
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · Urban
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70 Chs

Chapter 3: Give me back my things

After washing up, Diana dried her hair and looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled happily, admiring her fair skin and slender figure. It was almost time, and she wondered if Luke's annoying photos in her room had been removed. She couldn't wait to get back to her room.

But before she could even step inside, she heard an argument.

"You're getting more and more confused as you get older. Who gave you the right to tidy up the room?!"

"She told me to..."

"Who? Who told you to do that? Diana, huh? Don't think I'm stupid. Everyone knows she's crazy about Luke. How dare you say it was her order!"


"Taylor, just because you're old doesn't mean you can ignore the rules here. When I get back, I'll tell Auntie and Cousin. You can go back to the countryside to retire!"

That voice... it was Olivia Stewart! Olivia was the niece of Serena Stewart, Diana's stepmother. Serena had convinced their father to hire Olivia as a maid after she dropped out of high school and couldn't find a job. Their father didn't usually involve himself in such matters, so he agreed.

Olivia, who knew her status in the family, was acting like a bossy lady, doing nothing but showing off. At that time, Diana was completely unaware and even brought her along as a personal maid. Looking back, Olivia was like a spy sent by Maddie!

Diana's eyes turned cold, and she walked over. As soon as she entered the room, she saw Olivia pointing at Ms. Taylor and cursing at her. Ms. Taylor was already fifty years old and had worked for Thompson for more than thirty years. Yet, she was now being scolded by Olivia and dare not say a word. A sharp glint flashed through Diana's eyes.

"Who do you think you are? Your voice is so loud, and you don't follow the rules!" Diana stood at the door and spoke calmly to Olivia.

The people inside the room all turned their heads upon hearing Diana's voice. When they saw Diana, who was wearing a white dress, they were all stunned. Who was this beauty? Was there someone like her in Thompson? They stared blankly for a few seconds before Ms. Taylor's trembling voice brought them back to reality.

"That young lady is Diana Thompson? The one who always looks like she's been through hell? That wild and unruly Diana?" The people in the room gaped, as if they could swallow an egg. But on closer inspection, it did seem to be Miss Diana Thompson. So she could be this beautiful without any makeup on!

Olivia finally came back to her senses. She looked surprised, and then said, "It's Diana. Why are you dressed like this?"

Diana frowned, "Why are you calling me that?"

"Diana? What's wrong?" Olivia couldn't figure out what was wrong. Wasn't that what she always called her?

Diana glanced at Olivia before entering the room and taking a seat. She looked Olivia up and down, making her feel uneasy. Diana seemed different this time, like a different person, and her gaze was uncomfortable.

Olivia cleared her throat and said, "Diana, I was just helping you teach this old woman a lesson. She tore your favorite photo of Luke, and I-"

"I haven't spoken yet," Diana interrupted. "You're a servant. Who gave you permission to do that?" Olivia's expression changed instantly, and she hated being called a servant. She had almost forgotten that she was just a servant during her years under Serena and Maddie's care. But why would Diana suddenly say that? 

"Diana, what's wrong? Why are you-"

"Are you deaf?" Diana narrowed her eyes, and the coldness in them made Olivia shudder.

Olivia quickly corrected herself and said, "Miss Thompson..."

Diana smirked coldly when she heard Olivia's correction. "That's right. As a servant, you should know your place and not forget it. Your expensive clothes are even more ostentatious than mine, and they're distracting. Go change them."

Olivia was stunned. She looked at the designer dress she was wearing and wondered what had gotten into Diana. She had never been scolded in this house before, and she was finding it hard to take.

"I'm supposed to change? This dress was a gift from you to me, so that's why I'm wearing it!"

"So, it was a gift from me," Diana said, propping her chin up and looking like she had just realized something.

Just as Olivia breathed a sigh of relief, she heard Diana say, "I regret it now. I want everything I gave you back. From today on, you will wear the same uniform as the other servants in the villa."

"What?!" Olivia widened her eyes and protested, "You gave them to me. Why should I give them back? I won't!"

"You won't?" Diana tilted her head and pointed to the two servants standing nearby. "You two, take her clothes off!"

The servants looked at each other in disbelief. Had they heard Diana right?! Wasn't Olivia always treated like a sister by their mistress?

"Did you not hear what Miss Thompson said?" Ms. Taylor barked, finally snapping everyone back to reality. They moved forward and pinned Olivia to the ground.

Olivia struggled like a shrew, screaming, "How dare you! If you lay a finger on me, I'll tell my aunt! When she comes back, none of you will be able to run away!"

The servants hesitated at her words.After all, Serena was the mistress of this house, and Diana had always been on good terms with Olivia and Maddie. Maybe it was just a momentary outburst. If they got in trouble later, no one would defend them, and it would be their fault as the servants. With Olivia's vindictive personality, she would definitely seek revenge against them.

Diana noticed their concerns and tapped her fingers on the table beside her. "If anything happens, I'll take the blame. Just take her clothes off," she said coldly, injecting some courage into them. "If she keeps yelling, then slap her!"

Upon hearing this, everyone let out a sigh of relief and eagerly started to take off Olivia's clothes. Olivia had always bullied them, so now they felt that justice was being served, and they showed no mercy in their actions. Some even took the opportunity to pinch her.

Olivia held onto her clothes tightly like a madwoman. "Stop it! How dare you! Who dares to take my clothes! Get away..." But outnumbered, she was soon stripped naked.

At first, Olivia cursed and swore, but then she began to cry and plead like a beggar. "Diana, what are you doing! Aren't we good sisters? Please, make them stop!"

Diana remained unmoved, allowing Olivia to be stripped down to her underwear. Seeing Olivia sitting on the ground, disheveled and looking like she had just been robbed, Diana felt great satisfaction and couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Look at you sitting on the ground like that. Don't you want to get up and give me back the things I gave you before?"

Although Olivia felt humiliated and angry, she had just experienced Diana's power, and now she didn't dare say a word. A look of resentment flashed in her eyes as she slowly got up and left Diana's room. She was determined to tell her aunt when she returned!

Diana was in a great mood. She took a deep breath. This was just the beginning.

Serena Stewart and Maddie Stewart, the debts of their past lives, she would recover them one by one!

Suddenly, the sound of a car parking downstairs could be heard.

Diana's eyes lit up. "Dad's back!" She quickly picked up her skirt and hurried downstairs.

Meanwhile, Ben, who was waiting on the first floor, stood up nervously. The scene he had been most worried about had finally happened. According to his father's temper, if Diana didn't admit her mistake this time, she might really be slapped...

With a series of footsteps, James Thompson was the first to enter the living room. He was wearing a dark gray suit and had a stern expression on his face. At the moment, his complexion wasn't very good, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes. Standing beside James was an elegant and luxurious woman, dripping with jewels and pearls, his stepmother, Serena.

Ben looked at James and whispered, "Dad."

"Where's Diana?" James hadn't spoken yet, but a young man rushed out from behind him. He looked a bit like Ben, but his features were even colder, and he exuded an air of coldness and nobility that belied his age. He was Diana's third oldest brother, Colin Thompson.

Ben said, "She's upstairs, just out of the hospital..."

"I heard she was in a car accident. Why didn't anyone tell me in advance? Is she okay?" Colin's tone was full of anxiety.

"Colin, don't worry. Since Diana has been discharged from the hospital, she must be fine," a graceful figure, Maddie, appeared behind Serena and spoke to Colin. She wore a white dress, looking gentle and charming.

Colin frowned and ignored her.

"How can you be so sure that I'm okay, but look like you don't care at all about me?" A voice, neither too loud nor too small, came from the corner of the stairs.

They turned their heads and saw a slender and graceful girl standing there. She also wore a white dress, her black hair casually tied up, revealing a slender and smooth neck. Her lips were red, her teeth were white, and her features were delicate, like a beautiful painting. Everyone was surprised.

Ben was the first to exclaim, "Diana?!"

Diana smiled slightly. "Ben, why are you making such a fuss?" Then she turned her head to James and Colin, who were equally shocked, suppressed her excitement, and said softly, "Dad, Colin. It's been a long time."

There was silence for a long time. Then Colin spoke first, "Diana, why are you suddenly dressed like this? I almost didn't recognize you..."

"Do I look good?" Diana smiled brightly, very charming.

"It looks good. Our Diana is the most beautiful!" Ben quickly added.

"Ahem~" James coughed twice, suppressing his surprise. He looked at Diana with a deep gaze and said, "That's more like it. Finally, you know how to dress properly!"

He had planned to scold Diana, but when he saw his little daughter suddenly change into a well-behaved appearance, half of his anger disappeared. Maddie next to him covered up her shock and lowered her head, with a hint of jealousy in her eyes. A simple dress was worn so stunningly by Diana. She was surprised. What happened to Diana? Why did she suddenly dress normally?

Serena showed a gentle smile and said, "Diana looks so beautiful in this dress, like a little fairy. If the Matthews family saw you like this, they would forgive you."

Diana admired Serena. In just a few words, she perfectly demonstrated what it means to smile with a knife hidden inside.

Indeed, when the Matthews family was mentioned, James' face immediately turned ugly. He angrily said, "Diana, come to me!"

Seeing this, Ben and Colin immediately stood in front of her. Ben whispered, "Dad, Diana just came out of the hospital, and her body hasn't fully recovered yet. Don't be too harsh on her."

Colin also said, "Diana is still young. If you have any grievances, don't take it out on her. Don't blame her."

Hearing this, James snorted coldly. "I haven't done anything to her yet, but all of you can't wait to protect her. You three brothers have been spoiling her every day, and now she's out of control! I will make her understand her mistakes today!"