
Bad Coincidence

"There's no way back." When Lily Rosa Jeanine Park, at age of 22, got accepted to her dream university in South Korea, she didn't doubt for a moment that she wouldn't go. On the other hand, Victor Sacco's a mysterious and reclusive, Korean-Italian no.1 businessman in Italy, soon-to-be the no.1 businessman in South Korea too. But, has a secret nobody knows. Yet another very successful businessman makes his way to the first-rank businessman 'competition'. Ren Kobayashi is known for his good looks, and his logical thinking. A Korean-Japanese, another full of secrets, and mysteriousness businessman, yet to be discovered. By a sudden change of situation, Lily crosses her ways with the 2 most dangerous and inscrutable men in the country. How will Lily handle this chapter of her life?

LiukA_096 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter Six

Lily • Rosa • Jeanine • Park

"She's there with me, let her in."

• • •

I melted as he looked at me. His dark, yet radiant eyesight was slowly, but surely digging a huge hole in my eyes. "She's my guest," he spoke, still looking at me. I immediately held my breath as he tightened his grip on my hand and continued. "I waited for her here." He added, which woke curiosity in me as I blushed, taken aback.

As he slowly turned his gaze to the flight attendant, she immediately obeyed him, let me in and added. "I'm sorry Mr. Sacco. Miss, please, be our guest." She apologized and welcomed me in the unknown place which I entered. That's when I realized who he was.

Victor Sacco.

The number 1 businessesman in Italy.

The soon-to-be number 1 businessesman in Korea!

How did I end up traveling with him in this one plane?

The flight attendant walked away, leaving us alone. As soon as she disappeared, he let go of my hand and walked to the bar, from where he came from. My hand suddenly felt empty. He sat back at the bar chair and started sipping the half-drunk Brandy of his. At that right moment I realized who he actually was. Or better said, where I knew him from.

The guy from before.

The guy that fell into my lap.

The guy-

The guy that made my heart skip a beat.


What am I supposed to do now? Should I just sit next to him? What should I say? Should I just thank him and go?


"I don't think you wanted to say that." He slowly tilted his head, as a signal that he heard me; that he paid attention; that he perceived me.

Shit, did I say that out loud?!

"I-I'm sorry. It slipped out of my mouth," I wasn't sure if I was safe enough with him; if I should stay there with him. Even though he saved me from that flight attendant, and even from spending the whole night up, alone, left by myself, dealing with my thoughts, which would probably eat me up anytime, anyway. So I guess I'm thankful?

"Thank you,-" I spoke, slowly, but didn't finish as he suddenly spoke against me.

"Cut it out." He snapped, coldly, leaving an weirdly arousing feeling in me. Again.

Why do I feel this way?

I decided to sit next to him. I carefully came closer to the bar and sat at the bar chair right next to him. 30 centimeters. The safe space between us. An election charge buzzed in my body as I was this close to him. I just silently sat there, breathing slowly, not knowing what to do next.

I ordered a glass of wine.

We just sat there, drinking as I felt his stare at me. He was eating me up with those eyes. As I drank the last sip from the glass, I couldn't stand it and my eyes met his; dark yet radiant eyes. I gulped as I saw his gaze turn to my lips. I panicked, because as he was intensely watching my lips, I slightly parted my lips, causing him to look at me, in my eyes. I saw it. He wanted an approval. He wanted to make sure I was okay with this; that I wanted it too.

When he suddenly stood up, I nearly fell off my chair, as he lightning fast appeared inches away from my face. I quickly rubbed him off, my hands laying on his chest. I immediately took them off and turned on my chair, slowly standing up, ready to leave. When he saw, that I intended on leaving, he grabbed my wrist. When I wanted to turn and look around at him, finding for the reason of not letting me go, I already sat back at the bar chair, my back touching the counter of the bar where his hands laid down, behind my shoulders, surrounding me in his arms.

My breath hitched. My arms lost strength. My body became paralyzed. My words were speechless. Meaningless.

He leaned down to my ear.

"Don't run away from me."

"Don't go."

Where have I heard that before?

• • •

Why do I feel so aroused by him?

It's like I'm under a curse.

Under his curse.


I didn't move a bit, being wrapped up in his arms would make it even harder. I didn't try to ruin my luck.

As he again came closer to my face, I turned my head to the side, rejecting him.

I wanted to play with him.

He grabbed my chin and roughly turned my head, my face facing him.

I got scared and aroused at the same time.

He still was grabbing my chin as he leaned to my ear, again. Not letting me go. Keeping me close.

"Don't play with me," He knew.

He let go of my chin as he spoke those words, and started walking away. Without a word, he walked away.

I stayed there hanging, shocked. That's it?

I turned my chair around, back to the counter of the bar and thought about what just happened. Did I do something wrong? Did I turn him off by my attitude?

As I thought about a million possible reasons of why he left like that, the bartender in the bar, as he was cleaning the glasses, he suddenly nodded and bowed at the same time and started walking away. For that reason I turned around, curious, just to see a red, sweaty and shirtless Victor Sacco heading my way. He stood right in front of me.

I was mentally taken aback. His beautiful, half-naked body stood inches away front mine. He breathed heavily. I saw the pain in his eyes. I saw the hunger of his body. His lustful eyes begged me for help.

And mine begged for him. And he saw it.

He grabbed me by my wrist and started pulling me towards a light brown door. Slamming the door to open, we entered a room with a bed. As he let me enter the room first, he got the chance to close and lock the door behind us.


"Wait," I got scared. Is this really going to happen? Am I really about to have sex with Victor Sacco? A man I know for-

No. A man I don't even know at all? A man I see for the first time in my life? Just like that?

"What?" He asked, looking at me, curious.

"I-I'm not sure about this," What now?

"Why?" His breath was still fast and heavy.

"Are you a virgin?"

"No, that's not it." I admitted.

"Then what's the problem?" I couldn't stand how he held back, giving me the space.

Where did this wild side in me come from?

I looked at him. Just to make sure. And there I go. Greedy for him. Hungry for every inch of his body.


I jumped on him, my legs wrapping around his waist tightly and my lips connecting with his. I could tell he was ready; he wasn't shocked; he knew, because the moment I jumped, he catched me by the back of my thighs, near my ass, keeping his balance. He tightened his grip, now grabbing my ass, as he kissed the soul out of me. He was hungry for my lips. He wanted to taste them, he wanted them all for himself. And he did. His tongue slowly and inconspicuously began to make its way to my mouth, tasting me.

As we tasted each other, he threw me to the bed, roughly, as I bounced on the bed slightly, instantly hovering over me.

He was already shirtless, so when he started getting rid of my top, I was left to surrender to him, which drove me crazy even more. He was the end of me.

• • •

My soul left my body when he started devouring me, little by little.

My lips.

My neck.

My breasts.

I twitched from the sudden actions. He roughly started sucking onto my nipple. I released a soft moan, which only turned him even more, causing him to suck even more wildly.

Then my tummy.

And my private part.

I went crazy. Totally.

But I wanted him as much as he wanted me. And I wanted to show him. I also wanted to make him go crazy.

As his tongue and his fingers were caressing my private part, I felt it. It was already all over me. The feeling of absolute craziness.

"Cum for me baby," I totally lost it after he spoke the sentence. I released all over his mouth. When the everlasting feeling of sensation lasted, I signaled him to lay down. So I could fulfill my plan. He didn't exactly do as I said; he sat at the bed, so he could see me, which only flattered me.

I slowly and seductively started taking off his pants, revealing his black underwear. I turned my gaze up to him, just to see how impatiently he waited for me to grab his already stone hard member.

But I wanted to play with him.

I slightly touched the tip of his bulge through his boxers. He twitched from the unexpected touch, which I enjoyed.

• • •

After a moment of teasing, I grabbed his member and started fulfilling my task. As I moved he twitched. And when he almost came, I stopped. Then again started. He went crazy. My plan succeeded. But it didn't last long.

Suddenly, when I thought that I would be able to do everything to him, he woke some new power in him. Unexpected dominance.

Damn, I was wrong. This man knows his boundaries. Boundaries he doesn't let anyone cross. What did I think?

To be continued...