
Back to 1892, Back to Him

Lily never liked history, as well as her professor in that subject too. She hated history because for her, studying the past is just a waste of time and that we should just fucos on the present. She hated her professor in that subject too because for her, he's only good at his looks and that the other students only attends his class to fantasize and flirt on him. But what if one day, while trying to find a place somewhere in the school library to sleep in, just like what she always does, she accidentally found a hidden room that will transport her back to the past where their current topic in history was about? What will she do if she would just find herself stuck in the past? In someone elses body? As the queen of the ruthless and dictator king who happens to look like his professor in history completely?! -Moonlight Rhythm-

Lilibeth_Yusalina · History
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6 Chs

Childhood Friend

I woke up not because of my alarm clock as usual. I woke up because mom suddenly went inside my room just an hour ago and threatened me that if I won't open my eyes on the count of three, she will be using her megaphone after just to wake me up.

We don't want that, of course! If that happens, it will not just be me who'll surely wake up. The whole freaking neighborhood will be in damn danger! I don't even know up untill now where she got that megaphone of her, and where she used it except everytime she's having a hard time waking me up, and decides to become as my human alarm clock.

Good thing I don't have class today so yes, I can finally stay at home the whole day! If you're an introvert and a certified home body, you know staying at home the whole day is the best thing ever!

But, of course... As a grade twelve student, we are given a lot of school works to do at home even though again, today is supposed to be a rest day. Amazing right? When you're a student, it will literally feel illegal resting without any given task and school works!

I decided to just wear a pair of sleeping pajamas and yes, I just woke up and I just finished taking a bath also but whatever, I'm still gonna stay in bed the whole day so there's no better clothes to wear than a pair of pajamas, right?

After I comb my hair, I immediately went outside my room and headed towards the staircase leading to our living room and of course, I can already smell the delicious smell of our breakfast so I excitedly ran to our kitchen and saw mom and dad chitchatting already on the table.

"Good morning mom! Good morning dad!" I greeted to the both of them as I pulled a chair to sit on and of course, I didn't wasted any time anymore and started eating already.

I can literally feel their eyes scanning me but I just chose to ignore them anyway and enjoyed the food infront of me.

Three, two, one--

"I'll just be reminding you Lily that it's early in the morning." It's mom, here she goes again. "Why on earth are you in your pajamas already?" She asked like it's the most unacceptable thing to do in the whole universe.

I facepalm. "Mom, I'll be home the whole day, specifically to my bed so what else is the perfect clothes that I should wear, right?" I explained to her in the most convincing way possible and just like what's expected, she just sighed in disapproval while dad ended up chuckling.

"What's funny Christian?" Mom asked to him while eyeing him sharply.

Dad stopped and reacted like he just got busted. "What? Well, I just think your daughter has all the points here! I'm with Lily." He announced as he winked at me, witch made me giggle too and made mom more annoyed.

She narrowed her eyes on both of us and dad and I acted like innocent kittens. "You always tolerate Lily that's why she grew up like you!" She accused dad and of course dad immediately responded.

"Oh come on! I did nothing!" Dad denied while raising his arms on the air right now as a sign of him, surrendering.

And just like as always, they end up with their morning quarrel. It's more like, their breakfast than the foods serve on the table itself. The morning isn't complete without them arguing about something but, it's not like a 'fight' because dad always laughs while mom is left annoyed for the rest of her life.

Mom and dad are both Archeologist and yes, they're those people who travels everywhere just to discover some history artifacts and such. Isn't it the most funny thing ever? Both of my parents loves history and here I am, their only daughter who's completely the opposite of them.

I. Hate. History.

Except for the fact that I hated their job because it's related to history, another reason for me to hate their job is that, they needed to move in different places and of course! I always get dragged with them because there will be no one can take care of me except them!

I just want to go back to Flower City. Where we originally came from and where my friends live. That's why my ultimate goal is to finish grade twelve because I made a deal with mom and dad that after I graduated senior high school, they'll let me go back to Flower City and will finally allow me to live on my own.

Just like what I always do too, I'll just let them be while I enjoy my breakfast. I was just about to take another spoon of rice when mom suddenly turned her head towards me as if she just suddenly remembered something.

"Oh by the way Lily! Did I already told you about your childhood friend before?" She looks so excited. "Can you still remember him? The first friend you had when we got here?"

I let go of the spoon as I looked at her in disinterest. "First, he was the only friend I had in this kingdom. Second, yes I can still remember that idiot who suddenly left without saying goodbye to me and third, what is it about him?" We are not eating ampalaya but gosh, I can literally taste it right now because of the bitterness I'm feeling.

"Oh come on Lily," Dad joined in. "We already told you didn't we? That his family went back to China for him to study there since her mom is actually chinese?"

I rolled my eyes. "Still, he could have just did an effort to say goodbye to me. I waited for him on that damn playground for a whole day!" Yes. I was just twelve years old that time but I'm still mad at him up until now for that! "But he never came and all I know is that he's already on his way to China?!"

Mom and dad looked at each other with both sympathy.

"What kind of friend is that? Leaving without even saying goodbye!" Hmp! Am I acting childish? Because I definitely am! I don't care! For me, that's the first betrayal I have ever experienced in my life...

"Awh, Lily is still hurt, Jane." Dad commented.

Mom sighed. "Well, do you even know the word 'move on'?" Mom asked in sarcasm and I just 'tsked' on her and decided to continue eating again even though I somehow lost my appetite because of the topic.

"Anyway, I just want to tell you that I heard from one of our neighborhood that their family came back already from China just a month ago!" Seriously. Mom never have the words 'stop, you're being insensitive' in her vocabulary.

But I do admit, it caught my attention and I'm now curious as hell!

"R- Really?" I just can't help it! I mean, who wouldn't?

"You're mom's telling the truth Lily, I even heard that he graduated as a teacher in China and is back here in Eclipse to teach instead." Dad stated like a proud dad for him. "I'm not sure about this but they said he's currently teaching in your school as one of the new teachers in there--"

Dad didn't got to finish his words anymore when I ended up choking from the last piece of bacon I was chewing, and is now panicking to get some water.

"A- Are you alright, Lily?" Mom asked worriedly after she just gave me a glass of water.

"I- I'm done eating mom, dad!" I announced to them as I immediately stood up while fixing myself.

"W- What? But--"

"I still have a lot of school works to do dad, see you around!"

After I kissed their cheeks individually and left them completely confused in the kitchen, I am now currently inside my room after I just sprinted like a damn athlete in track in field towards here.

No. Freaking. Way!

I jumped in my bed as I burried my face on one of my pillows.

Seriously?! How?! How come I did not noticed and realized that immediately! A month ago?! I hated his subject that much that I didn't even realized that our new history professor and my childhood friend before has the same freaking name!

Jared Wang Valdez.

So, all this time, I've been interacting with him without even me, having the slightest clue about it?! Unbelievable.


How about him? Don't tell me just like me-- he didn't recognized me anymore too?! Is it possible too?


Maybe he's doing it on purpose? Argh! Damn it! Did we just forgot each other completely? This is insane! So, I finally can explain why I always have this annoyance towards him. It's because it's him! The idiot who suddenly left me hanging alone on the playground that day...

I punched my pillows as I screamed like a mouse in so much stress. I badly want to choke him to death tomorrow in his class!

Now how am I supposed to face him from this day forward?! No. I'll remain the same. Yes. Like nothing. Like him. I'll act like I still don't know him. Yes! Correct. That's the best thing to do...

-Moonlight Rhythm-