
Bad Boy Roommate

After a prank gone terribly wrong, Hayden Jones is sent across country to Caldwell Academy, a school for the bitchy, the dangerous and the rebellious. And if that wasn't bad enough, it becomes much worse when Hayden is accidentally put in the male dormitory, landing her in a room with the school's notorious heartbreaker, Chase Everett.

Grecie_Hobbs · Teen
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter Seven

SURPRISINGLY, I MADE IT through a full day of school without skipping. Okay, that's a lie. I skipped Calculus but I went to my art class so technically it's a full day of school.

Vera and Penelope got along well which was a plus, because now we were a tight trio. We spend every minute we're not in class with each and it makes it easier to make it through the day with all the whispers and stares. Chase stays clear of me during school as do I. I was ten minutes late to one of my classes today because I went the long way specifically so I wouldn't run into Chase.

But now I was finally back at my dorm, trying to bring a little bit of personality to the room. I was trying, and miserably failing, to hang up a floral tapestry on my otherwise barren wall. I was also planning on hanging up some string lights that laid tangled at the bottom of one of my duffle bags.

The door swings open and Chase strolls in with Noah and Levi following behind. I glance over my shoulder as I stood on my bed, watching as the three boys freeze in the middle of the room and I grin cheekily at Chase.

"Hey roomie." I greet quickly before returning to hanging up the tapestry.

Chase's bag drops from his shoulder and lands heavily on the taupe carpet floor, "Where the fuck is my bed and my desk and all my fucking stuff Jones?"

I glance to my left, noticing the emptiness of the other side of the room and shrug, "Well would you look at that."

Noah bursts out laughing as he takes a seat on the edge of my bed, leaving Levi and Chase standing in the middle of the room speechless.

"I think I heard a few people talking about the free furniture up for grabs outside the library, but I can't be sure." I hum amusingly as I glance back at the fabric stretched out between my hands, "It's truly amazing what can be accomplished with a short skirt and a little cleavage. You males are such simple creatures."

Chase groans as he spins on his heels and storms out of our dorm room with Levi following behind him. The second the door slams shut behind them, Noah and I burst out laughing.

A few guys from a few doors down helped me because god know's I wouldn't have been able to lift all that furniture by myself.

Don't hate the player, Everett, hate the game.

"I still can't believe you actually followed through." Vera cackles loudly as she takes a spoonful of cheesecake. It's was nearing eight and Penelope and Vera had come over to Elwood with a stolen chocolate cheesecake from the cafeteria. Chase's furniture had unfortunately returned to the room and still intact. The guys had one fucking job.

"He's the one who underestimated my ability to get shit done." I shrug as we all glance across the room. We're silent for a few seconds before erupting in a fit of giggles. The door slowly opens, taking our attention and I groan, "Speak of the devil."

Chase strolls in with a brunette girl behind him. She stands rim-rod straight by the door as Chase walks across the room and swipes his wallet from the drawer of his bedside table. As it was Friday, students were allowed to leave school grounds and have to return by ten o'clock on the dot. Most students usually just head down to Maddison, the nearest town, if they are privileged enough to keep a car here.

Student cars are locked in a parking lot at the back of campus that remains locked for the entire school week until the weekends. It's guarded by two security guards that are apparently super easy to persuade.

The young girl was staring at us with big brown eyes. She must be at most a junior because I haven't seen her in any of my classes.

I frown at her, "Uh, hi?"

"Don't talk to her." Chase instructs as he returns to the girl and places his hand on the small of her back, "Jones here is very simple minded and can communicate with only a few phrases. You'd be making fun of her if you talk to her."

The girl nods in understanding as I throw my middle finger up at Chase.

"Oh, look at that. She can use hand gestures as well." Chase smirks at me, basically pushing the girl out of the dorm room. The door closes behind them and I slowly glance back at Vera and Penelope.

We all scramble to the window and I struggle to open it. I hit the wooden slates a couple times before it opens fully.

"That was Georgia wasn't it?" Penn asks and Vera nods, leaving me utterly confused as I glance back and forth, "Oh, Georgia is a junior and has a big thing for seniors. She's had it since she was a freshman."

"She's gets around more than I do. And that's saying something." Vera chuckles to herself as we gaze down, watching as Chase and this Georgia girl walk out of Elwood Hall below.

"Remember you're curfew darling!" I call out to him as Vera and Penelope giggle beside me. From three floors up, I could see Chase's shoulders tense at my voice and he slowly turns. I smile down at him as he glares over his shoulder, "Nine o'clock! You need time to brush your teeth, put on your jammies and story time!"

I wave my fingers as he completely ignores me, wrapping his arm around the shoulder of Georgia and most definitely trying to get her away as fast as possible.

"You guys are so cute." Vera gushes, her adorable cheeks squished together by her hands. I send her a side-ways glance and she wriggles her eyebrows at me. I shake my head, making a disgusted noise at the back of my throat and I sit back down on my bed, pulling a pillow onto my lap. Vera and Penelope follow, "I'm serious! Am I the only one who can see the chemistry between you too."

"Yes!" I exclaim as Vera rolls her yes, reclining back into Penn's lap as she examines her french tips.

"I mean I kinda see it." Penn shrugs shyly as I huff and sag back against the wall behind me.

I sigh heavily, "Well, if you mean chemistry as in I want to wrap my hands around his neck and squeeze tightly every fucking time I see him, then yes."

"He'd be into that." Vera admit as Penn nods in agreement.

I rest my chin on my hand and grumble, "Of course he would."