
Bad Blood: Villains Love

UPDATED SUMMARY!!! [ Mischevious darlings ] Born as the Daugther of Marquess from a most prosperous kingdom that hailed from the Haelan Empire. She was born to have a brighter feature, glory, and all of the beauty in the kingdom of Atharta. Nonetheless, a feature determined to be a Queen ruling the kingdom. Adelaide ---- was betrothed by the Crown Prince from birth. But there were also unexpected obstacles she has yet to face. Little did she know there would be another rising star outshining her light, and stealing every future she had. Now known as a "wicked wench" by all the people, she lost her dignity and hope for anything. Heartbroken, anguish, and bitter betrayal she experienced all at once. She was almost usurped by the troublesome corrupted that took advantage of her broken heart until she was saved by one of her known enemies. Damien Von Heinrich is such a bright and extravagant character. A powerful man who was taking a liking to her ever since. Adelaide could not help but always reject every advance on him because all his lineage flows in his blood. But in the end, they become an ally till her heart beats to him. ------------- Hate to Love // Enemies to Lovers Royal Affairs // Medieval Times Romance // Slowly developed romance. Mystery//horror of some part

caeslesta · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Once the Lumiria Flower blooms...

" Camilla? I ought to think you were not gonna step in the grounds of this camp? Moreover, you also promised me." he frowned at his twin sibling, striding nigher to his desk, and stooped down from his presider. Damian was already tired of dealing with some matters, and his sister even visits him in a dangerous place. It has made his anxiety peak.

Camilla, on the other hand, was remaining calm and smiling at her brother. What a poor guy, she thought. " Pardon. My bad, brother. It seems some promises are meant broken," she spoke as if she was remarking him a hint. She solely appears to enjoy her stay in the camp. The young man can only lament, a bothersome to see his sister. It was dim and dark, and they barely can see each other's faces. His index finger runs through the lamp, leading his hands to touch, and he chanted a spell

"Lux in Lucerna," he commanded as a small and mild fire manifested on his fingertips. The empty lamps unexpectedly light up the entire tent with luminosity.

The young lady was still fascinated at her brother's magic mastery, as sincerely she admired him. Even though they were twins, and she was still far from Damian's level. He was, after all, a graduate of Ekraenmonia Academy, a prestigious school for mages it is. However, she was only a novice of sorts in magic.

" You could have just waited till I got home, Carla. These boundaries are dangerous, within these tracts corrupted lurks in the daylight," his serious complexion earned Camilla to raise her brows.

" Do you think I'm weak brother?" her arms sway to her hips from her shawl " No," Damien promptly conceded and making an effort to wipe his blood from his forehead. It was true she was never weak in his sight, but even so, corruption is not something to take it easy.

" Then why thou doubting my strength? I can defend myself, and I even bring some myriad of protection spells!" she reached out her gold-made pouch at her dark cloak as she reveals the insides. White mystic dust emits a positive aura. He scoffs at the sight.

" So what is your matter then?" he asked, eyes furrowed.

" Father has presided over me to be in thou assistance, so I, of course, forcibly came here even if my research is needed to be abandon for a few days!"

So it was his Father, the Duke has made her dear sister come in the first place. 'That nasty old man," the young man snickered irritatedly.

" Go back to the Adaniane Mansion, ones shall know the dangers ahead, enthusiasm is not the answer for a warrior in this unending conflict," he mumbles to her, only assuming Carla can understand what he meant. But she only looks with a disappointing face at him. The sun shone brightly, and Camilla's appearance can see visibly. Hair coloured like ashen hue, and a touch of pink skin. Eye for eye, both siblings flash at each other from their mulberry locks.

She may be a woman, but she is never a weakling, and Camilla knew that.

" I, The Daughter of a Heinrich heir, Camilla Rossane Von Heinrich, A researcher. Born with a pure spirit, I shall not be set on shadow and my noble self shall bring the light from the corruption!" " And I won't bring you down, brother!" urge herself to promise, such poetic words burst from her mouth.

Damian takes out his distress, and there was no other way to push his dear sister even after her vow. He looks at Camilla, her glimmers with determination. It was his loss. " Do as you please, but remember this, I will be held no blame if you've been hurt," his hands pressed to his cheeks as he turns away his gaze from the knights coming back from their war, bloodily fierce shouts with their victors and wearing with ironclad armour. The young woman beams with joy. She can finally take analysis from their enemy.

" It seems you have trained those peoples in a hell way, brother." she noticed her brother peers the army.

" If I would not have trained them ferociously, neither one of them would ever come home with their pity souls," Damian said in a low and husky voice, lazily answering his sister. " Well, I should take my leave. I shall take my preparations for my laboratory," Camilla walks away from the camp, and the ashy mist got thicker as the cloaked lady vanished to the thin ear.

Damian sighed out with relief, " Ah, Finally! she's gone," he exclaimed from exhaustion. He took out a careful and quick stretch. " Close," the young man commanded, waving his index finger, and the doors in his tent closes.

But before the last door closes, a big eagle rushes to come in, carrying a black paper between his beak. " Oh? that achieved early as I predict it would," he thought in amusement. Damien did have a good job picking his loyal subjects. Everything is going according to the plan he made.

The eagle landed on his arms, and the paper it brings falls from his desk. " Master, I have finished the order you gave me. What should be your next order?" the eagle spoke.


" Lady Adelaide, what a becoming flower you have received! I am quite curious what kind of flower it is, hence the quality," the botanical fairy exclaimed from the excitement the fairy saw. A rose-like flower and glows like a moon at night? Sign her up!

" So this flower must be rare; it must be a flower owned by those Celestials..." she gazed at the luxurious flower, drinking a herbal tea made from the fairy to ease her mind from the vivid dream. " It must be, they owned endless of a mystical unknown from their Realm," the fairy assumed and helping the young lady by massaging her head to soothe her nerves.

" I felt a strange feeling from this flower that I cannot fathom,"

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Help me got into the rankings~~

I am deeply sorry for not taking a daily update, I do have some matters to take from my outside world. Im terribly sorry, I shall post more story these days.

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