

Wyatt a young boy of 16, well built muscular body, nice hair which he changes its color steady you will never know the color of his, got dark brown eye contact, red lips, just call it a sexy looking guy lived with his rich granny who provided all he needed ever since his parents went to rest (die) which made him spoilt. Wyatt's grand mom Mrs cressida owns one of the richest schools in new York, Mrs cressida is a retired teacher. Mrs cressida made a decision of registering her grand son Wyatt in her school ROSEY GOLD HIGH, she never liked the fact that her grand son was far from her in a boarding school and she was damn tired of reports from the school authority about her grand son molesting girls. Alizeh is a young pretty average height girl of 15 with a shinny brown hair, brown eyes, pink lips, neatly curved hips and nice butt. Alizeh lives with her rich parents and lived comfortably but alizeh never showed off, you could only see richness in her crazy dress sense, her looks and the way she styles her hair. Alizeh attends Rosey gold high and she never had a friend if not lux her only friend who understands her mode, alizeh is a very calm girl but strict and mean. Alizeh having only one friend and talks to no one never stopped her from having an enemy. Cyrus the head of the red lipstick girls never stopped making alizeh's life miserable, because she thinks her eagle and pride will fade because of her, not until Wyatt as every girls prince charming came.

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The next person came forward with a flower and I also gave her a cool his because the flower was pretty.

I took the gifts from all the girls and gave them kisses as they left happily.

Them this is really cool I thought as I opened the cookie, the aroma raised Esme's head as he sat up.

"What?" I asked harshly

"Gimme some cookies" he pouted like a kid

"No!" I replied as I took a bite of the crunchy cookies and looked out of the window to see alizeh and lux come down from a pink BMW.

I peered through the window to see the class they where gonna go to as suddenly Cyrus cart walked to them with her team making crowd of students to cover my view of a alizeh and lux.

What's really going on there, Esme said those crazy girls are bullies and Ali is mean so I guess they can suit their self they are girls so I don't give a fuck.

"Wyatt come escort me to my locker" Esme said

"Why will I keep my bag?" I asked

"You will be given a locker off course" he said he stood up heading to the exit door as I followed him.

We walked to the locker roll, they where lots of students peering into their lockers guess arranging their books and cleaning the lockers.

I watch Esme as he arranged his books very well, his locker was really cool he pasted Justin biebers pictures and stickers on it and also ronaldo's stickers.

Really cool then, where will I keep my bag right now I could just keep it in his locker for now before I get mine.

"Esme could I please use your locker for now, I gotta keep my bag" I said

"Sure give it to me"he said as I handed him the bag.

He kept mine and his in the locker closed it and used his index finger to lock it as we walked outside the building.

The scene was now too crowded with lots of noises, I gotta know what's up there…

"Esme don't you think we should know what's happening over there?" I asked

"Sure let's go, those girls could be crazy at times" he said as we walked to the scene…

Gosh I couldn't hear myself…

Alizeh POV

Am back to school to face this bad bitches again, oh no not today my first day in school they really want to ruin it.

I looked at lux, she was already trembling in fear I felt pity for her.

"Is queen Ali scared?" Cyrus asked as she held her waist stylishly

"Scared of me!" She added

"Cyrus could you stop making a scene her and be reasonable for once?" I asked pissed off about the much crowd and shout outs

"Awwn queen Ali is now begging" she said in a wicked laugh "Why don't you find your way out after all your fearless bestie lux is here" she said as she laughed hard making me look at lux as she kept shaking in fear, I could see some sweat on her face.

"Cyrus get out of my way else you won't like my action" I said suddenly angry

"Or else the bitch will slap me" she said as every body laughed hard, I held lux hand as I pushed Cyrus and the red lipstick team out of the way making them stagger.

Gosh those girls are really full of them selves, if I didn't take a quick action they would have molested me as they normally do, I don't have to be cold anymore I gotta be me.

I heard some students cheering me up…

Ali loved your action!!

I never knew she was really that mean

Ali you have always been the best

I just love her life style, mean but calm

The red lipstick girls are really full of them selves

She brought down their eagle

Ali kisses to you

Shout out to Alizeh!

I scoffed on hearing the comments, so annoying high school students are really crazy, suddenly behaving as if I saved the world.

We walked to our locker, lux locker was next to mine, and it was decorated exactly girlishly.

She had the world best Korean makeup artist picture on her locker named Kim nana, Barbie's pictures, Taylor swift her best musicians pictures.

It was a typical girlish locker…

We arranged our books and cleaned the locker, lux added some new stickers and removed the old once, we locked the lockers and walked out as we heard the gathering alarm ring making every students run to the hall.

I sighted Esme and that crazy guy at the party, he was actually walking sluggishly while Esme tried making him run.

Seems that girl doesn't know the wrath of been late at gathering I thought as I scoffed hard and ran to the hall.

We got to the hall and sat quietly,the hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

We waited patiently for the coordinator and finally she came it was aunt cress, she greeted everyone in a smile and gave a quick speech and finally dismissed us.

We all routed to our classes sat waiting for the teacher, that guy is even in my class gosh this is gonna be hard, he sat at the last roll with Esme while I and lux sat on the front sit second roll so we had a close eye contact.

But how come did he know Esme, maybe he is quick in making friends whatever…

Finally the teacher Mr Pablo, his a really cooperative teacher every student loves him.

Immediately he kept his text book the red lipstick girls walked in sluggishly to the back sit leaving Mr Pablo in awe.

"Hey, you girls should stop there!" He said in anger

"What?" Cyrus asked sluggishly

"You are asking me what, so mannerless just walk out of my class!!" He shouted in anger making Cyrus glare at him in anger

"Cyrus is out!" She said as she snapped her fingers and walked out of the class with her team.

What a girl!, what does she really think she is I didn't even see the red lipstick girls at the hall, she should just leave this school.

The class suddenly became noisy after Cyrus and her team left.

Wyatt's POV

I love that Cyrus of a girl, she doesn't care at all look what she acted here.

I looked at Ali she wasn't even making eye contacts with me as I thought,she so engrossed on whatever she was discussing with lux.

"Wyatt please stand up for every one to see you" Mr Pablo said

"Am sorry I don't wish to stand" I replied sluggishly

"Alright, your wish is my command" he replied in a smile "students, meet Wyatt a new student of rosey gold high although he is not just a students but he owns the school" he announced leaving the students in awe.

Everyone was left in shock as I saw lux stand from her sit

"But sir I don't understand what you meant by he owns the school" lux said

"I don't have to explain, all you have to do is to give him respect" he said making me smile as I looked at Ali, she looked back at me as I winked.

She glared at me in a very scary way that made me close my eyes.

Gosh what a look, so scary she doesn't behave like she looks I thought as I stylishly looked at her notice she and lux laughing so hard.

Guess she told lux arrgghh, am gonna skin that bitch alive.

"Wyatt please make a choice of locker you would use" Pablo said making me smile in a nod

"I need alizeh's locker" I said as she stood up in shock

"Huh!!" She shouted "so sorry sir but its not possible" she added

"He just made his choice" Pablo said

"Sir this has never happened before and it can't happen now" she said said in anger "I will call aunt cress and report this shit to her" she said as she peered into her phone and finally placed the phone on her ear.

She has grannies number, does she know her wish granny won't ruin this.

☎Aunt cress I don't understand what's going on, a new guys what's to take my locker and Mr Pablo is in support this shit☎ she said in anger

Did she just refer me as a new guy??

☎Okay☎ she said and handed the phone over to Mr Pablo

Hmm I don't understand this guys, granny shouldn't ruin this…

☎Alright ma'am☎ he said and ended the call as he looked at me

"follow me" he said as I followed him

He showed me my locker and it was quit different from others but I wasn't really happy.

I Opened the locker with my finger but it didn't work that was when I noticed that it was a voice lock.

I opened the locker, I saw books already arranged in it, and black pink girls pictures and also BTS dudes guess granny kept it for me really cool….

I took a book and left to the class, now I gotta sit at a place and fucking learn

Alizehs POV

What was that boy up to!, like seriously he wanted to take over my favorite locker just because the called him the owner of the school which I don't still get.

Nobody dares play with me, worst still I have two troublesome people in a class which means I won't have a peaceful time alone.

I don't mind spanking their asses, that guy and Cyrus has same features they will really make a good couple.

But come to think of it that dude is really too handsome for just a girl not to talk of a slut.

Cyrus might think am after him because I heard what she acted today.

Like seriously I can't go crazy for a guy to that extent not to talk of a bossy guy, that planned to ruin me at my first of resumption.

I won't forgive neither the red lipstick girl nor that crazy guy.

finally it was break time, we quickly rushed out of our classroom's kept our books and left for break.

I and lux walked hand in hand to the convenience store.

©by Pop Precious