
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · Urban
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70 Chs

Chapter 54: 99 Blue Roses

"... Diana isn't bad either, it's not a big deal if someone recommends her."

Maddie suppressed the shock in her eyes and pretended to be magnanimous on the surface, but deep down she was full of disdain.

This fool Diana wanted to compete with her? She was simply overestimating her abilities!

"With the reputation she had in college, who would recommend her! She probably recommended herself, and she's shameless about it!" Lily sneered contemptuously.

"What's wrong? It's a voting system in college. Who says I can't run?" Diana tossed the chicken leg she finished eating into her plate and glanced at the group.

"Don't tell me you guys don't want to be the student representative. You all are just hypocrites, it's disgusting!"

Diana's words hit the nail on the head, and everyone's faces suddenly looked ugly.

Indeed, they didn't not want to compete, but they knew they would lose to Maddie, so they gave up on the idea.

"What are you talking about! We never thought of competing, we all stand with Maddie!" Lily shouted in anger.

"Yeah, who do you think you are? Not everyone is as shameless as you. You only have five votes now, Maddie left you far behind. What's the point of competing? It's better to withdraw now!"

Diana rubbed her chin and was a little surprised.

What the hell! She actually had five votes?!

Who were these five people!?

Report their names! She would protect them in the university from now on!

"Alright, let's have a fair competition. Don't make fun of Diana," Maddie came out pretending to be a good person at a critical moment.

She didn't even put Diana in her eyes.

Not to mention the votes, Diana couldn't even compete with her in terms of academics with her poor performance, and the teachers were the first to disagree.

"Well, let's see how many votes she can get at the time!" Chloe sneered disdainfully, suppressing her anger.

This scene was seen by several boys sitting on the second floor.

A young man with dyed red hair flashed a sly smile at the guy sitting across from him wearing black clothes.

"Liam bro, is it really the same Diana from that joke? She doesn't seem like what the rumors say," Caleb Green said.

Liam Baker slightly turned his head, revealing his handsome face. Though his features were refined and good-looking, his gaze had a hint of ferocity, making him look difficult to approach. He glanced at the slender figure downstairs and then withdrew his gaze.

"It's none of our business," he replied lazily.

Indeed, he had thought that Diana was unattractive and superficial based on the rumors. However, it turned out that she was quite surprising. But what did it have to do with him?

"She's so beautiful! Even from this distance, I'm amazed. I think she's prettier than that so-called Campus Beauty Maddie!" Caleb exclaimed, touching his red hair.

"It's just so-so," Liam yawned.

No matter how beautiful someone appeared, they could still be superficial.

"Wow, bro, are you really just saying that? Do you really like men, like the rumors say?!" Caleb Green instinctively clutched his buttocks.

"Who the hell dares to spread rumors about me?!" Liam nearly stabbed him with a fork.

Caleb quickly covered his mouth.

Damn, he slipped up!

"I'm sorry, bro, but do you really not find her attractive? She's stunning!" Caleb Green said.

Liam rolled his eyes at him. "Even if she's stunning, isn't she still an airhead?"

He had no interest in shallow women like her.

After finishing their meal, several people walked out of the cafeteria, each with their own thoughts. As soon as they stepped outside, they were greeted with a commotion.

On the square outside the cafeteria, a man in a suit was holding a large bundle of blue roses and appeared to be looking for someone.

As soon as he saw Maddie and her friends walk out, the man looked at a photo on his phone and walked towards them.

Maddie and her friends were instantly surprised at the sight.

"Wow! Such a big bouquet of flowers, Maddie, could it be for you?!" Ava exclaimed in surprise.

As the Campus Beauty, Maddie had many admirers and often received gifts from others.

"Really? Maybe it's for someone else," Maddie giggled shyly, but she still walked over to the man.

"Hello, these flowers are..." Maddie began to ask.

The man looked at her and said in a deep voice, "These flowers were sent by a gentleman who said they are for daughter of the Thompson family."

"I told you it was for you!" Ava immediately teased Maddie.

Chloe also showed an envious expression, "Such a big bouquet, it must have 99 roses! It seems that this guy really likes you!"

"Really, he even sent flowers, who is he? Trying to pursue a girl but too embarrassed to show his face?" Lily joked.

Amidst the compliments and envy, Maddie's vanity reached its peak.

She reached out to touch her hair and made a gesture of receiving the flowers.

"Perhaps we're not acquainted, and he's afraid of being rejected," she said coyly, "Please thank the gentleman for me. The flowers are very beautiful, but I can only be friends with him..."

After all, Maddie was determined to marry into the Matthews family, and not just anyone could climb that social ladder.

Just as Maddie was about to take the flowers, the man suddenly dodged, leaving everyone stunned.

Maddie's hands were left suspended in the air, feeling extremely embarrassed.

"What are you doing?" Ava couldn't help but ask.

The man remained silent, carefully examining the photo Ethan had sent him on his phone. His gaze passed over Maddie and settled on Diana, who was walking at the back, always playing with her phone.

"I'm sorry, this flowers aren't for you."

"No, it's not for me?" Maddie was a little stunned. "Didn't you just say they are for daughter of the Thompson family?"

As she spoke, she seemed to realize something.

This flower wasn't for her. Could it be for... Diana?!

While Maddie was lost in thought, the man had already ignored her and walked quickly to Diana's side with the flowers.

"Ms. Thompson."

Diana looked up in confusion and was met with a large bunch of blue roses.

Diana: ???

"These flowers are from my boss, he hopes you like them."

The man held out the flowers and spoke respectfully.

Diana was stunned for a few seconds, then immediately reacted.

Blue roses...

Was it... John?!

When did he become so high-profile, in front of so many people...

As people came and went, they were all drawn to the scene and looked at her.

For a moment, Diana really felt a little embarrassed.

She coughed softly and then touched her nose. "Um... I really like the flowers, but... you should take them back for now. I don't know where to put them!"

The man's face stiffened.

This... Mr. Matthews was being rejected?!

"Ms. Thompson, this is the boss's heartfelt gift to you..."

"You misunderstand, I'm not refusing, it's just... the flowers are too big for me to carry. I don't know where to put them!" Diana was at a loss.

She didn't know what John was thinking, sending such a large bouquet of flowers. She didn't live in the dormitory, so was she supposed to take them to the classroom?

At his wits' end, the man tried to suggest, "Why don't you tell the boss in person?"

Seeing him struggling, Diana shrugged slightly.

"Okay, you take the flowers back for now. I'll call John later."

With that, the man left, relieved.

Maddie stood aside, her face burning red from her neck to her ears. Many people around had witnessed what had just happened. Laughter and snickers echoed constantly around her.

Maddie felt a burst of nameless anger. She had never been so embarrassed in college before!

After Chloe and her friends got over their brief shock, they were very puzzled. Ava spoke up loudly, "Maddie, what happened? How come someone sent flowers to Diana, and with such extravagance?"

Maddie hesitated, but she already knew that it was John who had sent the flowers.

The Matthews family was the pinnacle of the upper class. The family's private affairs were always low-key, so there weren't many people who knew about Diana and John.

Lily suddenly thought of something and said, "Did Diana hook up with someone outside of school? Otherwise, who would send her flowers in college?"

"Is that true, Maddie?" Chloe asked, looking curious.

Maddie showed a hesitant expression, "I can't say, please don't ask anything about that."

Her mysterious look only confirmed everyone's suspicions.

"As expected, she probably hooked up with some shady character outside. It's disgusting!" Ava said, her expression filled with disdain.

Looking at her friends' contemptuous expressions, Maddie appeared calm on the surface, but deep down, she was already jealous. John's flowers had already been delivered to the university! How could Diana, a stupid girl like her, be deserving of such attention!