
LUKE: The Bukayo Story

I have the man selling bukayo to thank for being at the right place at the right time. I wasn’t really thinking about buying anything when I peered out of the bus window but when I saw him, something just clicked. I wasted no time in getting up and buying one bag each for Mace and myself. The moment was too perfect to pass up and I know I’d only regret it if I didn’t give in to my impulse.

And judging from the look of surprise and delight on her face when she saw it, I made the right decision. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be given the chance to do things that would bring that huge smile and mirth from Mace. After what she’s been through with me while we were still together, I really am eager for a chance to make up for everything I did.

The bukayo thing with me and Mace happened the summer we first went to Badian. We were on our way back to the city and the bus was at its usual stopover area at Carcar. I saw vendors selling the popular delicacy and decided to buy one bag for us to share.

I should’ve known the moment I gave the bag to Mace that she had never seen a bukayo in her entire life. And once I found out about that, I shouldn’t have been surprised. Because with her, that’s actually considered a normal occurrence as there are a lot of food and delicacies she has never bothered to taste at all. I already had an idea of this before but still, when she said she didn’t know what a bukayo is, I still felt shocked. I mean really, who doesn’t know this delicacy at the age of 16 years old?

After staring at her incredulously for a few seconds, I gave a hoot. “Oh wow,” I said shaking my head in amazement. “You mean this is going to be the first time you’ll get to taste it?”

Mace looked at me with confusion. “Why? Is that so strange?”

“Yes!” I answered with a laugh. “Everybody knows what it is Mace… it’s a popular Carcar delicacy afterall!” I held out one to her. “Here, try one!”

Mace eyed the bukayo I’m holding like it was some sort of alien life form. “What exactly is that anyway?” she asked her tone wary.

“It’s sweet coconut,” I answered promptly. Taking a bite from the one I was holding, I gave her a smile. “Mmmm, delicious! Really sweet and delicious!”

She was still looking at the bukayo with suspicion.

Right then and there, I decided that it was my mission to make Mace eat as many foods, vegetables and fruits that I could. She was the pickiest person I’ve ever met in my life. Before this incident, I found out she doesn’t eat mangoes (it seemed like the only fruit she ate were bananas) and peanuts. The latter I can understand but seriously, who doesn’t eat mangoes for goodness sake?!? It was no wonder Mace got sick easily. She has no speck of minerals and vitamins in her body!

Knowing that this task I gave myself would be no easy feat, I gave Mace my most charming smile and handed her another bukayo. “C’mon, just try one,” I coaxed. “I have a feeling you’ll actually like this.”

She took the piece I was holding out and gingerly took a bite. As she chewed on it, her face slowly broke into a smile. Without saying anything, she held out her hand to me, a clear sign of asking for more.

I gave a silent sigh of relief and happily gave her another piece.

We sat back on our seats comfortably, my arms around her shoulders and feeding her another bukayo while my other hand held the bag in between us. I looked down and touching my forehead to hers, I gave her a bright smile. “It’s a success for me so far!”

Mace touched her nose to mine. “Success with what?”

“Making you taste something new,” I answered, nuzzling her nose back. “I’m making it my life’s mission to make sure you taste something new and eat healthy every day.”

Mace leaned back in surprise. “Wow, that’s some mission you got there,” she said with a laugh. “You do realize that won’t be easy right?”

I pulled her closer. “Yup, I expect that but I think it’s one of the reasons why God made us meet,” I said mischievously. “You need me to make you healthy!”

Mace looked up into my eyes. “I’m touched,” she said dramatically. “I didn’t know you cared for me that much."

I didn’t answer. Instead, I planted a lingering soft kiss on her lips and said ever so softly, “Believe it.”

My thoughts of this favorite memory with Mace felt so real that I could still hear her laughter after declaring my life mission to her. We were so happy then, I thought. I wonder if we would have a chance to be like that again.

Mace was humming along, listening to her CD beside me. I took a peek at her and saw that she was sitting back with her eyes closed. I can’t help but marvel at how innocent she still looks when she does that. There was nothing I want to do more than kiss her right then and there, without a care of who would see us.

I realized then that even when four years have passed, my feelings for her have never diminished. Maybe set aside for a while or kept hidden in an attic somewhere in the chambers of my heart but it was still there, just waiting for the right moment to beat again.

And no doubt about it, that unmistakable erratic tempo is beating again.

By hook or by crook, I’ve got to win Mace back. This chance of being with her at Badian the second time may be the universe going along with what I wish. And I’ll take it as a good omen.

I don’t know how I’ll do it or what to say to make it happen but if there’s one thing I know about Mace, it’s the fact that she likes sweetness, thoughtfulness, surprises and the little things that show you actually cared to notice what she likes, who she admires and when special and meaningful occasions happened.

If the Mace I have fallen so in love with hasn’t changed, then I still stand a chance, somehow right? There might be something left in her heart that still has feelings for me, right?

I sound like a fool, I know, but what I would give for any reassuring word the heavens could show me right this moment. However, as the saying goes, “Faint heart never won fair lady,” so it’s time for this knight to take up his sword and win the love of his life back.

“Banigan!” the booming voice of the driver suddenly called out.

I blinked, not realizing that we have actually arrived. So lost was I in my thoughts that I hadn’t noticed our surroundings. As it was already getting dark, I checked my watch. The time said it was a quarter past 5:00 PM. We made it in time just for dinner.

Mace stood up beside me, stretched her arms out and immediately put on her backpack. “We’re here at last!” she said excitedly. “I can smell the fresh provincial air!”

I smiled at her enthusiasm. Standing up to collect my bags from the bin, I started walking on the isle and she followed. Mom and Kate were getting their bags from their bin too.

“Mace,” Kate called out. “Let’s go together!” Mace obediently stopped walking and waited for Kate to finish buckling her bag and off they went bounding down the bus steps together, walking towards my grandparent’s house located just at the side of the street.

Mom fell in step beside me and I immediately took one of the heavier backpacks away from her and hung it on my shoulder. “You were happy to be beside her,” she said simply. Not a question but a statement. Yep, my mom can read right through me.

“Yes,” I answered honestly. “Happier than I ever thought I would be.”

“Do you still love her Luke?” she asked quietly.

I inhaled sharply at my mom’s blunt question. “Don’t say that out loud Ma!” I exclaimed. I looked around to see if Mace was within ear shot but to my relief, she was quite far from us already. “She might hear you.”

“Tsk, tsk,” she said disapprovingly. “Isn’t that the whole idea in the first place? To make her know you still love her?”

My mom can be really so blatant at times.

“Yes Ma,” I said trying to keep the frustration out of my voice. “But I don’t want her to find out that way.”

“How do you intend to tell her then?” she asked.

“I’ll court her again,” I answered. “when the timing is right.”

Mom raised her eyebrows and gestured towards the direction where Mace and Kate were going. “Well, the right timing is now,” she said dryly. “Look who’s talking to your object of affection!”

My eyes quickly followed Mom’s arms and saw Mace standing and laughing with a tall, dark and (as much as I hate to admit it), handsome boy who looked absolutely delighted to see her.

I clenched my fist and glowered at my childhood friend, who I happen to know has been harboring a crush on Mace for the longest time.

Aldrich, I thought with dread and annoyance. What the heck is he doing here?