
Badass, the rise of the emperors in the modern era

In the year 2084 several portals appeared on earth from which all kinds of monsters and terrifying existences descended, when everyone thought that it would be the extinction of humanity a voice sounded in the sky. "Welcome to the endless era, all past eras converge in the current era, the powers in their bloodline that have been sealed for millennia will begin to awaken, all the ancient temples will appear and within them will be cultivation methods, magic skill books, divine weapon forging methods, apart from of his awakened powers of his bloodline each will have a system with the ability to level up, see you soon, I hope humanity can rise to the top once again".

TheBadass2413 · Eastern
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Badass, the beginning of the endless era.

The year 2084, planet Earth.

In the year 2084, Monday, April 17 the planet underwent a drastic change, several portals began to appear in the sky and countless monsters began to descend from them, just when everyone thought it would be the end of humanity, a voice resounded through the sky beginning the endless era.

Sunday, April 16, 2084, 5:00 Pm, Latin American Continent, Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, East Santo Domingo, East Park.

Two young people are sitting in front of a football field, and an aura of incomparable serenity emanates from these two, infinite wisdom reflects in their pupils and the confidence they give off is simply unreal.

These two young people are Jose Luis and Angel, they both met at MMC High School in third grade and thanks to the fact that they both noticed the qualities and the privileged brains they had, they became friends too fast.

Between the two of them, they embarked on a journey of constant improvement taking their level to heights unimaginable by those around them, only their closest friends knew a little about what they were hiding, but it was all just the tip of the iceberg.

They have the habit of meeting from time to time in the eastern park, to talk among themselves about how much they have improved and about their future projects, however, today they have met because they have a feeling that something very big will happen soon, something that will change the course of humanity forever.

Jose Luis: "Bro, I have the feeling that something extraordinary is going to happen and something in the depths of my being is feeling an emotion without equal, it's more like my spirit of war".

Angel: "That's strange bro, humanity despite the conflicts of world powers does not show signs of a possible world war".

While looking at the sky Jose Luis said in a serious tone: "Maybe all the trouble comes from beyond heaven".

"Although we are both certain that there must be infinitely many planets with extraordinary life forms in space, it is unlikely that we will meet them one day", Angel replied calmly.

Listening to Angel, Jose Luis got up from where he was sitting and pointed to the sky: "Anything that is going to happen is just a stone in our path, we are Badass, neither geniuses, nor prodigies, nor super gifted, nor alpha males, all They're just ants in front of a Badass".

Angel: "Bro, all the skills we have developed are unreal to those who have witnessed them, I have a feeling that people like us will be forgotten in the long river of time".

After hearing what Angel said, Jose Luis took a deep breath and said: "Bro, we both know that if we get serious, it would be easy to become rich or famous in a matter of days, we just consider that we haven't reached a decent level with which to we can handle all that it takes to achieve that".

Angel sighed while smiling: "You're absolutely right, but tomorrow will be another day, lately I've even been bored going to high school".

After that they both said goodbye, not knowing that tomorrow their lives would change drastically and the word Badass would resonate throughout the universe.

Monday, April 17, the year 2084, MMC High School.

In the Multimedia area, Jose Luis and Angel are both sitting next to each other, with the only difference being that the incomparable temperament that emanated from them when they were in the eastern park is now hidden.

From one moment to the next, Jose Luis looks up at the ceiling of the classroom while he said to Angel: "Bro, do you feel it?"

Angel frowned and replied: "Yes, an extremely disgusting energy is coming toward us."

"Let's just act normal, if things get out of control we'll have to intervene", after saying that Jose Luis closed his eyes and Angel as well, maybe those who realized that just thought they were falling asleep in class, however, they are mentally preparing for a life and death battle.

Their instincts are warning them that something big will happen soon and if they don't unleash their limit, they will probably die along with everyone else, but, their battle spirit is burning, they both know that the time to show themselves to the world has come, as they thought about that a maniacal smile began to outline in both.


The sound of an explosion was heard throughout the province, originating from the area where Jose Luis and Angel were.

At MMC High School, a large amount of smoke and dust covered the surroundings, the explosion just now caused a small tremor so everyone started to evacuate the classrooms.

Teacher Juan German: "Everyone starts to leave in an organized way!".

After several seconds when all the classrooms were evacuated, a figure could be seen on the pavement, more than 2 meters tall, dark in color, with extremely long ears, and giving off a terrifying aura. The strange existence began to look at everyone while its shining armor shimmered in all directions, just as he gestured to launch an attack, the strange creature frowned, it seems something is preventing it from using its powers.

Enraged by that, he began to emanate a terrifying killing intent and screamed.

"Damned mortals! Today is the day that the human race will be eliminated from the universe, today I will clean this island of your inferior race".

Moments before the explosion, the sophisticated defense systems of the world powers detected a strange object heading towards the Earth's atmosphere at an incredible speed, they quickly calculated the object's trajectory and saw that it would impact the Dominican Republic, so they decided to activate all the satellites to have high-quality images of everything that was happening and transmit it to the whole world.

Therefore, when the strange humanoid creature came out of the strange object, it was seen by the whole world, hearing what it said and seeing its armor and its gestures, they quickly came to the conclusion that the planet was being invaded.

The hearts of all the citizens of the world began to beat frantically after hearing the ominous words of the humanoid creature, but just when they thought that everything would get worse, two voices were heard.


As everyone present at the MMC High School was terrified of the strange creature already giving up that they were going to die, two figures walked out from behind and stood in front of them.

Quickly everyone realized that they were Angel and Jose Luis, the teacher Juan German was about to call them desperate, but suddenly everyone present saw how the temperament of both changed radically.

Their gazes reflected endless contempt along with unmatched arrogance, to everyone's surprise, the arrogance emanating from them rivals the aura of the slaughter of the strange creature.

"Bro, I never imagined that they would invade the earth and even less a dark elf, I thought they were just fictional creatures invented by humans", said Angel in a sarcastic way.

"I don't understand it either, bro, how a lesser creature dares to be arrogant in that way in our presence? he is simply expressing his wish to die", Jose Luis replied dismissively.

After hearing what Angel and Jose Luis said, the dark elf yelled angrily: "How two mere humans dare to underestimate me? I will destroy them immediately".

After that the dark elf began to take off his armor, as something prevented him from using his powers, the armor would only be a hindrance in battle.

Seeing his actions, Jose Luis looked at Angel and said: "Brother, let me be the first to kill this insolent beast".

Seeing that his best friend's fighting spirit was going to eat away at his soul if he wasn't released, Angel nodded, "It's all yours bro, your fitness is better than mine, I'll help you if I see things get complicated".

Listening to the conversation between Jose Luis and Angel, everyone thought that they had both gone crazy, it is impossible for an unarmed human to fight a creature of that physical build, it is simply suicide.

All the members of the MMC high school were already shedding tears thinking that Angel and Jose Luis would sacrifice themselves for them, however, when the dark elf finished removing his armor, he pounced on Jose Luis attacking him with a punch, just when everyone thought that it was the end, something extraordinary happened.

Just when the dark elf's punch was going to make contact with the head of Jose Luis, he ducked down and hit the dark elf's stomach, sending him flying twelve steps back, such fact made everyone almost drop their jaws, while Angel smiled, trusting completely in his best friend 'As long as humanity has Junior (Jose Luis), victory is assured'.

Without giving the dark elf time to react, Jose Luis rushed to attack him, but his plan was unsuccessful, so he ended up exchanging more than twenty blows in three seconds with the dark elf.

Both began to fight more seriously, turning the battle for survival into the closest thing to sci-fi combat, their movements, agility, strength, and reaction speed are simply out of this world.

Everyone on Earth planet was watching Jose Luis's fight with the dark elf through the images provided by the satellites and they were fascinated, they have forgotten that the Earth is in danger and they are only appreciating how a human from a third-world country is fighting an interplanetary creature without falling into a disadvantage.

The battle continues to develop, as time went by the dark elf increased both in speed and strength, but the strange thing is that every time he improved, Jose Luis continued to adapt and equalize his level.

"Damn it, there's no way a mere human can keep up with me," the dark elf yelled desperately.

Jose Luis smiled with extreme arrogance: "I am not a simple human, I am a badass, but not an ordinary badass, I am a badass emperor".

"In front of the emperor all sentient beings are ants, in front of a badass the emperor is an ant, and in front of a badass emperor there are no limits, he stands on top without comparison in the universe, only below the creator".

"Currently in the entire cosmos, there are only two badass emperors, who are my best friend and brother Angel and Me, it is impossible for others to exist since we are the origin".

"I have read in a Chinese passage that this would pass, different races would invade the earth, and a multiverses war would begin, giving rise to the beginning of the endless era, so I know that when I kill you, the heavens will reward Me and the other races will think several times before coming to this world".

After finishing speaking, Jose Luis unleashed his martial arts, his movements are simply impossible for a human being to execute, and his attacks were causing a lot of damage to the dark elf, so much so that he got scared and wanted to run away.

But Angel appeared in front of him and after exchanging several blows with the dark elf and with a kick, he pushed him towards Jose Luis, who pierced his heart with an unstoppable punch.

"Supreme glory, Jose Luis Sanchez has killed the dark elf while he is still a mortal, the endless age has officially begun!".