
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · Urban
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70 Chs

Chapter 36: Get what they deserve

Maddie supported Diana as they slowly made their way towards the guest room. Diana felt like a limp ragdoll, all her weight resting on Maddie and making her pant for breath. This little girl was so damn heavy! But it didn't matter. Once they got her next to Luke, everything would fall into place. Maddie propped up Diana and eagerly headed towards the guest room.

Suddenly, she felt a dizzying sensation, as if she was drunk. This couldn't be right... her tolerance for alcohol wasn't this low! Maddie grew increasingly puzzled. As they approached the guest room, she stumbled and had to grab onto the nearby hallway.

"Maddie, are you alright? You don't look so good," Diana said calmly, her eyes revealing a hint of suspicion. From Maddie's behavior, she probably knew that Maddie had slipped something into her drink earlier. That was low even for her. She would let Maddie reap what she had sown.

"I'm fine," Maddie furrowed her brow and bit her lip. Suddenly, she realized something. Did she accidentally drink the spiked juice that she had intended for Diana? But she didn't have time to dwell on it. Her body was reacting more and more strangely.

At that moment, Diana pulled her up. "Maddie, you look really pale. Let's get you back to your room first."

"But..." Maddie murmured, but her head was spinning even more. Diana dragged her all the way to the guest room.

Matthews family had arranged corresponding guest rooms for each of their visitors. As Diana approached the door of Thompson's guest room, she pushed it open with a sharp gesture. As soon as she opened the door, she saw someone sitting inside. Luke! He was sitting on the couch in the room, looking a bit impatient as if he had been waiting for a long time. Just as she suspected, this scumbag and his accomplice! Well, today they will both get what they deserve!

"Diana?" Luke was slightly startled when he saw her. His gaze shifted to Maddie, who was standing next to her, and a hint of anger flashed across his eyes. "What have you done to Maddie?!"

"I should be the one asking you that. What are you doing here?"

"I...," Luke stuttered for a moment. Maddie had naturally brought him here. She had originally told him that she would bring a drunken Diana over and leave them alone in a room, to completely ruin her reputation. He was initially hesitant because he had always been attracted to Maddie. However, considering Diana's good looks, he had agreed. Who knew that this scene would unfold before him? How did it end up being Maddie who was drunk? Could it be that... Maddie herself wanted to be with him? The thought made Luke's heart beat faster.

"Maddie is feeling unwell after drinking too much. Since you are here, you can take care of her for now," Diana pushed the barely conscious Maddie into Luke's arms.

"But...," Luke hesitated.

"I'm leaving now. Notify me when Maddie wakes up," said Diana as she clapped her hands and left the room, leaving Maddie and Luke alone. Luke stood there, stunned. This wasn't part of the plan!

"Maddie, why did you drink so much? Diana left. What do we do now?" Luke asked.

"Luke..." Maddie raised her blurry eyes and leaned towards Luke.

"Maddie...what are you doing?" Luke's face turned red. Maddie had always been his dream girl, but now...she was being so forward with him! Was this what it was like when she was drunk?

"Luke, I...," Maddie began, but before she could finish, she grabbed him, hugged him, and kissed him. Luke's mind exploded like a firework. He forgot about Diana and the plan. He embraced Maddie and they rolled into each other's arms.

After leaving the room, Diana didn't immediately leave. Instead, she leaned against the door and listened carefully to the sounds inside. When she heard sounds that were not suitable for children, a cunning smile appeared on her face. Done!

Ethan was hiding around the corner outside the door, watching as Diana escorted Maddie into the guest room before stepping out. However, he didn't leave but instead pressed his ear against the door, as if eavesdropping. He was confused. What was this woman up to?

After finishing up on her end, Diana excitedly made her way towards the banquet hall. As she entered the hall, she suddenly felt the surrounding lights dim. In her bewildered state, a spotlight shone down on her. Shortly after, another beam of light illuminated from a distance.

Meanwhile, the sound of melodious music filled the room. John, dressed in a white suit with a bouquet of roses in his hand, appeared before her. His tall and straight figure was as graceful as a jade tree, his handsome face showed a hint of tenderness that was different from his usual demeanor. He strode towards her with long strides. Even without speaking, the innate aura of a leader instantly attracted everyone's attention. For a moment, the entire room fell silent as they watched this couple in the center of the room.

John walked up to her, and as she stared at him in a daze, he reached out his hand and handed her the flowers. His phoenix eyes were full of tenderness, as if they were gentle seawater that made her fall for him at first sight.

"Little girl..." He spoke slowly, with a deep gaze. Before he could finish his sentence, the stunning girl in front of him suddenly smiled brightly and said, "I do!"

John was taken aback for a moment. Then he saw the girl in front of him standing on tiptoe, tightly hugging his waist and whispering in his ear, "John... I do." In her past life, she had let him down, but in this life, she wanted to stay by his side. Love is short-lived, but they have no regrets in life and death.

As soon as Diana finished speaking, Ben immediately turned around and hugged Colin beside him, crying bitterly. Colin's cool brows and eyes showed a hint of disgust. "Are you done?"

"I couldn't help it..."

Colin cursed, "Damn it, idiot." Despite his disdain, he still reached out his hand and gently patted Ben's back.

In the light, Diana hugged John for a moment before blushing and finally letting go of him. Amidst the applause, John took Diana's small hand and slowly pulled out an exquisite box, opening it to reveal a large red ruby ring! The quality and craftsmanship were absolutely unique, emitting a brilliant and dazzling light under the light! Diana swallowed her saliva and solemnly put on the ring. It must have been so expensive!

After putting it on, Diana found that the ring fit perfectly on her middle finger. She was a little surprised. How did John know her finger size? She didn't think she ever mentioned it. After she had put it on, John suddenly took her hand, his eyes slightly darkened, and lightly kissed the back of her hand. !!! Diana widened her eyes and her heart beat wildly. Strange, why did she feel that this John... was so gentle!

After the engagement ceremony, Diana couldn't help but run to her brothers and show them her ring. BenBen crossed his arms and said, "It's nothing special, Diana. When I have money, I'll buy you an even bigger one!"

" Pigeon-blood red ruby is currently the most expensive ruby in the world. You? Tsk tsk..." AndrewAndrew didn't hold back.

Ben exploded, "Andrew, why are you turning your elbows outward? Now John is our common enemy!" Ben wrote John's name in his mind. He stole his beloved little sister, and he would remember it for the rest of his life!

At that moment, Diana suddenly covered her mouth and pretended to look surprised. "Oh no!" She hurriedly ran over to James and anxiously said, "Dad, something's wrong with Maddie. It seems like she's had too much to drink and is feeling disoriented. Can you guys go check on her?"

"Is Maddie feeling unwell?" Serena asked, immediately coming over.

"Yes, I helped her to the guest room to rest just now. Do you want to go take a look?" Diana replied.

James nodded. "Let's go check on her."

John stood by the side, watching her actions with a glimmer in his eyes. Ethan walked over and whispered a few words to John. John nodded slightly, his slender phoenix eyes showing some contemplation. He walked over and stood next to Diana. "Let's go together."

"Eh...you're going too?" Diana was a little surprised. She was originally thinking of how to get him to come along, but he ended up volunteering. But...

"You care about Maddie a lot?" Diana felt a strange tightness in her chest and some discomfort, but she couldn't explain why.

"I'm just accompanying you. It has nothing to do with her," John whispered. With just those few simple words, Diana felt her mood brighten up again!

A group of people hurriedly walked towards a guest room. When they arrived at the door, James was about to open it when he suddenly felt something was wrong. He heard a muffled groaning sound from inside. It seemed like someone was really sick. Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly froze. Inside...there was a man's voice! James' pupils suddenly contracted, and he quickly used force to open the door. What came into view were two bodies rolling together. Luke was holding onto Maddie, their clothes were disheveled, and they were passionately kissing each other.

Wow, exciting! Diana's eyes widened instantly. Before she could take a closer look, a hand blocked her view. John's deep and magnetic voice came through. "Don't look."

"What do you mean by 'don't look'? I'm already an adult! And you're still looking? Are you trying to learn?" Diana thought. She turned her head slightly, but she saw John's gaze falling on her face with a hint of curiosity.

The other people beside them were all stunned in place, with expressions on their faces like they had been struck by lightning. Finally, Andrew coughed lightly and pulled the others' thoughts back.

"Dad, Maddie doesn't seem to be sick...," Ben murmured. It was obvious that she was horny!

Hearing the noise, Luke suddenly lifted his head from his love-filled state. When he saw the people standing at the door, his face changed, and he was so scared that he almost fell off the bed. Luke scrambled to put on his clothes. "No, it's not what you think...!"

"It's you?!" James' pupils suddenly widened. This bastard?! He had previously enchanted Diana, and now he was fooling around with Maddie?!

Serena, who was standing at the door, was already surprised and angry to the point that she couldn't stand straight. Was Maddie insane?! She actually came here to mess around with this stinky man?!