
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · Urban
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70 Chs

Chapter 10: Colin admires John

After seeing John off, Diana finally breathed a sigh of relief. She hoped that he would recover from his leg injury soon.

Feeling relaxed, she returned home. As soon as she stepped inside, she saw Colin holding her telescope and getting ready to leave. Colin appeared aloof and uninterested in anything, but he was obsessed with the universe and the unknown.

After entering university, he specialized in astronomy. Despite being a genius with an IQ of 180, he always talked seriously with her about how there must be extraterrestrial beings out there. Diana used to be impatient with his childishness whenever he brought it up, causing Colin to stop talking about the topic altogether.

"Brother, are you going out again?" Diana called out. Her father James and her brother Andrew were busy with their company, Ben was preparing for a competition, and now even Colin was leaving.

Diana felt a bit disappointed. When Colin saw her, his face softened and he nodded, "The professors in the department want me to observe celestial bodies outside, so I won't be back for a few days."

Diana looked at him and said, "Well, if you take any interesting photos, show them to me!"

Colin was surprised and looked at her, then nodded and said, "Sure!"

He had always wanted to share his interests with Diana, but she always seemed impatient. Today, she actually took the initiative to ask to see his photos! Colin couldn't contain his delight.

Diana walked over and hugged Colin tightly, burying her face in his arms and breathing in the refreshing scent of mint emanating from the young man. "Take care of yourself out there," she said. 

"I won't be gone for long," Colin replied, playfully tweaking her nose. "By the way, how are things with you and John?"

"We're doing fine. Why do you ask? Are you worried about us?"

"You're my sister, of course I worry about you. As for John...I don't really care."

Colin had a sincere look on his face, but Diana couldn't help rolling her eyes. Colin was really trying too hard to act. In a past life, she only found out much later that Colin had always been a fan of John. Colin had considered himself a child prodigy, especially in the field of science. But over the years, his proudest achievement, chess, had always been a losing battle against John. This made Colin admire John even more.

Then, seeing John's decisive and dominant aura in the business world, that admiration turned into worship. Colin had never dared to reveal his true thoughts to Diana because she despised John so much. Poor Colin had a poker face, but Diana had turned him into an actor. Diana couldn't help but feel a little funny and sad at the same time.

She reached out and patted Colin's collar: "Brother, don't worry. When John comes back from New York, I'll get engaged to him. Then, you can happily be my brother-in-law!" With that, she made a face at Colin, giggled, and ran up the stairs.

Colin stood in place, and as he snapped out of his thoughts, a small smile appeared on his usually cold face. Seeing his idol and his beloved little sister together made him reluctant to let go, but they were simply perfect for each other.

However, he quickly felt something was off. From Diana's tone, it seemed like she already knew how he felt about John. Could it be possible that his acting skills weren't good enough?

Once Diana reached her room, she kicked off her shoes and laid down on her bed. She took out her phone, found John's name, and contemplated whether or not to send him a greeting. As her finger hovered over the chat box, she ultimately decided against it. Being too forward might make him more suspicious.

Diana was frowning and lost in thought when Maddie suddenly burst into the room. Diana's mood grew chilly as she saw Maddie enter. "Maddie, why did you barge in at this late hour? I usually go to bed by now!" Maddie was taken aback by Diana's cold attitude, and her displeasure was evident. She hurried over and said, "Diana, I came here for something important to ask you." 

"What is it?" Diana replied. Maddie lowered her voice and said, "I feel like... you've been distant with me lately. Is it because I didn't visit you right away when you were in the hospital? Actually, I went to the temple to pray for you, hoping you would recover soon..." 

Maddie's eyes welled up with tears, but Diana was not moved by her display of emotion.

"I haven't recovered yet, even after lying in the hospital for so long," Diana said lazily, trying to hold back her nausea.

Seeing her like this, Maddie's inner anxiety began to surge again. Why wasn't Diana reacting at all when she saw her crying? Did she realize something?! That can't be right! How could she, with her pig brain, possibly be aware of her intentions?

"Maddie, you came just in time. I was so foolish to hurt John like this. When he comes back, how should I apologize to him? Ugh, it's such a headache," Diana deliberately complained, lying on the bed with a helpless expression.

Upon hearing Diana's words, a wave of suppressed anger surged through Maddie. Something was not right, Diana was definitely acting strange! 

"Diana, let's talk about John's matter later. I can go out tomorrow and we can go shopping with some friends, how does that sound?"

"But you said you haven't fully recovered yet, it would be good to go out and clear your mind," Maddie said in a calm tone while sitting on the edge of the bed.

Diana intended to refuse at first, but upon hearing her friend's words, she rolled her dark eyes and agreed. "Okay, I understand."

Upon seeing Diana's indifferent attitude, Maddie frowned. She had to find out what was going on with Diana tomorrow! The next morning, Maddie put on her makeup early and waited downstairs, but Diana was nowhere to be seen. Maddie couldn't wait any longer and hurried upstairs to urge her. However, as soon as she opened the door, she felt a figure flash past her, then her throat tightened and she was grabbed by the neck and pressed against the wall.

"Ah!!!" Maddie screamed in horror, and when she looked, she saw that the person choking her was none other than Diana! Diana's eyes were icy cold as she stared at Maddie, and the chill in her eyes made Maddie shiver, feeling that the girl in front of her was so unfamiliar.

"It's you," Diana suddenly tilted her head and showed a genuine smile.

Maddie was startled by the sudden surge of murderous intent, but it seemed to be just her imagination. She stammered, "I, I came to check on you...why didn't you come down?"

In that moment, Maddie had felt Diana's hatred and killing intent in her eyes, leaving her with lingering fear.

"Sorry about that. I was deep in thought and thought someone had barged into my room with ill intentions," Diana explained, releasing Maddie's neck and patting her own palms.

Maddie felt a bit angry. Who would have ill intentions towards her in broad daylight? She furrowed her brows and said, "Diana, you really scared me with that earlier."

Diana smiled, "I used to learn Sanda. When you suddenly burst in, I was startled and instinctively took defensive measures."

She said it with a serious tone. Maddie looked at her with a mixture of belief and doubt, vaguely remembering that James had mentioned Diana's martial arts skills. However, she had not seen Diana use them in years. Maddie felt a little uneasy and rubbed her neck, saying, "Didn't we agree to go out together today? Hurry up and get ready."

"I'm already done. Let's go."

"That's it?" Maddie was surprised at Diana's appearance. She was wearing casual jeans and a short T-shirt, looking very relaxed. She wasn't wearing any makeup, and her hair was tied up neatly, making her look sharp.

Despite this, Diana was incredibly eye-catching. Her skin was so tender that it looked like it could be pinched to release water. Her stunning face still carried a hint of baby fat, which was both vigorous and charming at the same time.

Maddie's heart was filled with anger. Why did this fool have such a stunning face?! Maddie's face turned sour, and she smiled, "Diana, you're too casual like this. Don't forget that Luke is also here today. He likes girls who are more unique. Listen to me and change your style."

Diana stood still and didn't move. "I won't change. If he doesn't like it, then forget it. I just want to be comfortable."

"Diana, I'm doing this for your own good. You can't go out like this." Maddie continued to persuade her.

Diana pondered for a moment and then nodded. "Okay, then I won't go out."