
Bad Hair Night

A woman grows into her father's family secret, and with it a whole new incredible world. A world that doesn't include her mother, her childhood friend or her past, but that she learns to embrace and even protect. Fresh out of high school she has to learn to deal with a whole new life. Thus starts the first year of a college she didn’t even know existed. Join her in this great discovery and the adventures of the Taciturno's noctis college.

Chris_Yellow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Gymnastics class III - families gathering

Back in the gym our trainer was talking gloriously with this slick feline form. She couldn't even stand still, her tail reached to his arm like it was asking him to join in a dance. She was either unable to contain the movement or enjoying consummately the conversation not to notice it. He stopped as I and my ``prey'' passed towards the bench. I hadn't seen her with much light, I mostly hadn't at all, but she was an agile looking creature. Generous bosoms danced furry ahead of her, jumping tightly in her two-sizes-too-small top. She showed off her yellow furred body and stopped to skim the bench of students hanging all over the place. She then joined them waltzing her tail right under my chin in a tease. My teeth automatically crashed and the sound made her straiten, a movement that she swiftly countered resuming her dancing walk. I found myself snarling at her and shook my head. I have to get tamed fast. What is wrong with me?

The three musketeers were seating on the bench. Their oversized sneakers planted wide apart and well forward, as to occupy more space. As soon as they saw her "Spikes" pressed the "Straight-hair" sideways as to make a vacancy on the bench. My "prey" smiled and paraded her bottom into it. The pale Bulldog didn't seem too amused. But her nod to each of them reassured him.

Students stood leaning on the wall, sitting or lying on the bench or even on the floor. It seems that the students composure left with the exhaustion. Each step I took my own feet got heavier, my breath started to bring pain to muscles I ignored the existence off.

-``Oh, I see most of you found something to sink your teeth into'' - Claws stepped forward and started. The nauseous thought of a tail in my mouth drew a bad face on me. This let my tongue spread out of my mouth, and only then did I consider the enormous size of it; I could easily reach my nose, which I tested.

-``Or something to sand your nails on.'' - The feline form joined him and the conversation.

-``So you already met my wife's students, the cats.'' - He danced his hand in front of the woman standing next to him, she drew a warm smile.

-``Filenaemen.'' - she corrected him sharply, facing the students with a new posture. The difference in her straight back and still rising tail was surprising, in seconds she went from high-school flirt to professor. - `` and for those who don't know this is my hilarious husband, the dog trainer.''

-``So, now that you look more presentable, would you please transform back so we meet the batmen?'' - The last word was filled with a comic suspense and accompanied with the movement of an imaginary cape falling down his arm at half-face-height.

Transform? I looked down at my caramel hands with blond highlights, hair covered my skin and my nose disabled me to see half under it. I am still phased, in front of all my colleges? A blushing shame rose in my stomach, crushing it tight against my back. My eyes watered but I was not going to cry here and now, so I fought the acid air passing my nose and the burning of my lids and concentrated on how nobody else cared.

I looked to the left and everybody was with the eyes closed one by one shifting to the corresponding hairy beasts they held inside. I looked to the right and I could recognize Akita's clothes on a dark brown furred creature that attempted to smile back at me. This resulted in a sinister moment, only comparable to the beauty and the beast movie, when the beast is encouraged by the candlestick to show off a smile and though his eyes were tender, they were anxious in fear and doubtful too. Also the recoil of the lips line in a curvy smile revealed the huge sharp teeth and that didn't sincerely help.

-``I will never look at you the same way.''

-``I know right?'' - He answered with enthusiasm, as if what I said could be interpreted in a positive way.

It was done. From long bending ears to short pointy ones, from sharp to chubby snouts, from extremely hairy tails to army-hair-sized, we all had our inner daemons exposed. The nice thing was that within the freak show some of the features of the people underneath remained and most of them seemed in peace with their morphed form. I could easily distinguish Akita even without his glasses and even if I didn't know his clothes. The fur ended before his eyes half way through his cheeks and his lips were still the same.

I could find the ``Irish Setter'' because in her tight pants and shirt her slim lines, red fur, and imperious posture she was impossible to miss. Furthermore she now definitely resembled an Irish Setter, she even had a white spot on her chest in the shape of a heart that landed over her breasts.

On our way out of the Gym I admired how each and everyone looked much like himself, at least the ones I would normally spot in the "human" crowd. I addition the ``vision'' would now literally drool a little over the ``Irish Setter'', still his knight looking body and his shiny golden armor made him as gorgeous as ever.

We all followed the two trainers through the gym entrance to the outside. When we reached the large green meadow, framed by the dim lights of the solitary tree lamps, the filinae trainer whistled a high tone that made me jump on my heels, me and all the wolfmen. Some time passed and suddenly the wind changed bringing the sound of large windmill blades and a bitter toasted hot smell, like fresh dark coffee. Many figures arose from the top of the trees, where the forest ended. Bathed by the moonlight the shapes resembled huge sideways umbrellas floating higher than the Gym roof.

When they approached, the dark shadows thinned rapidly and then gained a reasonable speed closing in on us, or on the ground. The first of them flew quite ahead and the others seemed to mimic his movements. He was nosediving, when the dim lights touched his face he opened again his wings and fluttered slowly, moving enormous quantities of air that brought even more the toasted smell to our noses. He thus raised his upper-body, standing vertically in the air. His wings folded more and more to allow a smooth landing on his feet and the lights covered his skin. His nose was risen backwards and his ears pointed towards the shadows that filled the sky.

The first row of shadows opened their winds and slowed automatically their fall. Some would even gain some altitude back, and they would start to move their wings faster to control the landing speed and aim. One shadow landed on another and they engaged on each-other. Their bodies rolling together to their right. In this light night they looked like a big rock, with arms and legs out trying to reach anything solid too slow down. Two figures approached the land and had to retract their legs to avoid the rolling shadows. One got unbalanced and fell to the other side, but the other just opened majestically his wings and used them to correct his posture. This gave him the altitude needed to avoid any contact. By then most of the shadows became humanoids with wings and flattened noses, talking and gathering in small groups. He, however, just landed, said nothing and stood upright. They continued closing in on us after landing, simply walking.

-``Not bad, hum? Even for those who can't appreciate flying?'' - The first lander had joined the trainers and turned his back to us looking at the landing strip.

The "Majestic lander" approached together with the groups of young talkative wingmen. They were probably as accelerated when we were in the forest. He kept his eyes nowhere and as the distance between us shortened I could see his eyes. All the new arrivals had somewhat bleached eyes, but he had hollow light blue colorless eyes. They focused on the infinite, way passed any of us and his face was expressionless as if the bustle surrounding was nothing to him, not even in his space or time. I knew these eyes too well, I could tell.

Something grabbed my shoulder and my body jumped again, as if this was the reaction to any and everything nowadays.

-``So, what do you think of Monday evenings at the Tacyturnos Noctis College?'' - Akita was grabbing my shoulder lightly and laughed at my hasty reaction.

-``Must be really nice. It's a pity that the side effect is a flat nose and dark strong smell.''

-``Don't worry. They think you are uglier than they are and they can't tell about the smell. They see greatly though.'' - He laughed in a conquest tone, as though the world was handed back to him. Could he be jealous? This is quite a step. - ``But I agree with you, even the cats look better.'' - and signaled with his head towards my earlier prey. You couldn't let it be? Couldn't let me dream in peace and enjoy the moment, could you?

I looked back at the batmen and for a second it looked as though those bleach eyes were focusing on me instead of the other end of the world.

-``So, now that we have all met, I think it is time to call it a night and let you go on to the rest of your classes'' - The tall thin figure that joined our trainers said over his shoulder and gave a look forth at his followers. I can only deduce that he is the Batmen trainer.

-``Incredibly nice hum? Now I understand why they focus on the infinite.''

-``Nice one.'' - A familiar feminine voice joined by a nasty sweet and acid smell laughed at my comment. -``That's their version of closing their eyes to smell and going against all the trees.''

-``Oh.'' - She was nice, when I wasn't high on canine instincts. - ``So that is what is happening, they are focusing on their radar senses. Beautiful, at least they don't need to smell this sensitive. It is kind of annoying to be able to know your friends are coming from the distance and being unable to appreciate their quantity of perfume. But at least we are able to walk without waltzing our tails like we are going into a great opening every time we move.''

-``Can't say I know what you mean.'' - and I felt her tail push Akita's face to hers. She blinked at him and laughed. - ``But at least we don't stink under the rain and we are able to fit in the most unusual positions.''

I was going to protest, but she continued... ``But I guess you guys look much more comfortable than any of those hairless featherless birds. I like your eyes.'' - She croaked her head like an intrigued cat and then looked at my raging face. Akita just laughed as though he owned the world.

-``Come on, easy girls. There is enough for both of you and more.'' - He placed his arms around us and pulled us close to his warm body, one on each side. I had to control my desire to just sniff him and purr.

-``Sorry. Already served. Just wanted to say hi to your friend and let her know that there are no hurt feelings.'' - she and I squeezed out of his locked embrace.

-``Sorry. Me neither.'' - I said back to Akita.

-``Also you are kind of nice for a beach.'' - She shot at me, and she turned to join "Spikes" that looked unimpressed by her behavior and they left the meadow.

-``Oh. Why not? Can't find any better, I guarantee. Give you your money back if you do.'' - He helped me ignore her comment.. - ``Shall we?'' - He moved his arm as a gentleman showing and opening the door.

-``You are incorrigible!'' - I laughed.

-``Ya, but that's how chicks dig me.'' - He smiled gloriously and tried to mimic some rap movements he obviously didn't know.