
Back To 1995

In America in 1995, the flame of the Internet had just been ignited, mobile phones were still bricks, and Hollywood movies had not yet entered the era of special effects. All these will enter another era due to the appearance of Song Yang. Some media exclaimed that he is a new generation of Howard Hughes, just like what Hughes did back then, leading the trend and making countless people crazy, and Song Yang was worse than the original Hughes, he changed. an era. But for the media’s comments, Song Yang just left a sentence, “I’m just me, history will give the answer!”

Sundayig · Realistic
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50 Chs

Chapter 3: things are different

Song Yang's body's instinctive reaction, he can know how the original body feels about this thing, it can be said that he hates it so much.

   On the contrary, now that he has Song Yang, he doesn't have much feeling for Stanton. If it wasn't for his baseball, Song Yang probably wouldn't have come here.

   Stanton's stature is quite tall and burly, and those who don't know at first glance think that he is playing rugby, but compared to Song Yang, in terms of appearance, Stanton is more like a bear.

  Only someone like Stanton would be fooled by a tea master like Ibera to get along with Song Yang, otherwise anyone with a discerning eye would be able to know who the girl should choose between Song Yang and Stanton.

   As soon as they saw Stanton entering the school baseball team's training ground, everyone in the baseball team looked at Stanton.

Stanton walked towards Song Yang, and the baseball coach Mark also looked here. Stanton blushed and looked at Song Yang with a face full of uneasiness. He didn't want to apologize to Song Yang, but he remembered what happened yesterday. , and what Gleek said to his family, Stanton had to apologize to Song Yang in a barely audible voice in front of the entire baseball team.

   But looking at Stanton's aggrieved face, he knew that he was not so reluctant, and it was naturally Greck who could let him come.

Although it's just a small lawyer, picking up the Stanton family is very easy. It's nothing more than threatening to sue Stanton and so on. Even if he can't go to jail, it can ruin Stanton's road to college, and he The future of the family, etc.

Like Song Yang, Stanton and the rest of the baseball team all hope to win the favor of elite schools through baseball games, and have never been recruited directly. If they are lucky enough to enter the Major League Baseball and become a star, that is enough to change. the fate of a family.

   If this road is ruined, it will be a huge blow to the Stanton family. So many years of hard work will be in vain. This is also the reason why the Stanton family is willing to compensate. This shows the role of lawyers here.

  No one wants to offend a lawyer like a vulture, even if Greg is an unknown little lawyer, staring at the Stanton family's taxes and other problems can make it impossible for the family to live.

After    finished speaking, Stanton stared at Song Yang, "I will never let go of Ibera!"

  Song Yang looked at Stanton and waved his hand casually. He really didn't have the heart to care about a tea master with Stanton, but in Stanton's eyes, this was Chi Guoguo's disregard and provocation.

"Starting from today, both of you will be transferred to the bench. If something like this happens, just disappear from the Devers baseball team!" Old Mark roared at Song Yang and Stanton with a bad expression. The fighting within the team is undoubtedly a challenge to the head coach's authority in the locker room. Even the locker room can't be controlled, so what kind of games are played.

   Hearing that he was going to be transferred to the bench, Stanton opened his mouth wide and his face was full of frustration. This was a big blow to him, but Song Yang didn't feel anything.

   On the school baseball team, Song Yang used the equipment of the baseball team to do basic training. Ever since he got sick in his previous life, Song Yang has never been sweating like this.

When Song Yang was at the training ground, several waves of people came to see Song Yang, mainly Devers girls. Originally at Devers High School, the most popular player was definitely the one on the football team. Help people, but since Song Yang joined Devers' baseball team, the popularity of the baseball team, especially among Devers girls, has skyrocketed.

The girls who came to watch the training on the side of the baseball team's training ground basically focused on Song Yang. Without comparison, there would be no harm. Compared with the rest of the baseball team, Song Yang's appearance is undoubtedly far beyond A big chunk.

Seeing this scene, Stanton could only do strength training even more helplessly. He was used to it, just like Ibera who first started chasing after him, but when Song Yang appeared, Ibera followed suit. Song Yang was in a fiery fight.

   Stanton could only stare at Song Yang with bitterness and hatred, and then continued training with a humming, as if preparing to use a baseball bat next time to blow the next opponent's forehead.


   When Song Yang just came off the court to rest, he immediately handed a bottle of water to the side, Song Yang looked up, and his eyes lit up.

The person in front of him is more than 1.6 meters tall, with long pale blond hair. He is not as thin as those celebrities. His facial features are very delicate, his lips are slightly thick, and his face has pear eddies when he smiles. Similar, the key is that the body is much more broken than Daniel Campbell.

   Compared to the girl in front of her, Ibera, the master of tea art, is basically a skinny sparrow, except that she dresses up a little hotter.

  I don't know if it was influenced by the original body. Song Yang, who considers himself a gentleman, looked up after seeing the majestic girl in front of him, "Jenny?"

   Hearing Song Yang mention her name, Jenny, whose face was a little red, still sat beside Song Yang.

"Are you all right, Song?" Jenny saw that Song Yang didn't participate in the team's training, and looked at Song Yang's head with concern. She heard that Song Yang's head was attacked by the big bear Stanton with a baseball. Fortunately, Song Yang hadn't forgotten her yet.

  Song Yang said vaguely, "There is some influence, it may take me a while to get back to my state!"

Even if you don't plan to rely on baseball to get into a famous school, you can't do it overnight. If you want to quit, you have to put the **** on Stanton. If you want people to mention Song Yang, it's a pity that it's because of Stanton. A genius comparable to Rivera, sadly left the baseball world.

Looking at Jenny who was sitting with Song Yang, the girls around the training ground didn't know how many times they scolded Bi Chi in their hearts. They felt that Jenny was taking advantage of Song Yang's injury, but unfortunately, they Why didn't you take the chance.

"I participated in the interview for the School of Art of Southern Methodist University, and I don't know if I have a chance to enter!" Jenny said to Song Yang with excitement. Southern Methodist University is the center of Texas and a group of middle- and upper-middle-class white men in the South of America. The college of choice for families.

Now that Song Yang and the others have graduated from high school, it has only been less than half a year. Naturally, they have all started to look for colleges on their own. As for those who say that Amelia and college do not depend on their families, they are basically bullshitting. It doesn't matter if the family is just about the recommendation letter. Without the endorsement of powerful figures, countless prestigious schools have closed their doors.

   "Song, which university are you going to go to?"

   Hearing Jenny mention this, Song Yang had a headache and could only shake his head. Now it's not a question of which university Song Yang wants to go to, but where he can go.

   "I'm still choosing!"

  In the baseball training ground, Song Yang and Jenny became familiar with each other. Compared with Ibera, Song Yang was more willing to contact Jenny.

   Looking at Song Yang and Jenny who were fighting so hot, Old Mark couldn't stand it anymore and called Song Yang away.

   Song Yang and Jenny said a few words, and after leaving the phone, they followed Old Mark to the office of the training ground.

"Song, you need to get back in shape as soon as possible, you only have half a year left, and if you can't let the scouts of the NCAA college baseball team who are watching the game take a look, you will lose the college baseball team recruitment, and you won't be able to get a scholarship! "Old Mark has a lot of forehead lines on his face, and his hair is a little gray. It can be seen that he has put a lot of effort into the baseball team.

Old Mark's most glorious moment was when he was on the school baseball team in college, and won the state baseball championship. Although he lost in the NCAA Baseball Championship World Series, he was considered a genius, but because of Old Mark's talent, he was not able to Entering Major League Baseball and becoming a professional baseball player can only squat as a coach on a high school baseball team.

Song Yang was recruited by Old Mark to the school baseball team. Of course, he knew how talented Song Yang was. In fact, the talents of the entire DeVry school baseball team were not too high. There was no way to recruit and train talented players. In terms of money, in Devers's state, it is very difficult to raise a baseball team.

  Although it is a bit difficult to enter the professional baseball league, there is still a chance to get into college by relying on baseball. Old Mark doesn't want Song Yang to waste such an opportunity.

Seeing Song Yang leaving the office, Old Mark sighed deeply. Just now he saw that Song Yang didn't seem to be so enthusiastic about baseball. Originally, he only needed a few hits to make Song Yang excited. The girl at the training ground was seen as Wuwu, but now it seems to be useless at all.

In the next few days, Song Yang's life seemed to be stabilized. He went back and forth between Devers School and Greck's house every day. In his studies, except for mathematics, the other subjects were a mess. Although he was still on the school baseball team, Song Yang was more of a Go there for a workout and then have a relationship with Jenny.

   Song Yang has a thorough understanding of the present, but the more he understands, the more helpless Song Yang feels.

   Song Yang is undoubtedly the most familiar with the technology industry, and through the information collected in the past few days, Song Yang has an understanding of the current technology industry.

   It is now 1995. Microsoft and Cisco have just been selected into the Nasdaq constituent stocks. Although they have become representatives of the technology industry, they are far from becoming the overlords of the global industry.

  Even in America, the Internet is still just a concept. It mainly serves offices, not the public and entertainment. Microsoft and Cisco have the highest market capitalization in the technology industry. Apple is now making soy sauce.

As for several companies with the concept of the Internet, that makes Song Yang even more helpless. He has never heard of it. The companies with the highest market value on the Internet are the WEB company responsible for website hosting, and an online house rental company. The Springer Group, the digital publisher of the third largest internet company.

As for those tech giants that Song Yang has heard of in later generations, I haven't seen any of them. Yahoo is still called the Internet Navigation Guide, and Amazon is still not there, not to mention Google, Facebook, etc., but Song Yang is there. I have seen it on an economic channel on TV, reporting on the rising star Netscape of Silicon Valley.