
Yunya's Arrival

Someone knocked on the door.

"Enter." Yi Xia's thin lips slightly parted.

Upon receiving permission, Lise immediately pushed the door open and entered.

"What is it?" Yi Xia's gaze fell on her body, slightly raised her eyebrows, and asked a question in reply.

"A woman surnamed Yun is looking for you. Do you want to see her?" Lise's expression was a little hesitant, as he asked in an inquiring manner.

Cloud? Suspicion surfaced in Yi Xia's heart. She did not seem to know someone with this surname, but somehow, she was a little familiar with it.

No matter who it was, she would know the moment she saw him. "Let her in."

"Fine." Lise sighed helplessly in her heart, and could only leave to bring some people over.

Yi Xia turned around and returned back to her office chair, her mind thinking about who this person was.

When Lise mentioned her just now, her expression didn't seem right.