

Skye's POV:

I wake up remembering all that happened the day before. My head is resting on a something that I'm not used to. A strong grip is around around my waist. I look at Colton. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. We are both in the same clothing as yesterday.

"Good morning angel." He says making me blush because I was staring at him.

"Good morning Colton"

I try to sit up but I feel him pull me close to him. He quickly is over top of me. Our eyes never lose contact. His piercing blue eyes are staring at me with...lust? I've never seen him like this not even around school. He's never seen with girls actually. None of the guys are.

His lips crash into mine taking me out of my thoughts. His lips are soft and taste like Swedish fish. I'm not sure why but I'm addicted to the taste. Shocks of energy and feelings rush through my body uncontrollably. Our lips move in sync. He pulls away; we are both breathing heavy from what just happened. I close my eyes trying to process what happened.

I feel him jump off of me and start to say, "Ok get up and get dressed. I'll be back here at nine. We are going on an adventure." I quickly open my eyes but he's not there anymore. I look at the clock and see that I

have an hour until nine. I call Ruby and tell her to rush over here.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Ruby screams at the top of her lungs.

"I know." I say pacing around the room. I'm still confuses about everything. Ruby helps me pick something cute to wear for today and she does my makeup. I look amazing.

By the time Colton is back I have huge

anxiety. I walk downstairs and Colton is

talking to my mom. "Hey mom, what are you doing?"

"Oh nothing sweetie, Colton was just telling me your plans for today."

"Yea angel, I wanted your mom to know so she doesn't get worried" As he says this my mom is signing to me, "He's a keeper!"

We walk outside and he has his bike again. "Oh please no." He doesn't say anything. He just holds a hand out to me and I climb on. I wrap my hands around his waist feeling his hard chest. I have a major fear of motorcycles because I was in an accident with my father.

My father is still alive, my parents are divorced because of it.

I hear Colton say, "We're here." I unburied my head from his back and look.

He took me to Disneyland. This has been my childhood dream. I can't believe that he would have an idea like this. He is soft on he inside.

"This is where you tell me I'm your Prince Charming and kiss me." I can't see his face but I know he's smirking. I'm sad that I can't see it because it's extremely attractive.

"Yea maybe in your dreams."

"Oh I know. I did it last night."

I blush. I lay my head on his shoulder. If he's going to be a cocky bastard. I'm going to be a tease. I put my lips right next to his ear. "Well yea know, if you hadn't left so early you might have gotten something more." He chokes on air and he shifts in his seat. Gross but it

makes me feel confident. By now we are in a parking spot and I kiss his ear. This is going to be fun.