
bad boys love

mylifeforever12 · Others
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chapter 3

Kyle: *goes behind the school to find Luna sleeping goes up to her and sees her soft skin and smirks and kisses Luna softly*

Luna: *wakes up and looks at him confused and kisses him back

To be continued


Let's continue

Kyle: *stops kissing Luna and looks at her*

Luna: *looks at Kyle as she blushes*

Kyle: why don't you remember me?

Luna: *stays quiet and looks down*


Luna: hi Kyle wait up for me!*she runs across the street*

Kyle: LUNA NO! *Runs to her*

Luna: huh? *Sees a car about to hit her* AHHHH!

Kyle: NOOOOO! *He goes to Luna's body as she looked dead

An ambulance comes to pick up luna and Kyle jumps in scared for luna

Kyle: your going to be ok... your going to be ok. Dont leave me please.... I love you...!

I dont want to lose you...