
Back in time; angel's magic

James fall was a common boy living in a small town, ostracized by the townsmen because of a mistake he made during the mining of jade stone. his properties seized to compensate for it. force to fend for himself in the outskirts, with a primordial time stone that houses a time spirit. witness his story as the time spirit change his destiny forever, opening him up to a world he would never have experienced, people he has never met, and powers he would have never had.

hiroyalma · Fantasy
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12 Chs

cultivating techniques

James quickly examine himself and found out that his blood flows as if someone that has two hearts, because he could feel his blood flowing from one side to the other. he decided to check out the breathing technique that came to his mind, after taking a deep breath following the breathing pattern that the image teaches him. he found out that the way his doing it maybe he has been doing it all wrong because there was no change occurring in his body, and decided to stop the technique. but suddenly he felt his body becoming warm and the rate of which his blood flows increased the feeling lasted for a couple of minutes before it fades away.

"hahaha what an incredible cultivating technique, with this I could become a real cultivator, with the rate I absorb spirit qi from the spirit jade I could breakthrough to qi constructing realm in no time"

practicing the breathing technique once more, he found out that the flow of qi into his body has increased and he tried to sense the flow of qi in his body. as he focus on the flow of qi in his body he found out that the flow of qi in his body has increased and felt strength filling his body and decided to check his body

"what! I broke through the fifth stage of body constructing! two breakthroughs in a day. what a stroke of luck, this breathing technique is a strong constructing technique but how did this technique appear in my mind or is it the Lord I encounter this morning"

checking himself and feeling the increase in his strength he thought to himself maybe he will be able to fulfill his dream of becoming a constructing qi cultivator and felt happy all the feeling of sadness and despair from yesterday's event was washed away.

"With this becoming a cultivator will no longer be hard, and I will be able to buy my house back and also provide good things for Avery. I will be able to walk proudly with my head held high and people will respect me"

knowing the path he is going to take James fall became filled with determination.but the path of a cultivator is a hard path that is filled with lot of blood, and need a lot of cultivating resources such as the high quality spirit jade stone but there also other resources that someone needs like spirit herb and spirit beast meat which is rich in spirit qi which can be gotten from the forest but his not strong enough to hunt a spirit beast and he also needs coin to buy spirit pills.

"I think, I will just start digging up the spirit jade stone. with the high quality of the spirit jade I think I will be able to sell for more coin, because I heard uncle Cain saying that the spirit jade is processed before using it. if not it will harm the body, that it's preferable to use spirit beast meat so I will get some weapon after selling the spirit jade stone so that I will be able to hunt spirit beast"

James decided to pick up his pickaxe and continue digging out the jade stone but couldn't find where to put the jade stone after digging it. so he decided to go into the forest to look for vine that he will use to create a basket, after walking for a while he saw several vine so he Sat down to create a basket out of the vine. he thought creating two basket will be good, after creating the basket he went back to the cave to continue digging the jade stone but digging the jade for a while he noticed that the sun will soon set and he has to look for something to eat before sundown. so he stopped digging and decided to go to the stream to catch some fish from the stream, and he took the wooden spare to the stream on reaching the stream he could remember that the fish in the stream are still fast for him to catch.

"ahh! All the fish in this stream is hard to catch, how can I catch a fish from this stream with this kind of speed. being a fifth stage body constructing is not helping me at all I wish I have an attacking technique that I could use to attack this fish"

suddenly two ancient technique appear in his mind causing him to have a big headache" Time Glitch and Time Slice" which he could understand the meaning behind it and how it's used Time Glitch is a technique that makes the enemy malfunction in the aspect of time by going back to previous place it left and followed by Time Slice which will be used to attack The enemy previous place.

"This! what just happened! or is it the Lord doing, my Lord thank you for what you have been bestowed on me and I promise to serve you if you give me a chance"

James knows the value of cultivating techniques, because for someone to give away three great cultivating techniques like his giving out sweet with out asking for anything in return you will be a be fool if you don't grab the opportunity with this he tried to use the technique to catch the fish from the stream he found out that it was easy to use the technique but the constructing qi needed to use the technique is too tasking maybe after getting to qi constructing realm it will be easier for him but luckily he use Time Glitch on one of the fish which causes the rest of the fish to fall into chaos he followed it up with Time Slice.

"wow! this technique is quite effective, I catch six fish at a time I'm quite lucky this time around but the constructing qi needed for the technique is huge maybe with time as my level increases I will be able to use the technique"

after catching the fish, James decided to take his bath before going back to the cave and he noticed that his body became different because he became taller his face looks more manly while looking at his reflection or maybe is his reflection that's playing a trick on him after taking his bath James went back to the cave and roast the fish.

In some part of the town stood a slim girl with ruby eyes, Long hair, and a killer body Avery stood at the entrance of her house lost in thought nobody knows what she's thinking or what she wants to do but suddenly.

"Ah! where is brother James, I have checked all the whole place in the town and also ask some of his co workers but no one wants to tell me where brother James is and I have went to uncle Cain house but his wife said his not around maybe I should go there to ask one more time"

It's already sundown and all the workers want to call it a day but in a dark and shabby looking house lies a man with an unkempt hair wrinkled face laying down while his back was face up on his back are several bloody areas and mark which is looks like the person have been beaten to pop and this person laying down is uncle Cain and at the back of the house there's a woman who is trying to set fire so that she could boil some herbs.

"darling you haven't told me exactly what happened to you, all you keep on saying is James, James, James"

"Isn't that son of a thousand father James, I just gave him a simple instruction to take the wheelbarrow full of spirit jade stone to the main collecting cart. but the imbecile decided to do other wise by pouring it down the cliff making me pay a month worth of wages, and not only me All the workers also and making me receive 10 lashes from the supervisor miles himself, you know how strong the supervisor is with the cultivation of eight stage body constructing realm me a sixth stage body constructing realm can not light even a candle Infront of him"

"I told you to stop this your grudge against the boy you and his father was not in good terms because he was your group leader before he died can't you forget about the past. look at what all the grudge have gotten you to"

"dear is not like I have any grudge against the boy. but when you sent the boy he always have one or more excuses to give. his always incompetent and like lazing around, so I have to teach him the hard way, I am doing all this for his own good but it seems the boy himself don't know what it's good for him"

"darling things are not done that way his still a boy I think with time he will learn"

"ahh! spare me that, which part of him is still a boy. except for his strength well that's that so are you done with the herbs"

"no I think it'll takes some time and", "knock, knock, knock "

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