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Mark had always been fascinated by history, but never had he expected to experience it firsthand. He was a successful businessman, always busy with work and hardly had time for himself. But one day, everything changed.

Infant_Immortal · Eastern
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25 Chs

Chapter 17: Religion and Spirituality

As Mark continued to explore the culture of feudal Japan, he realized that religion and spirituality played an important role in the lives of the people. Takeshi took him to various temples and shrines, where he learned about the different beliefs and practices.

Mark was fascinated by the way the Japanese people blended different religions and spiritual practices. He saw how they would pray at a Shinto shrine and then visit a Buddhist temple. He also learned about the concept of kami, the spirits or gods that were believed to inhabit everything in nature.

He realized that religion and spirituality were not just about following a set of rules, but they were also a way to connect with the divine and to find meaning in life.