
Chapter 11

“I was. What are you doing here?”

“Running. I do ten miles along the beach.”

“Wished I could join you, but my ankle would never hold up.”

“That’s too bad, Shane. I’m surprised you’re even walking, if you want to know the truth.”

“I wasn’t for quite some time. The doctors in Pittsburgh knew what they were doing.”

“Apparently. The place has a reputation for outstanding doctors and their knowledge of medicine.”

I stared at the man’s massive back as he took his piss: muscled, tapered at his bulky waist, and covered in a large crucifix tattoo. Without even realizing it, I licked my lips. I thought of carrying out the nastiest actions with his built body and releasing a pent load all over his shoulders and the back of his neck.


“Yeah?” I replied, snapping out of the fantasy.

“Come over here for a second.”

“What for?”

“Just come here. I’m not going to bite you.”