
Bad Dream : A GAME

Manas discovers his inner intelligence. He had one of the worst academic performance ever but how did he became Intelligent or just a delusion. Is he a good human being ? Who is Mr. Wolf? Find out now!

AnirbanB17 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


On thursday morning the lawyer came and Manas didn't focus on the distribution of the property as he was eying the amount of money he will get. After several discussions, he got lands & fields worth 35 Lakhs & other properties worth 5 lakh rupees.

[ Money Balance: 40 Lakh Rupees ≈ $50 grand ]

As he wasn't good at economy and finances & also he was not into real estates, so he decided to sell all the property he got & left the village.

His grandparents were disappointed with him on this act but Manas left them with his uncle.

[ So where did he go ? ]

After all the procedures it took him 12 days to cash out and he reached his parents old house in the city where he took his first steps of life. The house was owned by someone else now so he reached out to the owner for rental discussions.

The owner smilies and says , ' Are you a college student? You don't look that old anyways, what's the purpose of coming here ? '

Manas : ' I came here for job opportunities & I'm a student of 12th standard... actually dropped out of the school 2 weeks ago ' .

Owner : ' Sorry, I can't help. Find somewhere else. By the way, you shouldn't have done that to your grandparents. '

Manas emotionally said , ' Yeah... Thank you '

[ While he was leaving the colony , he realised how the owner knew about his grandparents? He didn't say him a word . He instantly got back to that house ].