
Back To 2001: Becoming The Richest Man Alive

"When Jiang Bei returned to the year 2001, he realized it was easy to make a fortune. However, the first problem he faced wasn't how he was going to make his first fortune, but how to save his marriage, his wife and his daughter's lives. At that time, he was still a bastard who beat his wife, a gambler, and a drunkard. He even single-handedly caused the biggest tragedy of his life. Now that God had given him another chance, he had decided to give his wife and daughters the best life he could offer. He had taken up the role to fight for his broken family."

Owner Of Ziyuan · Urban
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40 Chs

Jiang Bei’s Business

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

In front of the small stall, someone finally came forward and asked,

"How does it work?"

"5 yuan for a net, 10 yuan for three. You can keep as many fish as you can get," Jiang Bei answered.

"Then if I take all these fish, won't you suffer a great loss?" The man laughed heartily.

"It's not that simple. This paper is very fragile." Jiang Bei smiled and shook his head. He did not avoid answering.

This was not only an honest answer, it also aroused the man's competitive spirit.

At this time, the child beside the man also said, "Mommy and daddy, I want to play with this! I like these small fish!"

"Okay, give us three nets!" The man took out 10 yuan from his wallet and handed it to Jiang Bei. Jiang Bei received the money and handed over three small nets that he had just made.

The little boy was not very good at it. He took the small net and fished around in the fish tank. He had just caught a small fish when the net broke.