
Visit from a Girl

It was only after staring blankly for a while did Xiao Bai remember that Yi Xia had forgotten about his illness. It simply pursed its lips and said, "It's just an ordinary sickness, don't worry Mommy."

Since Mommy had already forgotten, he didn't want her to know about his real condition. Mommy had been sad for him all day long, but now, he really didn't want her to worry about him anymore.

Seeing Little White's calm face, Yi Xia did not suspect anything and continued to chat about other things.

Unknowingly, Yi Xia and Little White had chatted for a long time. She realized that although her son was very young, he understood a lot of things.

Not long after, Lil 'White blinked its slightly sour eyes, which showed a hint of sleepiness.

Yi Xia noticed the sleepiness under Little White's eyes, and asked with concern: "Sleepy?"

"Yes, a little." Lil 'White rubbed his eyes and said, "But I can't sleep."