

Marianne Carolina was the only daughter of the mafia boss, Vivan who terrorized country A. His name was to be feared by not only Country A but also a few of the surrounding countries. It.was no secret he was not the best father. So after a argument with her father. She plans a amateur plan with her best friend, Katherine to escape. The amateur plan works and Mary runs away but only after being free for a while. She is entangled with King of the business world, Damon Tyson who makes her his wife.

offical_alex · Teen
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25 Chs


A cold breeze of wind went through the open window gently tickling her face. Her long blonde hair was all over the place. She looked messy yet cute while asleep. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." He said patting her head. "Go away. I want to sleep...." She said pushing him away and going back inside the blanket. "Hmmm, ok. Don't blame me if you are late for the first day of your college." He said leaving the bed. "Whha, Why didn't you say that first." She said rushing towards the washroom. "Wait." He said stopping. "What? I am going to be late. Let me go." She said. "I was kidding. Tomorrow is actually the first day." He said. She rolled her eyes and fell back on the bed. "You are an Ass."

"Don't say that. Today is an important day too. We have to buy your course books, stationary and uniform. I took a day off just so we can go to shopping together." He said pulling her in for a kiss but to his surprise she bit his lower lip. We are in your mother's House right now. We can't do things like that here."

"Like what?"

"You know what I am talking about."

"Than we will have to move into my penthouse today. So we can do 'that'."

"No, I am too young for that."

"You are 18 but I guess if it makes you feel better I will wait till 19."

"You are shameless. I am going down for breakfast before you ruin my appetite." She said walking away. They both didn't feel like they were a fake couple. It felt real.

*Buzz Buzz*. He took out the phone out of his pocket and attended the call. "What happened?" He said. "Ok, I will be there in two minutes." His eyes gleamed red.

After breakfast. "Mom, have you seen Damon?" Mary asked. "Yes. I saw him going out. He seemed angry did anything happened between you two?" Zara asked. Zara looked really young to be the mother of a 23 year man. "No. Anyways I was wondering last night about Xavier. Why wasn't he there while you all were?" She innocently asked not knowing the truth. "Xavier is the youngest. He always stays away from everyone. He has suffered a lot in the past." Zara explained. Mary felt bad for asking her but said nothing. "Good morning, sister in law." Freya said. She seemed quite happy. "Good morning, Freya. What happened? You seem quite happy." Mary asked.

"I got accepted in my dream University. I can't believe wait to become a singer in the future." Freya said. Mary now understood why she acted so much like an idol. It was because she wanted to become one. Red hair really suited personality. "That's wonderful. Have you seen Damon by the way?" Mary asked once again. "No. You should ask Zander." She said. Mary nodded and went upstairs.

She didn't go to Zander's room instead she went to the room next to her room. She knocked for god knows how many times but when no one opened the room. She went in. "Hello! Helloo! Is anyone here." She said only to hear no response. The room was incredibly messy. Judging by the size of the bed she assumed it used to be a child's room. On the drawer next to the bed there was a photo of a young boy about the age of 4 or 5. The boy had blue eyes like those of Damon and black hair. "who is he?" She muttered to herself. The room seemed like it was abandoned. It didn't feel right to be there. There were spider webs everywhere and there were no windows. She saw a stuffed rabbit. It seemed cute so she took it and stuffed it in her hand bag.

Hearing footsteps closer she closes the door. "Freya, do you think Damon loves her or he is just marrying her for you know what?" She hears Zander say to Freya. Mary didn't mean to eavesdrop but at the mention of Damon she couldn't help but listen. "I don't know. You should really tell Ray to stay in her limits. Otherwise I wouldn't mind ripping her throat out." It was clear that Ray and Freya didn't get along but why. Mary couldn't help but wonder. "She didn't mean to offend you. Anyways, do you think Mary knows?" Mary at this point had so many questions. What was it that Damon married her for and what is it that she is supposed to know. "No, if she did they wouldn't be together and what's with you asking so many questions about Mary. Anyways do you want to go out for a drink?" Mary's curiosity only growed. Whose child was it in the photo? And what was it that she didn't know and that if she did know she would have left him? Why were they going for a drink when Freya was clearly too young to drink? The room stank she couldn't wait to get out. "Yes, lets go." Their footsteps seemed to get quieter as they walked away from the room.

After a long while Mary went out and went to her room. She bumped into a maid making her bed. "Ahhh. Please forgive me ma,am. I am so sorry for bumping into you." The maid said as she lowered head even though it was Mary who bumped into her. "Its okay. What's your name?" Mary asked her. This maid seemed quite beautiful with dark blue hair and blue eyes. "My name?! Its Naomi. How can I help you?"

"Well, Its nice to meet you Naomi. Do you know Damon's phone number?" She said smiling. Mary straightened her floral dress with a swift motion of her hand. "I don't know young master's phone number but if you, ma'am want it I can ask Butler Xu for it?" She said. "No need I will just ask Damon for it when he comes back. Today the weather is nice. Would you mind accompanying me to the garden?" Mary had been curious of how it looked since last night she wasn't able to see it clearly. "Of course, that's the least I can do. Please follow me." She said leaving the bed sheets on the bed and walking out.