
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · Urban
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70 Chs

Chapter 39: New Posts

At night, while watching Maddie being punished, Diana was in a great mood. After taking a shower and lying down on her bed, she picked up her phone and randomly browsed the university forum. She noticed two new posts.

The first post was titled "Support Colin Thompson." Diana found it confusing and decided to take a look. It turned out that in her last post, she had claimed that Colin was the "Campus Hunk," and she had received a lot of support. Suddenly, Colin was back to being the "Campus Hunk" and his fans were calling out to him. Diana touched her nose, feeling a bit narcissistic, thinking that if one of them to become her sister-in-law, that girl needed to be good looking, at least as good looking as she was.

The second post had a strange title, "Encountered a Dead Dog." Diana clicked on it and was shocked. The "dead dog" in the post was actually Luke! Tonight, John's people had beaten Luke to the brink of death and thrown him out. Someone had taken a picture of him with his swollen head, and posted it on the forum. Diana was instantly intrigued. As she read through the comments, she found that most of the girls were disappointed by Luke's appearance.

[Twilight: Oh my god, who did Luke offend? He looks so miserable!]

[Sails: I don't know if he's miserable or not, but he's really ugly...]

[Cloud guest: Judging by the bump and blood on his forehead, I would say he was hit by a brick!]

[Xiao Xiao: Who has a picture of Luke before? I can't accept what he looks like now.]

[Passion fruit: I just want to say that Colin is the real Campus Hunk! Luke can go die!]

As she read through the comments, Diana couldn't help but burst into laughter. She knew that Luke was a self-centered guy, and if he knew his image had been ruined at the university, he would be so angry that he might spit out blood. However, she couldn't help but feel that the person who posted the photo was familiar. Who took the photo?

As she thought about it, Diana got up and took out her precious computer. She successfully hacked into the university forum and searched for the ID of the person who posted the photo. To her surprise, the person was Colin! Diana couldn't help but feel annoyed. Colin, you are such a sneaky person! Is he taking revenge on Luke for stealing his title as Campus Hunk?

Diana typed on her keyboard and was about to log out, but suddenly she felt that something was wrong. Her experience in learning Sanda had made her senses more acute than normal. At that moment, she heard some rustling sounds outside her door. Someone was there?!

Diana's expression turned cold as she immediately stood up and walked quietly to the door. Peeking through the peephole, she saw that it was June, Serena's maid, standing outside with a glass of milk in hand and pressing her ear against the door to listen for any activity in the study. Diana squinted her eyes in annoyance; this servant was just asking for trouble.

She gripped the door handle with all her might and pushed it open with force, catching June off guard. The door slammed into her forehead, causing her to stumble and fall on her backside with a splash of milk all over her face.

"Miss?" June stuttered, her head buzzing from the impact. The force of the blow was so strong that she thought she had a concussion.

"June, what are you doing here?" Diana asked, puzzled. Then she furrowed her brow and said, "Who told you to come into my room without knocking?"

"I did knock, Miss," June quickly replied, trying to regain her composure. "But no one answered. Ms. Taylor used to give you a glass of warm milk every night, so I thought I'd come in and bring it to you..."

Diana felt a strange sensation about June today. She seemed different, less foolish. June wondered to herself.

"Is this how you bring the milk? You can't even do this simple task right. I think you should go clean the toilets with Olivia!" Diana sneered at her, her face full of arrogance.

June dared not speak up in anger and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, Miss. I'll clean it up right away."

"Get someone else to do it," Diana said coldly before walking back into the study. She couldn't believe June had the nerve to spy on her like that. Did she think she was a pushover?

Diana took out her phone and messaged "Ronin."

[Diana: Come out.]

Soon, Ronin replied.

[Ronin: What's up, girl?]

[Diana: I need to implant a location tracker in someone's phone. If I do it myself, it will take too long. Can you help me out?]

[Ronin: ... Is it that guy again? I won't do it.]

Diana frowned. Was she still traumatized by what John had done?

[Diana: No, it's not him.]

[Ronin: Then it's no problem. Wait a minute!]

Ronin quickly went offline. Even through the screen, Diana could feel his excitement about invading someone else's device. She imagined a rough-looking guy in flip-flops picking his toes in front of a computer. Well, better not meet him in person. She'd rather be a remote friend.

[Ronin: It's done, girl!]

In less than half an hour, Ronin sent a message.

[Diana: 👍Thanks, I'll boost your game level as a reward!]

Diana grabbed her phone and prepared to go find Maddie. But then she thought for a moment and a mischievous smile appeared on her face. Since she was going over, why not bring a little 'gift'? She was sure that Maddie would 'like' it! Diana couldn't help but feel excited as she made her way to Maddie's room. 

Maddie sat shivering at the desk in the room, staring at her swollen hand that looked like a bun and biting her lip tightly. "Luke is such an idiot, always causing more trouble than solving it! Not only did he get himself into trouble, but he also dragged me into it! And then there's Andrew and the others!" Maddie grew angrier as she thought about it. "Even though I'm not their biological sister, now that Mom has married James Thompson, they treat me like an outsider! They spoil that stupid Diana every day, it's ridiculous!"

"We're using everything from the Thompson family, so you need to keep calm," Serena said as she tended to Maddie's wounds and comforted her. Maddie lowered her gaze and said, "Mom, I don't think something is right about this."

"You mean...Diana?"

"Yes." Maddie showed a hint of worry in her eyes. "I feel like she's changed a lot these days. Could it be...she's onto our plan?"

Serena had considered this possibility, but quickly shook her head. "It's unlikely. Knowing her personality, if she finds out we're playing her, she will definitely turn against us and it'll be a deadlock."

"You're right." Maddie breathed a sigh of relief. "But the way she is now, it's not a good sign. We need to make her go back to her brainless self."

"Don't worry, I'm keeping an eye on her every move," Serena said with a cold smirk. "She's just a little girl, what kind of storm could she possibly cause?"

As Maddie and Diana were talking, the door suddenly knocked. Then the door was pushed open, and Diana walked in.

"Diana?" Maddie felt relieved and thought. "This silly girl still cares about me."

Diana's mouth twitched as soon as she saw Maddie's hands on the table, swollen like pig hooves. She resisted the urge to laugh, pinched herself hard to suppress the smile, and then forced a look of shock. "Oh my God! Maddie, how did your hand get so swollen? It looks terrible!"

Diana rushed over, grabbed Maddie's wrist, and placed her hand in front of her. So big! So swollen! Amazing!

"Does it hurt?" Diana looked concerned, acting to perfection.

Maddie's eyes twitched. Of course, it hurts! The broom had been rubbing against her hands all day.

"Diana, you didn't even try to intercede for me today. I'm really sad. Aren't we the best of sisters?" Maddie looked at her with a hint of grievance and dissatisfaction in her eyes.

"It's no use interceding, Maddie. You know my dad's temperament. If I make a fuss, he will only get angrier." Diana took out a box of ointment from her pocket. "See, I brought you medicine."

"Diana, you're so thoughtful!" Serena immediately took the ointment and put it in front of her. "But what kind of medicine is this? Most of the writing on its packaging is not in English."

"Oh, when I was punished to clean, my hands would often become like this. Andrew bought this ointment for me, and it works wonders in recovering quickly." Diana reached out her hand. "Look at me, my hands used to be swollen so many times, but now you can't even tell, thanks to this ointment!"