
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · Urban
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70 Chs

Chapter 63: Can't Teach Her

Maddie suddenly became nervous.

Why was Liam looking at her like that? Could it be... about the incident with William last time?

What did he want to do?

Was he going to say it out loud?

Liam felt a sense of disgust from the bottom of his heart as he saw her dodging eyes.

Although he wasn't familiar with Maddie, she seemed insincere no matter how he looked at her.

He was annoyed.

Liam turned around and walked downstairs, disappearing from the sight of the group.

When his figure disappeared from their sight, a girl beside Maddie poked her arm, "Maddie, did Liam just look at you?"

"I'm not sure..." Maddie felt complicated.

She thought Liam might bring up the incident with William to her, but he looked at her for a while and suddenly turned around and left.

What's going on?

"I think he's looking at you. Could it be that he likes you?!" Chloe, who had just been standing next to her, witnessed the scene and couldn't help saying.

Maddie was stunned by her words.

Come to think of it, there had been no news about her and William's incident.

If Liam really disliked her, he wouldn't have helped her keep it a secret, right?

So... Liam wasn't upset about that incident but simply had feelings for her?

At the thought of this, Maddie's eyes instantly brightened.

If that were the case, then it couldn't be better...

"The next one, Diana Thompson!"

As Maddie was secretly happy, she suddenly heard someone calling Diana's name at the entrance of the class F exam room.

"Maddie, it's that loser Diana. I can't believe she actually dared to come and take the exam!" Chloe couldn't help but sneer, "This time it's not like she can cheat in a cultural class exam. She's probably going to be kicked out by the professor!"

"Come on, Maddie, let's go take a look!"

Maddie pretended to sigh helplessly, "Ah, Diana. I haven't even heard her play the piano, I don't know if she can understand the music score. I'm really worried for her..."

"No way! She can't even read music scores!?" As soon as she said this, those around her became even more convinced that Diana was here to mess around.

Ha, there's going to be a good show later.

The few of them waited outside for a while, eagerly anticipating.

Soon, the door of the exam room was opened.

Diana slowly walked out.

She didn't look as furious and embarrassed as the few people had imagined.

Her expression looked quite calm, and there was no emotional fluctuation to be seen.

What's going on?

The few of them were a bit puzzled.

Maddie couldn't help but ask, "Diana, are you done with the exam? How do you feel?"

The soundproofing effect of the exam room was very good, so they couldn't hear the piano inside and had no idea how Diana played.

"It was okay," Diana said calmly.

This statement almost made the girls around Maddie burst out laughing.

If you don't know anything, why pretend!

Hearing her words, Maddie also concluded that she was pretending to be cool.

She put on a serious look and said, "Diana, it's okay even if you don't understand it. You can practice more in the future, and if you don't understand, I can teach you..."

Diana looked at her with a smirk, "Teach me? That won't be necessary."

With that, she pushed Maddie's hand away, "I have something to do, I'll wait for the results to come out."

Looking at her cold and indifferent appearance, Chloe beside her instantly became unhappy.

She looked at Diana's back with disdain and said, "What an attitude! Maddie, don't bother with this kind of person, she doesn't even appreciate it!"

As they were talking, the door to the assessment room opened and a professor stood at the doorway, ready to call in the next candidate.

Maddie quickly spoke up, "Professor, um, I wanted to ask, Diana didn't cause you any trouble, did she?"

"Diana?" The professor furrowed his brows and paused briefly before furrowing them again, displaying an expression of "it's hard to say."

This student whom everyone considered a simpleton had truly astonished several professors with her soul-stirring performance just now.

Thinking back on that piece of music that had pierced their hearts, he couldn't help but sigh, feeling a mix of emotions.

"Diana...I don't think I can teach her, she..."

"I knew it would be like this, Professor, you really have a hard time!" The professor hadn't finished speaking when Chloe couldn't help but take over the conversation, her tone somewhat disdainful.

Maddie also relaxed. If the professor said he couldn't teach her, it was enough to prove just how bad Diana played!

She reached up to tidy her hair and revealed a sweet smile. "Thank you for your hard work, Professor. Diana will know, and we will too."

With that, she gently greeted the assessment professor and left with the others.

The remaining professor stood in place, unable to help but show a puzzled expression.

Huh? What did Diana know? What did they know? It was all very strange.

Upon exiting, Diana didn't see Lynn who was supposed to pick her up. Instead, she saw a limited edition black Rolls-Royce parked outside. She couldn't help but wonder which top-level wealthy man had come to burn money here.

Suddenly, the driver's door opened and a man in a black suit stepped out. As soon as he saw Diana, he immediately bowed respectfully and said, "Miss Thompson."

"Do we know each other?" Diana asked, looking puzzled.

"I'm Mr. Matthews' subordinate. You can call me Tom," he replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, Diana saw the back door open and John slightly leaned out, revealing his handsome face in the shimmering sunlight.

"What are you doing here?" Diana exclaimed.

"I'm here to pick you up," John replied in a low voice.

He was worried that their argument earlier had upset the little girl, causing her to distance herself from him again, so he came to pick her up.

However, Diana didn't think too much about it. She reached out her hand as John extended his, and she placed her hand in his palm before getting into the back seat of the car.

Meanwhile, Liam had just walked out of the school gates and saw the entire scene unfold. He stood in place, furrowing his brows slightly.

Was it his imagination? The man in the back seat of the car looked so much like his "Uncle John"?

But upon closer inspection, he realized it couldn't be him. Besides, he remembered that his "Uncle John" always rode in a black Bentley.

Diana sat in the backseat with her hands on her knees, wondering, "Isn't Ethan with us today?"

"Well, he's in Antarctica," John replied calmly.

"I see..." Diana muttered to herself.

She had thought they were both John's assistants and wouldn't need to travel so far for work. It seemed quite exhausting.

"By the way, I have a piano assessment this afternoon. The professors were surprised by my performance!" Diana exclaimed with a proud smile, her pigtails almost standing up to the sky. "I'm definitely going to class A this time!"

Not only would she be in class A, but she'd also make a grand entrance!

The thought of it excited her.

"Well, I believe in you," John replied with a slight grin, seeing how happy she was.

"By the way, did I play the piano for you the other night? What did you think?" Diana suddenly changed the subject and looked at him with expectant eyes.

"Do you not remember that night?" John looked at her porcelain skin, his gaze flickering, and landed on her cherry lips.

That night, he almost couldn't control himself and devoured her...

"I don't remember much, just that you brought me back after I got drunk," Diana replied casually.

Hearing this, John's heart couldn't help but feel conflicted.

No wonder she had no reaction after that. He thought she was open-minded, but she didn't remember it at all...

Would she think he was a scoundrel if she remembered?

At the thought, John's heart quivered.

Diana noticed his silence and asked, "What's wrong? Did I not play well?"

"No, you didn't get to play that night. You fell asleep before you could," John explained.

"Oh... I see," Diana scratched her head, vaguely remembering something but quickly forgetting it.

She didn't dwell on it and asked, "John, where are we going now?"

"To my villa. I prepared a lot of your favorite food," he said.

He was unsure of how to make her happy. After much consideration, he thought food would be a safe bet for Diana's pleasure.

Diana leaned back in the backseat, arms crossed in defiance. "Am I just a foodie in your eyes?"

As she spoke, Diana silently wiped away the drool from her mouth.

John caught her subtle expression and couldn't help but lift the corners of his mouth slightly. "No, you're perfect."

Diana's face lit up in an instant.

Well, that was more like it.