
Bad Boy Meets A Good Girl

Our typical nerd girl, Camilla Jones finally finishes high school and moves to college with her best friends, Beth and Gloria. They end up sharing a room with Flynn Ryder, our typical bad boy character. Flynn and Camilla didn’t get along well on their first meeting, because of some reason known to Flynn only. But after Camilla returns from a trip to her state to visit her family, Flynn welcomed her well, to her surprise. He was acting so nice to her that she thought it was all a dream. But after Flynn took her and her best friends out for an apology dinner, they became closer, as friends though. What do you think is the reason behind Flynn’s sudden change??

Loveme_More · Urban
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12 Chs


A voice within me told me to stop but another voice screamed at me to just run and not stop until I reach my room but for some strange reason, I listened to the first voice. I slowly turned around, pointing my flashlight towards where the voice came from and I saw a manly figure walking towards me.

But to my surprise, as the guy approached me, I realized his eyes were actually closed. He was wearing a pair of nerdy glasses and was muttering some incoherent words. He seemed like he was still asleep; probably sleepwalking. I heaved a sigh of relief, placing my hand on my chest. My heart rate that increased earlier slowly began to go back to normal. I turned around and continued walking up the stairs.

Soon, I got to my room. I opened the door and walked through the corridor into the main room, where the bunk beds were.

I couldn't see my roommate anywhere so I thought to use the opportunity of his absence to take a shower and get to bed before he would show up. I rummaged through my bag and brought my pajamas, body wash and towel. I went into the clean bathroom and locked the door behind me. I took off my clothes and went under the shower. The cold water splashed on my skin, making me feel refreshed.

I grabbed the body wash, squirted a little on my glove sponge and began to scrub my body with it. After scrubbing and cleaning myself for a while, I allowed the water wash away the soap foams on my body. I washed my hair with the same body wash, massaging my scalp to get rid of dirt, if there were any.

After rinsing it with water, I dried my body and hair with the towel before wearing my pajamas. I came out of the bathroom and walked towards my bunk bed, climbed on it and closed my eyes, hoping I would fall asleep immediately.

Three weeks passed since my best friends and I came to Columbia University. The lectures were going great, the professors were nice and they had the best and biggest library I have ever seen. The next day after our arrival, we toured the school like we had planned. The area of land the school covered was vast; by the time we finished our tour, we were exhausted.

My roommate had still not told him his name. He was still unfriendly towards me. He was always brought in different girls to the room every day. It was very obvious he was a playboy, which made me dislike him more, aside from the fact that he was still rude to me. It made me uncomfortable; sometimes I would leave the room and go to the library or most times Beth and Gloria's room because I couldn't read with noise they made, that is my roommate and his girlfriends.

One day, I was reading in the room when Rudy, which was what I decided to name him because he was always rude to me, came in with a tall, pretty lady. She looked like she could be a model. They sat on his bed and I could feel the lady's eyes on me.

"Who is she?" I heard her ask.

"Oh, the University made a terrible mistake not building enough rooms so I had to be stuck with the nerd," I heard Rudy said, while chuckling.

This was his same reply to all the girls he brought to the room and they would laugh at me but what this lady did next shocked me. She didn't smile; she said,

"Aw baby, don't call her that. You'll hurt her feelings."

I was shocked. Of all the girls Rudy brought to the room, she was the first one speak nicely about me.

"Nah, don't worry about her. She's probably used to it by now," Rudy said.

I rolled my eyes at his response. I got up from my bed, grabbed my books and was about leaving the room but a voice stopped me.

"I hope you're not leaving because of me," the lady said.

I turned to face her and gave her my sweetest smile.

"No, I forgot I had an assignment to do so I'm going to the library," I said.

"Okay bye," she said, smiling back at me.

I turned back and walked out of the room. I felt bad for the lady; she's getting played by the playboy and she doesn't even know it. Maybe I should tell her, if I see her again. As I walked down the stairs, I thought since the library was far away and I wasn't up for the trek, I should stay at Beth and Gloria's room.

I walked towards their door, knocked on it and walked in. Beth and Gloria were on their beds, just pressing their phones. They looked up to see me and when they noticed my rooms in my arms, Gloria said,

"Again? Don't tell me that jerk is up there with another of his numerous girlfriends?"

"Yeah but this one's nice. She told him not to call me a jerk. She even asked me if I was leaving the room because of her," I answered.

"Well, she's nice but playboy isn't and I should teach him a lesson," Gloria said, getting up from her bed.

She looked ready to go to my room and have a fight with Rudy. Beth was already on her feet, looking the same way. I just chuckled and asked them to sit down.

"Just forget him; he's a jerk and would always be one. There's no use going to fight with him. It might even make things worse for me," I said.

"Besides I would be getting a new room next week; I'll just keep bearing it till then," I said.

"Yeah, that's true. I almost forgot the lady at the counter said there would available rooms by the end of the month," Beth said.

"Yeah, I can't wait," I said, staring at my fingernails.