alone when I noticed that Callum had hair similar to mine. I've never seen anybody else with hair like mine. I remember being told that my hair just looked dirty as if I never wash it. I've always felt my hair was one of my favorite things about myself. I don't think anybody in my family had hair like mine. So I guess it just felt good to have something really important to me in common with someone else." I whisper feeling like my throat is dry from my crying. Dr. Tharani handing me a cup of water which I accepted with a smile.

"I'm glad I could help you feel connected when you feel alone in the world right now. I told you we would be best friends and family starting today. Now that we have bonded through hugs, snot and tears, we are brother and sister. How about I change my shirt and you pack up anything you need to and we can go visit Aunt Dana and our new baby cousin." Callum squeezed my hands before scooting off the bed, grabbed a backpack that was leaning against the wall by the bathroom, then he entered the bathroom and shut the door behind himself. 

"And that is Callum, my son who is the same age as you and a force of nature we still barely handle after 10 years of raising him." Dr. Tharani says with amused exasperation as he sits beside me on the bed. 

"He didn't really give us a chance to talk to you about this before claiming you so please be patient as I backtrack a bit so we are all on the same page." Dr. Tharani says the last part a bit louder I think so Callum could hear him. 

"So as Heather, I mean Mrs. Lindon mentioned yesterday you will be placed with a family to foster you while the search for your family is going on. I would really like it if my family could be that family. I intended to bring this up after visiting Dana but Callum bulldozed ahead so here we are. You don't have to choose us, Heather will find you a perfectly good…" I interrupted him before he could continue.

"I choose you, Dr. Tharani. I like you and you make me feel comfortable. Mrs. Tharani and Callum give me good vibes too so I would like to stay with you. Plus like Callum said he and I have already bonded with hugs, snot and tears." I giggle as I say this last part. A washcloth is thrust in front of my face, making me jerk back a bit to find Callum had come out of the bathroom while we were talking. 

Taking the washcloth from him, I wipe my face then hand it back to him when I see him gesture for it. I watch him take it back to the bathroom before Naomi speaks up bringing my attention to her.

"Well since you have chosen us, we will go ahead and let Heather know so she can process the paperwork. For her to complete the paperwork you will need a name. Have you thought of what you would like your new name to be?" Naomi inquires as she types on her phone. 

"Yes, I've decided my name will be Elaine. I like the sound and look of it. When I looked it up on Ms. Ginger's phone, I like the meaning of my name being shining light. I feel I need a magical name like that in a situation like this." I play with my fingers as I tell them my name and reasoning in a soft voice.

"Elaine. I like it. Elaine Tharani your name shall be from this day forth. Now let's get going. We have a newborn baby to cuddle." Callum grabs his bag then my hand and starts dragging me to Ms. Dana and the newborn. 

"Wait, Callum! Stop! Stop dragging Elaine like that! Callum!" Dr. Tharani, my soon to be new dad yelled down the hall then started jogging after us as we ran faster laughing. 

'I think I even hear my new mom laughing behind us.' I ran faster as I heard our dad catching up to us.

'Thank you to whoever was listening so that Dr. Tharani could become my dad for however long it takes to reunite me with my other family.'

Wish granted! Yay!

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